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Staten Island Grand Jury Does Not Indict in Eric Garner Case

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I'm telling people to behave not because of image. I'm saying it denigrates a good cause, generalizes it to fuck cops, and instigates police officers around them. Do protesters for Garner really want to deal with tear gas and LRADs because some asshole thought it's justifiable of him to throw a sign at a cop?

A sit in is likely far more effective than a sign thrown at someone's face. I get we're all angry here, but let's not be irrational.

being rational hasn't worked. peaceful protest hasn't worked. voting hasn't worked. WHAT THEN WILL WORK?

Dude was a giant fatass who was resisting.

you can find a better way to say.
He was resisting, but then he begged for his life.

lol, out of owners dont know the BS that went on, because of stop/frisk.

NYPD makes a lot of money and they act like it.


( ≖‿≖)
This might be a dumb question but why did it take 4 policemen to restrain one unarmed man in the first place?

That cant be standard procedure.

Apparently NYPD has squads sent around to enforce dumb laws like this re-selling cigarette shit, so I wonder if they have weapons? Oddly enough, if they did the seemingly more common police thing of backing up and drawing guns on him telling him to get on the ground or something rather than choking and pinning him, things might have ended not so shitty.
Dude was a giant fatass who was resisting.

You have a weird ideal of what constitutes resisting. His hands were up and he was tell those officers he didn't do anything. then he wad attacked from behind.

He wasn't resisting! He was struggling aganst an illegal choke hold!

And your "giant fatass" comments shows exactly what kind of individual you are. The man is dead for gods sake!


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
This isn't wrestlemania.

Resistance is met with force. Had they tazed him and his heart gave out do to his size people would have been up in arms about that.
The first thing the guy does is jump on him into a choke hold, the guy wasent even physically resisting.
This isn't wrestlemania.

Resistance is met with force. Had they tazed him and his heart gave out do to his size people would have been up in arms about that.

But that isn't what happened - he was choked to death. Something that people are rightfully 'up in arms about'.

Not to mention the fact that the guy was barely resisting at all and was at no point being physically aggressive.
This isn't wrestlemania.

Resistance is met with force. Had they tazed him and his heart gave out do to his size people would have been up in arms about that.

What the fuck are you talking about? Have you ever been choked? Struggling aganst someone choking the life out of you is an INVOLUNTARY responce. What world do you live in where any human being doesn't move while being strangled?

That man was lynched plan and simple. But continue to make jokes about it.


Thank god those vest cameras will eradicate this kind of behavior. I mean, with video-evidence, these cops would be proscecuted, right? RIGHT?


I do not live in US, but on the ferguson topic, where most people were enthusiastic about use of cameras on police as a substiute to getting them proper education, training and control, I was that one that wrote that cameras are a poor substitute that will not work as intended, but on the opposite it would/might/probably be the trojan horse so that poor people get to wear cameras IF they want a job or something...
people told me i was dreaming of dystopian stuff... today, I hope that at least the first part of my thesis (cameras wont work, are a very poor substitute to proper education) will be clear to all of those people that didnt like what I said.

i saw the video. you guys still believe that your solution is camera-on-a-cop?
I do not live in US, but on the ferguson topic, where most people were enthusiastic about use of cameras on police as a substiute to getting them proper education, training and control, I was that one that wrote that cameras are a poor substitute that will not work as intended, but on the opposite it would/might/probably be the trojan horse so that poor people get to wear cameras IF they want a job or something...
people told me i was dreaming of dystopian stuff... today, I hope that at least the first part of my thesis (cameras wont work, are a very poor substitute to proper education) will be clear to all of those people that didnt like what I said.

i saw the video. you guys still believe that your solution is camera-on-a-cop?

The footage has giving US a pretty clear cut and dry perspective on exactly what happened, and while justice was very much not served, we all still know EXACTLY what the truth is. Imagine if there was no video of the kid in Cleveland to empirically counter the out-and-out lies of the police, of course nothing good is being done about that either.
I do not live in US, but on the ferguson topic, where most people were enthusiastic about use of cameras on police as a substiute to getting them proper education, training and control, I was that one that wrote that cameras are a poor substitute that will not work as intended, but on the opposite it would/might/probably be the trojan horse so that poor people get to wear cameras IF they want a job or something...
people told me i was dreaming of dystopian stuff... today, I hope that at least the first part of my thesis (cameras wont work, are a very poor substitute to proper education) will be clear to all of those people that didnt like what I said.

i saw the video. you guys still believe that your solution is camera-on-a-cop?

People are doing mass protests in New York because there was a video, so yes.


It's banned in NY.

It's legal in the state, but banned by the department. By performing it, he only broke protocol, but the law (at least that's what they said on CNN; I have yet to look into it myself)

But this point only serves as a distraction, IMO. He KILLED someone using a banned department procedure. Sounds like involuntary manslaughter (criminal negligence) to me.


Cameras are not the solution, it's a solution. One of many that make up a grwater solution. Crimes against minorities won't end over night. Cameras will be destroyed, footage will vanish and altered, people will abuse the system by trying to screw good cops. All this will happen and yet it's a good thing because it's a step in the right direction. People will have a harder time, because vanishing footage is suspicious, especially if it could endanger the cop, not everyone will pull through with manipulation.

I used the example in another thread, but I use it again. Houses have locks to protect what's inside. But locks can be picked, doors and windows bashed in, one can forget tonlock the door. There are many ways to get into a house. And yet we bother to have locks, close door and windows.

It's not the end of all crime, but it helps.


It's legal in the state, but banned by the department. By performing it, he only broke protocol, but the law (at least that's what they said on CNN; I have yet to look into it myself)

Yes, I meant it was banned by NY police department.
Couldn't be bothered editing.


It's banned in NY.
Coroner also arrived to the conclusion it was a homicide which of course is illegal.

Homicide in and of itself is not illegal. Homicide just refers to some killing someone else. If you kill someone during war that is a homicide. If you kill someone in self defense who was trying to kill you that is also a homicide. Here is a pretty good summary.

That said with the video this looks like manslaughter at least.


Homicide in and of itself is not illegal. Homicide just refers to some killing someone else. If you kill someone during war that is a homicide. If you kill someone in self defense who was trying to kill you that is also a homicide. Here is a pretty good summary.

That said with the video this looks like manslaughter at least.

Ah, good point.
I stand corrected :)


People are doing mass protests in New York because there was a video, so yes.
isn't it telling of the really poor condition that we have come to as a society, that people can only get moved by seeing something on a screen? (specific video didnt move the justice system enough btw)

really important videos will be tampered/handled, as all important evidence has been in the past. but please continue thinking that putting cameras in a (partially at the very least) rotten system, will make it fresh..


It's banned in NY.
Coroner also arrived to the conclusion it was a homicide which of course is illegal.

Homicides aren't illegal, murder and manslaughter are illegal.

The officer should have been tried for at least manslaughter.


I want to know what the hell the charge was. Part of the problem is trying to get something that requires too high of a burden (which is pretty suspicious)

Prosecutor: DERP, let's charge him with conspiracy to commit terrorism.
I just saw the video of this and I'm not sure if he was resisting or not. Looks like he was just trying to keep from being slammed onto concrete, but even before that, I thought the two were just talking. He had his hands up(maybe)? Is it an absolute fact he resisted?



All this 'concern' over the actions of the protesters tainting their real message is getting old. Its exploding now. This is how these things happen, unfortunately. You can just hope for saftey of people, and thats it. There isn't a file-form way to have an anger filled protest/revolution.

Mully, you hope people behave because of LRADs. This is missing the point entirely. The time for calm and understanding over this is coming to an end. Its going to be ugly, but what else are people expecting? Worldwide protests are happening, they are violent. Its literally the shit jfk and others have all spoken about.

The idea of black people treading lightly while being at the end of their wits is the most astounding thing to come out of these threads. And every time its just that much more sickening.

The justice system nation wide is broken. Social acceptance of murder is happening as long as its black people. Voting isn't solving the problem, as people don't vote to put murderers in office. Americans should all be upset. They aren't. Voting isn't changing that perception, and that is what is needed to actually do things peacefully. Black people, and I know because I'm one of them, have been on our best behavior. Getting educations, running shit, being president, etc... and still, still people buy the idea that its ok to be killed without a trial because you have hulk hogan strength, demon eyes, or resisting arrest. These are the people folks want to tell to organize peacefully because its not productive. What has been productive? Setting a best foot forward has changed nothing of our perception in this country. Are we supposed to rely on the GOP to allow any of our demands to hit legislation..? When they can't even agree with themselves, let alone anything a brown person is suggesting.

So tired of black people being targeted for the way they are reacting to this. Get used to it. Some people are literally, hysterically upset. Some aren't. People are all different. There is no hive mind. We get to watch what happens when you push citizens to the edge.
Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better unfortunately, because no one else seems to care.

Wag fingers all you want. As if our government/nation/how politics work is providing any realistic solutions.

Does that mean that every officer we see in the streets should be met with a violent response? Should we shoot on sight or try to cause as much damage as possible? I understand why everyone is upset and are right to be so because of the great injustice that took place.

Everyone should be morally outraged that this officer got away with the murder of an innocent man. What I am trying to get to is this, should one injustice be met with another injustice?

Nothing is black and white in this world. Some officers are good and some are bad cops like Darren Wilson, Daniel Pantaleo, etc. The ones to blame are those with political power who have turned a blind eye in these cases. I rather have the people burn down court houses, police departments, or any other symbol that stands for this prejudice. I would rather do that than harm other human beings. It's sad that the only way we could achieve equality is through further violence, because the other side isn't learning anything, they are merely being beaten into submission. If only everyone would join as a whole and recognize the tragedy that happened instead of wasting time picking sides. A peaceful protest could happen under those circumstances but that isn't how things are in the real world. People realize this and have an urge to let go. I don't blame them.

Sorry for my poor grammar


I'm not familiar with the possibly applicable NY statutes, but it seems to me something like reckless endangerment would have been a more realistic charge than some form of manslaughter, in particular if death wasn't a foreseeable consequence in the circumstances. The grand jury likely believed his story that the intention wasn't to use a choke hold, but rather he was just wrestling.


Apparently NYPD has squads sent around to enforce dumb laws like this re-selling cigarette shit, so I wonder if they have weapons? Oddly enough, if they did the seemingly more common police thing of backing up and drawing guns on him telling him to get on the ground or something rather than choking and pinning him, things might have ended not so shitty.

this is something like tax offence... but even if they had guns, what would they do if he wouldnt go with them? Shoot him?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I just saw the video of this and I'm not sure if he was resisting or not. Looks like he was just trying to keep from being slammed onto concrete, but even before that, I thought the two were just talking. He had his hands up(maybe)? Is it an absolute fact he resisted?

He was being choked out. The only "resisting" he did was his body participating in an involuntary struggle for oxygen while the life was being drained from him.

He was not resisting


I'm not familiar with the possibly applicable NY statutes, but it seems to me something like reckless endangerment would have been a more realistic charge than some form of manslaughter, in particular if death wasn't a foreseeable consequence in the circumstances. The grand jury likely believed his story that the intention wasn't to use a choke hold, but rather he was just wrestling.

Someone he was choking told him that they couldn't breathe.....right up until the point where they could no longer breathe.
I'm not familiar with the possibly applicable NY statutes, but it seems to me something like reckless endangerment would have been a more realistic charge than some form of manslaughter, in particular if death wasn't a foreseeable consequence in the circumstances. The grand jury likely believed his story that the intention wasn't to use a choke hold, but rather he was just wrestling.
Did Eric Garner even qualify as human to you? Would you sincerely argue this if the victim were a tiny woman, a teenager or an elderly person? You don't do what that officer did unless you want to kill someone.

End of story
He was being choked out. The only "resisting" he did was his body participating in an involuntary struggle for oxygen while the life was being drained from him.

He was not resisting

I didn't think he was, but I wasn't sure if that was just my knee jerk stance or I missed something upon seeing the video. I only saw it once as well.


Did Eric Garner even qualify as human to you? Would you sincerely argue this if the victim were a tiny woman, a teenager or an elderly person? You don't do what that officer did unless you want to kill someone.

End of story
I'm trying to understand the decision not to indict from the perspective of law. That is all that I'm doing.


Someone he was choking told him that they couldn't breathe.....right up until the point where they could no longer breathe.

Exactly. He repeated he was having trouble breathing 11 times. Even if someone wants to argue it was justified in how he was taken down. The moment the suspect is in distress and is pleading for assistance that's when it crosses any line someone wants to argue was acceptable.


Exactly. He repeated he was having trouble breathing 11 times. Even if someone wants to argue it was justified in how he was taken down. The moment the suspect is in distress and is pleading for assistance that's when it crosses any line someone wants to argue was acceptable.

Not only is death a foreseeable consequence from choking someone (I mean, who doesn't know this?), but he was repeatedly informed that yes, he was indeed KILLING the man.

He didn't have to foresee it. He was being told that it was happening.
I'm trying to understand the decision not to indict from the perspective of law. That is all that I'm doing.

Sounds like you're trying to justify a murder under the guise of playing devil's advocate. If that's not what you're doing, then I apologize. But this thread, the Ferguson thread and the Travon Martin thread were full of advocates for the devil.

Its gets tiresome.


He was being choked out. The only "resisting" he did was his body participating in an involuntary struggle for oxygen while the life was being drained from him.

He was not resisting
When a cop goes to cuff you and you pull away, what is it then?
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