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Staten Island Grand Jury Does Not Indict in Eric Garner Case

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I do not live in US, but on the ferguson topic, where most people were enthusiastic about use of cameras on police as a substiute to getting them proper education, training and control, I was that one that wrote that cameras are a poor substitute that will not work as intended, but on the opposite it would/might/probably be the trojan horse so that poor people get to wear cameras IF they want a job or something...
people told me i was dreaming of dystopian stuff... today, I hope that at least the first part of my thesis (cameras wont work, are a very poor substitute to proper education) will be clear to all of those people that didnt like what I said.

i saw the video. you guys still believe that your solution is camera-on-a-cop?

I agree with you its a shitty solution to the real problem of militarizd police state in the US.

Other than banning guns, I don't know what real solution is there. And thats really impossible in the United States of America.


When a cop goes to cuff you and you pull away, what is it then?

Death warrant, if you're a negro.


This really does put everything into perspective.


When a cop goes to cuff you and you pull away, what is it then?

probably, since he was black, he was terrified of being restrained and being completely unable to fight back against people who recently have been getting away with murdering his people
People are still bringing up the "he was resisting" crap? There were several able-bodied cops there, they could've easily restrained him without resorting to a known lethal technique that has been banned for over 20 years. Or at the very least stopped choking him when he said he couldn't breathe. There's no defense for this shit whatsoever.


People are still bringing up the "he was resisting" crap? There were several able-bodied cops there, they could've easily restrained him without resorting to a known lethal technique that has been banned for over 20 years. Or at the very least stopped choking him when he said he couldn't breathe. There's no defense for this shit whatsoever.

That doesn't mean he wasn't resisting. The cop behind him tried to cuff him and he pulled his arm away, same with the cop facing him.


That doesn't mean he wasn't resisting. The cop behind him tried to cuff him and he pulled his arm away, same with the cop facing him.
Even if that qualified as "resisting arrest" (which would be ludicrous), that doesn't give the police carte blanche to just kill the guy on the spot. With a banned action nonetheless.


That doesn't mean he wasn't resisting. The cop behind him tried to cuff him and he pulled his arm away, same with the cop facing him.

whats your overall point? Its ok to choke someone to death/lie about them still breathing/laugh about it/ because of what you saw in the video?

I mean really? Where are we going to end up?

edit: Didn't they tell the EMT's not to do anything as well.?


That doesn't mean he wasn't resisting. The cop behind him tried to cuff him and he pulled his arm away, same with the cop facing him.

you my friend, you are a victim too. you are a victim of being herded into what is the lowest denominator of dictating your thoughts: white / black
you are a true victim of the system. almost as much as that poor citizen that got murdered.
but of course in a different way. for now.


noncompliance isn't always met with aggression.


Maurice Reeves @MauriceReeves
A college buddy literally shit on a cop's car after getting busted for underage drinking. Sent home with a warning. #CrimingWhileWhite
9h ago

Andrew Akers @akrs_
Airsofting in a park. Cops called. 10 squad cars, 1 helicopter. "Don't do it again." Didn't even write our names down. #CrimingWhileWhite

#PoliceThePolice @Joe_Schmucc
#CrimingWhileWhite oh yeah the time I got picked up for the gun at school thing they let my mom come pick me up and take me home. No juvie.


Homicide in and of itself is not illegal. Homicide just refers to some killing someone else. If you kill someone during war that is a homicide. If you kill someone in self defense who was trying to kill you that is also a homicide. Here is a pretty good summary.

That said with the video this looks like manslaughter at least.
Learned something today.


I get that, but to deny he was resisting is not true at all.
He wasn't resisting but so what if he was? He was noncompliant but he wasn't aggressive or violent with the cops. He actually hands his visible and assumed a posture which meant he was scared despite what he was saying. Any decent and non lazy cop would have gave this guy a talking to, calmed him down, and then took him in if that was necessary after explaining how he could beat the charges he faced. I bring up my uncle a lot in these threads but he's been a cop for more just about 13 years and arrested about 300 people in his career. He has dealt with many Eric Garner's and never resorted to the easy way out in just body slamming or choke holding them. He actually says that a lot of people he put handcuffed on thanked him later while he was off duty for not being another dick cop and explaining how to beat some of these bogus charges they sometimes face. Also you're arresting this guy for allegedly selling untaxed cigs, an offense most officers don't take seriously. Is this a crime deserving of his death?
Its a stupid point to get hung up on, keep in mind that my first post wasn't necessarily directed toward you.
It's stupid in general, so people should quit bringing it up. It's not just on this forum, but all over. He absolutely was resisting arrest, period. He was also choked and left to die for no reason whatsoever. THAT is the issue. People bringing up their (incorrect) opinion that he was not resisting arrest and then jumping all over poster who correct them don't help matters at all.

It also makes it easy for people to simply attack an incorrect point (not resisting arrest) instead of the actual issue which only gives them more ammo and allows them to disregard the tragedy and cruelty of the event.

It's very similar to people claiming that Mike Brown didn't even rob the store, which is not the case, then people on the other side just attack that point and we get nowhere.

Eric resisted arrest, and Mike robbed the store. Those are facts. Neither of those things means that cops gets free reign to do as they please even up to taking your life and getting away with it. THAT IS THE ISSUE. Not that neither of these men have ever done anything wrong in their entire lives, they both had, but it's entirely irrelevant, in my opinion.


just wanted to pop in to say i'm alright, going to crash. was nuts trying to get into the city, by the time I got there traffic was already at a standstill in many places and I had to eventually just park my car and walked into the city to join the protests. From where I was, everyone was extremely peaceful and friendly, but man it seemed pretty difficult to keep the protestors together. The police - who were pretty on hands, I saw them shove people multiple times for no reason - kept breaking us up into smaller groups and corralling us off into different streets. We did eventually get to march on the Brooklyn Bridge and shut that shit down for a short while, which was intense.
It's stupid in general, so people should quit bringing it up. It's not just on this forum, but all over. He absolutely was resisting arrest, period. He was also choked and left to die for no reason whatsoever. THAT is the issue. People bringing up their (incorrect) opinion that he was not resisting arrest and then jumping all over poster who correct them don't help matters at all.

It also makes it easy for people to simply attack an incorrect point (not resisting arrest) instead of the actual issue which only gives them more ammo and allows them to disregard the tragedy and cruelty of the event.

It's very similar to people claiming that Mike Brown didn't even rob the store, which is not the case, then people on the other side just attack that point and we get nowhere.

Eric resisted arrest, and Mike robbed the store. Those are facts. Neither of those things means that cops gets free reign to do as they please even up to taking your life and getting away with it. THAT IS THE ISSUE. Not that neither of these men have ever done anything wrong in their entire lives, they both had, but it's entirely irrelevant, in my opinion.

Its a sign of how low of a standard this country places on its law enforcement. For someone to say "he should've kept his mouth shut" and not immediately realize that the fact that tensions are that dire means that something needs to change is just super-depressing. Especially if the person saying it is a minority that has just given up.

Edit: Glad to see you're okay, Amirox, I was about to ask about you.


just wanted to pop in to say i'm alright, going to crash. was nuts trying to get into the city, by the time I got there traffic was already at a standstill in many places and I had to eventually just park my car and walked into the city to join the protests. From where I was, everyone was extremely peaceful and friendly, but man it seemed pretty difficult to keep the protestors together. The police - who were pretty on hands, I saw them shove people multiple times for no reason - kept breaking us up into smaller groups and corralling us off into different streets. We did eventually get to march on the Brooklyn Bridge and shut that shit down for a short while, which was intense.

I was kind of hoping everyone would peacefully interrupt the party in Rockefeller Center on live television. They did make brief mention of the protests but it just seemed odd to move on with things like "well, let's light that fucker up!"
I don't get the point of this hashtag. Is this to point out inconsistencies in policing or are they bragging/rubbing it in?

To point out how committing crimes or resisting arrest doesn't equal certain death for white people. I think its a good way to combat the way people try to justify the police's actions in these cases.
just wanted to pop in to say i'm alright, going to crash. was nuts trying to get into the city, by the time I got there traffic was already at a standstill in many places and I had to eventually just park my car and walked into the city to join the protests. From where I was, everyone was extremely peaceful and friendly, but man it seemed pretty difficult to keep the protestors together. The police - who were pretty on hands, I saw them shove people multiple times for no reason - kept breaking us up into smaller groups and corralling us off into different streets. We did eventually get to march on the Brooklyn Bridge and shut that shit down for a short while, which was intense.

Shit..glad to hear it went well, Ami. Get done sleep!


Absolutely ridiculous. Reading the stupid comments always makes me angry. How can people be so unsensible when the police publicly strangles a cornered man?
"resisting arrest"

People are trying to cling to the law, hanging onto the bare minimum in order to justify this death. Do officers have carte blanch? "I see you being non-compliant and trying to debate with me over there. Oh I tried to cuff you and you side-stepped me, RESISTING ARREST, oops sorry you died!"

The police should have talked him down and made a peaceful arrest, but they instead opted to be aggressive and force him down (partly with an illegal maneuver) and ended up killing him. Of course that's legal, so people will cling to that, as long as it is legal right.


"resisting arrest"

People are trying to cling to the law, hanging onto the bare minimum in order to justify this death. Do officers have carte blanch? "I see you being non-compliant and trying to debate with me over there. Oh I tried to cuff you and you side-stepped me, RESISTING ARREST, oops sorry you died!"

The police should have talked him down and made a peaceful arrest, but they instead opted to be aggressive and force him down (partly with an illegal maneuver) and ended up killing him. Of course that's legal, so people will cling to that, as long as it is legal right.

Resisting arrest is taught to officers as an aggressive force toward the cops so they are aggressive back. This is what needs to be fixed. But people need to not resist also. We don't need to wait till something bad happens before we protest. We need communities going to town and city meetings and pushing for changes in the police force. But until those changes happen people also need to be careful because resisting could get you killed. I believe change can happen without violence on civilians towards cops. We just need better leaders who aren't in it for the fame to lead demonstrations and to speak up at city/town meetings everywhere. I also think the body cams are going to help move things forward also if they can get a backend network in place for this.



It's ridiculous right?

1) "Resisting arrest" is treated differently if you're a black man. Eric Garner was calmly saying 'don't touch me' and just moving his hands around. That's not "resisting arrest". If I did that the cops probably wouldn't have ended up killing me.

2) Eric Garner was attacked by an unknown assailant. One second he's talking to a cop in a calm, but firm manner and the next second he can't breathe. I'd have fought for my fucking LIFE in that situation and yet Eric remains peaceful throughout the entire situation. He was as cooperative as any other frustrated person would have been and yet for all of that he still ended up dead that day.

There's NOTHING that a black man can do to exonerate themselves in the eyes of some people if they're killed by the police. Always a fucking excuse somewhere.
Here's the level of white denial in the United States: they watch a video in which someone says they can't breathe AND THEN DIES, and they counter this with "If you can say 'I can't breathe' then you can breathe."

Do you realize you are arguing against death itself?
"resisting arrest"

People are trying to cling to the law, hanging onto the bare minimum in order to justify this death. Do officers have carte blanch? "I see you being non-compliant and trying to debate with me over there. Oh I tried to cuff you and you side-stepped me, RESISTING ARREST, oops sorry you died!"

The police should have talked him down and made a peaceful arrest, but they instead opted to be aggressive and force him down (partly with an illegal maneuver) and ended up killing him. Of course that's legal, so people will cling to that, as long as it is legal right.


Whats with the lack of patience and professionalism?

Maybe Cops should be forced into more social and negotiations training. Clearly this guy, while resisting arrest, was unarmed and verbal. Hell he didn't even throw punches like some of the crazies you see on Cops

There is no excuse to resort to force


Is there a full video of the conflict. I found the one on youtube where they are talking back and forth and it seems there is a time jump to when the man is wrestled to the ground by 5-7 cops.

I do not agree with the choke hold, I am just curious what transpired in that time gap.
Is there a full video of the conflict. I found the one on youtube where they are talking back and forth and it seems there is a time jump to when the man is wrestled to the ground by 5-7 cops.

I do not agree with the choke hold, I am just curious what transpired in that time gap.

There is a full length and unedited video out in the open right?

I mean i hear they did talk back and forth for a long time and all but still. When the Cops decided it was time to cuff him it was like they weren't going to explore any more options


There is a full length and unedited video out in the open right?

I mean i hear they did talk back and forth for a long time and all but still. When the Cops decided it was time to cuff him it was like they weren't going to explore any more options

I guess I am only finding the edited one and could not locate the entire raw film. I'm really curious what cause the cops to hit that point of " Ok we need to take him down at all cost, we can't reason with him" mentality


Why the fuck am I surprised by this.

It was all caught on video, of course the cops would get off scott free.

They also raided the dude that recorded the video and arrested him and his significant other, right?


I guess I am only finding the edited one and could not locate the entire raw film. I'm really curious what cause the cops to hit that point of " Ok we need to take him down at all cost, we can't reason with him" mentality

You seem to be under the assumption that cops need an unusual excuse to violently take someone down.

That's simply not true.

A black man not respecting their authority is all it takes.


In our use of force model, pulling your hand away is labeled as Actively Resisting and allows the officer to use force to arrest an individual. Not complying, as in not moving at all, is labeled passive resistance and not subject to the same force as pulling your hand away but resisting nonetheless.
In our use of force model, pulling your hand away is labeled as Actively Resisting and allows the officer to use force to arrest an individual. Not complying, as in not moving at all, is labeled passive resistance and not subject to the same force as pulling your hand away but resisting nonetheless.

That's swell. How about fixing your force model?


That's swell. How about fixing your force model?

Does the use of force model say:

"If someone pulls their hand away from you calmly and says 'don't touch me' then your next step is to jump on them Princess Bride style and ride their black ass into the ground."
I do not live in US, but on the ferguson topic, where most people were enthusiastic about use of cameras on police as a substiute to getting them proper education, training and control, I was that one that wrote that cameras are a poor substitute that will not work as intended, but on the opposite it would/might/probably be the trojan horse so that poor people get to wear cameras IF they want a job or something...
people told me i was dreaming of dystopian stuff... today, I hope that at least the first part of my thesis (cameras wont work, are a very poor substitute to proper education) will be clear to all of those people that didnt like what I said.

i saw the video. you guys still believe that your solution is camera-on-a-cop?

The statistics bear out that cameras dependably lower instances of police brutality and abuse, as well as false claims against both of the former.

It's about decreasing odds at this point, not guaranteeing safety, no amount of vigilance can do that. So no, they are not worthless.
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