I haven't laughed this hard at a trailer, EVER. Why is it that every malfunction in sci-fi flicks always turn artificial intelligence to the coldest evil destruction machine?
I haven't laughed this hard at a trailer, EVER. Why is it that every malfunction in sci-fi flicks always turn artificial intelligence to the coldest evil destruction machine?
Because mankind deserves to be wipe off this planet... you pollute this earth, you destroy each other... we deserve to rule this planet, not you... eh I mean machines... yeah that's the ticket.
Anyway doesn't look any worse than the Iron Eagle series, and the flight scenes thanks to advancements in SFX should look better... I'm there.
Okay, so the US military spends countless billions developing this AI fighter jet, and it's blatantly vulnerable to lightning? Riiiiight. That's some good R&D there.
Okay, so the US military spends countless billions developing this AI fighter jet, and it's blatantly vulnerable to lightning? Riiiiight. That's some good R&D there.
Humvee's are great off-road vehicles really they are, I was given a ride on one across sand dunes and various obstacles and the thing just couldn't be stopped...yet have very little armor on them.
The original M-16's while great guns, but jammed easily in dirty climates, one of the reasons many soldiers took to putting condoms on the end. No lie.
Heh StrikerObi asked the same thing after we all were groaning over this when it was attached to the Constantine screening we saw on Tuesday. Definitely something he signed on to do before Ray and Collateral were anywhere nearing coming out, heh.
Without question. If they would have given the pilots realistic looking helmets and weathered up the fighters a little it would be a little more believable.
The photography of the aircraft is ridiculous. Top Gun looked better and more tangible because of the use of shots that a real camera could get. This just looks silly.
Rob Cohen is probably going to be unvieled as the pretender he really is with this one.