how long do community choice go on sale?
Ok, I'll try to clarify any question you may have. Beware long post ahead!
During the Summer, Autumn and Winter sales there are four types of sale:
- Most games on Steam get a base discount that will last for the entirety of the sale. Most games will get base discounts that can go from -10% to -50%. A minority of games will go up to -66% or -75%. If a game has a base discount of -75%, don't expect it to get any cheaper.
- The Daily Deals last for 48 hours, with new sets of dailies every 24 hours. Games that have a base discount will get even cheaper during dailies. For example, a game that has a -50% discount can be further discounted to -75% during the dailies.
- Flash Sales last for 8 hours. A set of games (usually 4) are selected for Flash sales and have their base discounts further discounted, like with the Daily deals. The games on Flash sales change every 8 hours.
- The Community choices last for 8 hours. Poeple are given 3 games to choose from. The winner of the vote gets to be on an 8 hours discount.
Games that are on Dailies, Flash or Community sales won't get any cheaper. Keep in mind though that if you miss a game on sale (for example on a Daily), there is a good chance that the game will appear discounted later on another sale (like a Flash sale).