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STEAM 2013 Announcements & Updates VIII - Don't ask when the sales are starting.

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Easy is really misnamed where FTL is concerned. Oh sure, I find it easy now but that's after all that playtime! The one bash I had at Normal was tough going too even with all that accumulated savvy. So FTL Normal should really be called Hard or Expert imho.

Nowt wrong with playing easy mode in games either. I play for fun. I'll leave the epeen to those who care about such things.

I must dash as these chores aren't doing themselves but just wanted to mention something about The Walking Dead. I now only have the last Episode to play but was somewhat irritated by what I suspect is a choice that's not a choice at all near the end of the penultimate episode. It was when
Clementine asks Lee if they'll have time to go and look for her parents before they set sail in the boat.
I wasn't happy about any of the options I was given but given how it played out I suspect that whichever option I had chosen it would have gone down that path anyway. Am I right in this? If so then that's uber shitty :/.

I'd play the last episode.

Easy is really misnamed where FTL is concerned. Oh sure, I find it easy now but that's after all that playtime! The one bash I had at Normal was tough going too even with all that accumulated savvy. So FTL Normal should really be called Hard or Expert imho.

Nowt wrong with playing easy mode in games either. I play for fun. I'll leave the epeen to those who care about such things.

I must dash as these chores aren't doing themselves but just wanted to mention something about The Walking Dead. I now only have the last Episode to play but was somewhat irritated by what I suspect is a choice that's not a choice at all near the end of the penultimate episode. It was when
Clementine asks Lee if they'll have time to go and look for her parents before they set sail in the boat.
I wasn't happy about any of the options I was given but given how it played out I suspect that whichever option I had chosen it would have gone down that path anyway. Am I right in this? If so then that's uber shitty :/.

play the last episode, it's totally worth it, keep your tissues ready to clear your tears.


I must dash as these chores aren't doing themselves but just wanted to mention something about The Walking Dead. I now only have the last Episode to play but was somewhat irritated by what I suspect is a choice that's not a choice at all near the end of the penultimate episode. It was when
Clementine asks Lee if they'll have time to go and look for her parents before they set sail in the boat.
I wasn't happy about any of the options I was given but given how it played out I suspect that whichever option I had chosen it would have gone down that path anyway. Am I right in this? If so then that's uber shitty :/.

The sad truth is that 99% of the decisions in TWD don't mean anything and most scenes end the same no matter what one chooses. It's much more restricted than I first thought.
Anyone broke 2000 games on Greenlight yet?
I'm at 1604 and kind of hate myself for doing that much. The repetition of indies making 2D platformers has gotten flak from people, but the thing that I just saw too much of was poor looking horror entries.





And almost everything else on display makes Bethesda's art look downright gorgeous.

Looking through Greenlight makes me despair for the medium, and as jaded as I can get for modern big budget games at least they have coherency going for them. I'm looking at Thi4f footage now just to cleanse my mind from the trauma, but I'd like to think that I've at least made some difference instinctively downvoting almost everything there in the hopes they never see the chance of being purchased.



Game of the Year.
Personally I think every game should have a go. Though maybe not on steam.
Some of the stuff shown definitley needs a "filter" of some sort.
I'd play the last episode.

Will do :) and quite soon too.

play the last episode, it's totally worth it, keep your tissues ready to clear your tears.

Box of tissues...check!

The sad truth is that 99% of the decisions in TWD don't mean anything and most scenes end the same no matter what one chooses. It's much more restricted than I first thought.

:( I had wondered this in previous episodes but not to the extent that it marred my enjoyment of playing it. The one that I mentioned was so crassly done though that it was hard for it not to stick out! The game didn't even give me the option of complying with what I had promised that character throughout the game
i.e. yes, we'll go and look for your parents
. I presume because they have their story to tell and that has to override any decisions the player might make. Well that's fine but at least be fucking honest about it. Don't tell me constantly that the decisions I make affect how the story plays out if I really have no real choice in the matter. That's just dishonest and disrespectful to the player/customer. I have no problems playing faux interactive stories e.g. Dear Esther, The 39 Steps, both of which I adored but I went into them knowing what they were. Now however TWD has left a rather sour taste in my mouth because of this. Oh well, I'll still play the DLC and the new one but I won't expect any decision I make to make any real difference. Lesson learned.

I only have five hours and I've already seen the endgame.

I'm never gonna beat it.

Of course you will! :) Check the OT for tips and/or hit me up for help. The game is deliberately designed for the player to fail most of the time. Focus on the journey and not the destination.

It took me seven hours to beat the game :p (on Easy)

i hates you!!!

Well done! :D

That's blatantly false, sir. I demand an apology.

Yes, yours is actually good looking.


I think that's half my problem. I buy something telling myself I do want to play it but usually ends up a brief 40min-2 hour flirtation and then move on to something else. Either I've got commitment issues or the marketing guys have go into my head, or both.

I spend more time worrying about the nitty gritty nature and the analytical nature of my backlog and subsequent progress in reducing it than actually making head way. 10 hours inputting stuff on backlog very isn't a problem but playing 2 hours of Just Cause 2 is (though I swear that game is never ending).

Saying that I must have finished more games this year than any other outside of school days. Just this end of generation price crash and retail woes we've had here had really made for some stupidly cheap deals.

I think I can help.
Will also add some screenshots to make the wall of text more appealing. :)

Also note: some people will immediately think I see gaming as work. (That's a reaction I once got on a Dutch forum).
This is not the case: I feel I have more fun now since I take my time for each game, and make sure I don't play more than 2 SP games at the same time.
All while I see my Steam friends hopping between several games in a matter of an hour or 2, seemingly not feeling "dat satisfactory feel" to spend time with one game.

I also feel rewarded to only buy games in sales because:
- I know the games are patched to its fullest (early buyers Beta tested it for me :p)
- there are decent walkthroughs to be found in case I'm lost
- and eventually, sometimes, even mods or tips to make the PC version shine even more

My previous situation:
- I bought all my games retail, mostly at the initial release price, and most I didn't complete.

When I noticed I could buy games on Steam without have a credit card, I transitioned to Steam for all my gaming habits.
I became immediately so overwhelmed by the amount of cheap games, I immediately knew I would need some way to "organize" this overload of entertainment.
Perhaps it's because I'm a student in the Engineering field and my need to have an overview and a rational view on everything seems to instill this in my free time habits as well... I think. I don't know. :p

My current situation:

  • I do quite some of research about every potential game I buy. By which I mean: checking metacritic.com (both critics and users scores) and watching Youtube footage.
  • I make sure it is on my Steam wishlist. Games that are not on my wishlist but are on sale, I would never impulse buy. Games that I noticed only in a current running sale, I will put on my wish list and consider for the next sale.
  • I complete most (around 90%) of my games. If I don't, it's mostly because I can't fix the game to work properly, for example: Crysis 1 and Splinter Cell Chaos Theory...
    There are some games I simply don't like enough to finish through the end, but these are rare occassions: only Braid, World of Goo, Tropico 3 so far.

    Just by checking someone's Steam games page and sorting by playtime, you can see the gaming habits of said person.
    Most Steam profiles I check out of curiosity have about 5 to 10 games with 10h+ gameplay, followed by an immediate drop to a huge pool of games that haven't been touched for even 5 hours. And then, the other - giant :p - pool of simply unplayed games.



    And now I'll stop printscreening lol.

  • I only install 2 singleplayer games at one time. I will explain why further below.
  • Multiplayer games: I don't really place a limit because you can never "complete" those. And it's not immersion breaking to hop between several MP games, while it is major immersion breaking when you hop between SP games.
  • I feel more satisfied now that I play 1 or max 2 SP games at the time, instead of hopping between several. Every time you jump into yet another SP game you already played a bit, you have to take time to get into the story again and probably forgot some key elements already. Even forgetting the key bindings etc.
  • The more I succeed in completing games, the more I feel actually rewarded for the way I'm doing this.
    I see too many people (perhaps most people on Steam?) struggling just like you: hopping from one game to the next, probably not spending more than a few hours in a certain game.
    Simply not feeling a "reward feeling" for staying with a certain game. The attention to the majestic backlog keeps suppressing the desire to actually COMPLETE a game. :)
  • I only buy games when they are 15 euro max. Of course this is a threshold everyone chooses for themselves.
    No matter how good the discount is, there really is no point in buying if you will only play the game 2 years after purchase and could have gotten it for even cheaper. So focussing on a certain threshold can help to save money - and also keeps the growth of the backlog in check.
    Example for how long I wait before going over to purchases:
    (Note the game that are "free" are of course not free: it means I bought them at key web stores.)


  • And so far played 70% of my library. This will still go up a bit since I haven't yet had a moment where my backlog was completely gone. :)
    It also doesn't take into account games like Half Life 2: I already completed them, but this was before Steam started counting gameplay time.



The KEY to all this?
Make a list.

Whether it be in spreadsheet software or the other 2 sites I will provide or anything else.
Without a chronological list that you can change at will, you will never have that "overview" in mind. It's the key issue people have with their giant backlog. Not knowing what to play first and simply postponing the idea of choosing...

Example, my current Excel sheet for games I have yet to complete.


I also keep up with a list of games I want to buy. Also handy to split them between "released" and "unreleased".

Lots of them on the right are probably still in early development. I also have had occassions where some eventually got cancelled lol.
That's because I add all the games here as soon as they are announced - notice that space indie game announced yesterday at VGX I already added at the bottom right - and not when they are finally getting in the marketing fase.



The games that are already available on Steam, I also add to my Steam wishlist.
Note I have tons of them under the 15 euro limit I put up for myself as threshold. Even if they are very cheap, there is no point in buying if you have more than 5 games in your Backlog really. :)
Edit: of course, it depends on how fast you can complete games in between sales. 5 is personal.



Or you use a true TODO list instead of an Excel sheet. In that way you can really check off things if you like that!


Another helpful site is http://www.howlongtobeat.com/
You can insert the games you have into the backlog section of your account, then sort them by "Time - To Beat" and immediately see which games take the longest.
That way you can for example first complete the shortest games and work your way up.
I can recommend this, because that way you quickly build up that satisfactory feeling of actually completing a game, and you will be motivated to further use this method. :)



I hope you and others can benefit from this. :)


Can someone give me a breakdown of the last 100 pages? I've been busy with work and TLOU (good!) to keep on track on whats going on with developments with Steam, as far as I can tell nothing major has happened except for; Steam reviews, Valve joining the Linux foundation and another 100 games coming out on green light.

Anything missing?

PS: SalsaShark is doing the Christmas thread.


Can someone give me a breakdown of the last 100 pages? I've been busy with work and TLOU (good!) to keep on track on whats going on with developments with Steam, as far as I can tell nothing major has happened except for; Steam reviews, Valve joining the Linux foundation and another 100 games coming out on green light.

Anything missing?

PS: SalsaShark is doing the Christmas thread.


(pretty much, not that interesting of a weekend)


Does not have twelve inches...
Can someone give me a breakdown of the last 100 pages? I've been busy with work and TLOU (good!) to keep on track on whats going on with developments with Steam, as far as I can tell nothing major has happened except for; Steam reviews, Valve joining the Linux foundation and another 100 games coming out on green light.

Anything missing?

PS: SalsaShark is doing the Christmas thread.

The most important things to know:

There is a new sub on the steam db for a 100 games for the same publisher.
The VGX sucked.
JaseC lost his AssCreed savegame.
Chile has no chance in the world cup.


listen to the mad man
Can someone give me a breakdown of the last 100 pages? I've been busy with work and TLOU (good!) to keep on track on whats going on with developments with Steam, as far as I can tell nothing major has happened except for; Steam reviews, Valve joining the Linux foundation and another 100 games coming out on green light.

Anything missing?

JaseC noticed a large block of Steam registry entries being allocated all at once. The bear case is that it's potentially pre-allocating stuff for Greenlight, but this is not how Valve has done stuff in the past. The bull case is that it's all for one publisher. There was some discussion of what publishers could fit--EA or Big Fish were two of the candidates floated.

The VGX awards happened. Telltale is working on an adventure series set in the world of Borderlands. Telltale is working on a Game of Thrones game. Hello Games (Joe Danger) is working on a game called No Man's Sky, which was more than a little breathtaking and the easy news of the show. And yes, the meme you just saw.

Starbound is very popular but people have raised concerns about resource allocation, combat design. It looks like they're iterating rapidly.

There's a new bundle site starting soon called BundleBurglars or something stupid like that.

That's about it in terms of news.


I think I can help.
Will also add some screenshots to make the wall of text more appealing. :)


I hope you and others can benefit from this. :)

I do have only two games installed.

Finished Dishonored and its DLC some days ago and uninstalled it so I give atention to other games I've bought on Steam. I too have a little over one hundred games and try to really buy those I'm interested in. For example, I only bought The Witcher 2 in the last sale. That's the best way to keep track of the games I have to play and to really focus, enjoy and complete what I have. Coincidentally, my HDD has only 120gb, so I really have to manage my games carefully.

Right now, I have Bioshock 2 and Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed installed. After I complete those two, another game will get my time.


The most important things to know:

There is a new sub on the steam db for a 100 games for the same publisher.
The VGX sucked.
JaseC lost his AssCreed savegame.
Chile has no chance in the world cup.


The Witcher 3 Trailer
No Man's Sky Trailer
Broken Age Trailer
Incidentally, if anybody happens to be interested, the GMG 66% off deal on Typing of the Dead: Overkill is now online. I haven't tried it, but I guess the 20% voucher GMG20-CV2W4-DSYBT will work on it too.

Also, thank you, Asgaro, for that very detailed post. I always find things like that fascinating to read.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
JaseC noticed a large block of Steam registry entries being allocated all at once. The bear case is that it's potentially pre-allocating stuff for Greenlight, but this is not how Valve has done stuff in the past. The bull case is that it's all for one publisher. There was some discussion of what publishers could fit--EA or Big Fish were two of the candidates floated.

I've e-mailed the devs of 99 Levels to Hell asking which Steam app id the game is tied to (I also offered a brief explanation as to why, because the enquiry is, admittedly, a strange one :p). If it's one of the new apps that were added, then we'll know Valve has taken upon itself to reserve listings for recently-greenlit titles.


The Witcher 3 Trailer
No Man's Sky Trailer
Broken Age Trailer

It's fairly disappointing, to be honest. I was expecting something with more meat (2~3 minutes in length) and, although less likely, a release date.

Edit: Oh, I'd forgotten that we got a Gamescom trailer, haha.


Apologies in advance guys but can someone point me in the right direction with regards to "required" Skyrim mods. I did try a search on the forum previously and felt totally confused by the end of it. Any help at all is very much appreciated. Cheers.


I felt I can tell tons about this whole Backlog situation. :)
And I'm mostly a lurker on Neogaf, so posts like these will be very rare... luckily perhaps. :)

edit: Appropriate gif is appropriate!

I like the list idea.
I need to get back on that I used to have all my stuff listed on Backloggery then I just kind of let it go....

I don't know what it is but with list's and tracking my time and the like it helps me want to game more often. In an odd way I find enjoyment in checking the box that I beat it and adding the time I beat it and what not.



(pretty much, not that interesting of a weekend)[/QUOTE]

[quote="NaM, post: 92905951"]The most important things to know:

There is a new sub on the steam db for a 100 games for the same publisher.
The VGX sucked.
JaseC lost his AssCreed savegame.
Chile has no chance in the world cup.

[quote="Stumpokapow, post: 92906125"]JaseC noticed a large block of Steam registry entries being allocated all at once. The bear case is that it's potentially pre-allocating stuff for Greenlight, but this is not how Valve has done stuff in the past. The bull case is that it's all for one publisher. There was some discussion of what publishers could fit--EA or Big Fish were two of the candidates floated.

The VGX awards happened. Telltale is working on an adventure series set in the world of Borderlands. Telltale is working on a Game of Thrones game. Hello Games (Joe Danger) is working on a game called No Man's Sky, which [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRpDn5qPp3s]was more than a little breathtaking and the easy news of the show[/url]. And yes, the meme you just saw.

Starbound is very popular but people have raised concerns about resource allocation, combat design. It looks like they're iterating rapidly.

There's a new bundle site starting soon called BundleBurglars or something stupid like that.

That's about it in terms of news.[/QUOTE]

Guess I missed quite a lot then, thanks everyone.

[quote="Anteater, post: 92906242"]Also no HL3 announcement[/QUOTE]



Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Voucher works, comes to $5.44.

A little out of season, but time to kill some zombies. For some reason I had a $0.50 credit on GMG so scored it for under $5. Nice!


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
What's odd is that the game seems to no longer pick up on the fact that I own the DDE or have saves from previous games -- the only DLC unlock notification I get when the game generates a new save is that pertaining to the Season Pass.

Okay, so, despite not getting the relevant notifications, I do still have the save game DLC (the Altair, Ezio and Connor outfits) as well as some of the DDE content -- there's an option to play the Aveline mini-campaign in the main menu, but I don't seem to have the German rapiers and I'm still not seeing the additional islands on the world map. I kid you not, Uplay has given be more grief in the past 24 hours than GFWL ever did.

Edit: Ah, apparently you find the swords on one of the DDE islands... which, as mentioned, I can't access. Sigh.


I like the list idea.
I need to get back on that I used to have all my stuff listed on Backloggery then I just kind of let it go....

I don't know what it is but with list's and tracking my time and the like it helps me want to game more often. In an odd way I find enjoyment in checking the box that I beat it and adding the time I beat it and what not.

Well said. Checking the box or crossing something of the list is also simply satisfactory on its own. :)
It's like you are gamifying your gaming habits! A game within a game.

And something else which I probably should have mentioned as well:
If you are in the habit of buying games at release date, it would be wise to break this habit...
Think about all the little gems you have in your Backlog but that you simply haven't played yet because you keep giving priority to recently released games.

I can understand you want to buy MP games ASAP because otherwise you enter the game late while everyone has everything unlocked.
(Personally, I still buy all my MP games way past release since I can live with that temporary disadvantage.)

But SP games are a different case: these are timeless and can be played way past release date.
Plus they are fully patched. I even have the habit of reading changelogs before I play a certain game sometimes lol. Adds even more to the "satisfactory feel" of waiting it out.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Okay, so, despite not getting the relevant notifications, I do still have the save game DLC (the Altair, Ezio and Connor outfits) as well as some of the DDE content -- there's an option to play the Aveline mini-campaign in the main menu, but I don't seem to have the German rapiers and I'm still not seeing the additional islands on the world map. I kid you not, Uplay has given be more grief in the past 24 hours than GFWL ever did.

Edit: Ah, apparently you find the swords on one of the DDE islands... which, as mentioned, I can't access. Sigh.

I had Uplay fail to trigger the Island DLC once (didn't realize it till I went looking for one on the map), but fortunately a reboot of the game fixed it for me. I feel truly blessed dodging these bullets and finishing the game without losing a save.
I love achievements but I hate how they are presented. I wish I had an easier and better access to them.

I want to be able to do more than just make some categories for my steam. I currently have a few categories; completed (games I am done with, single player wise), indie (all the small titles), junk (all the games I didnt like, dont wanna bother with now, will get too later) and this category is mostly hidden due to massive backlog, and games (all my currently playing titles.

I think Steam needs some optimization, and more skins.


Well said. Checking the box or crossing something of the list is also simply satisfactory on its own. :)
It's like you are gamifying your gaming habits! A game within a game.

And something else which I probably should have mentioned as well:
If you are in the habit of buying games at release date, it would be wise to break this habit...
Think about all the little gems you have in your Backlog but that you simply haven't played yet because you keep giving priority to recently released games.

I can understand you want to buy MP games ASAP because otherwise you enter the game late while everyone has everything unlocked.
(Personally, I still buy all my MP games way past release since I can live with that temporary disadvantage.)

But SP games are a different case: these are timeless and can be played way past release date.
Plus they are fully patched. I even have the habit of reading changelogs before I play a certain game sometimes lol. Adds even more to the "satisfactory feel" of waiting it out.

Game within a game exaclty.
Steam cards and the like I enjoy much for the same reason.
Also I definitely do have to lay off Day 1 purchases. I thankfully have slowed down a good bit though. Since as you said SP isn't going to go anywhere.
Anyone played the Dominion games? If so bump my terrible thread as Dominions 4 released on steam yesterday. Bought it on Desura when it came out because of the rockpapershotgun article. The amount of depth and options are mind-boggling, but I am finding it difficult to get over some of the terrible UI resolutions and weird map movement.


ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away a Steam key. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line below containing the key.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:

Jet Set Radiooooooooooooooooo -- MB-87DEF75FA75433F1 - Taken by Grampa Simpson. 20 entrants total.




a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Serves you right for having a smarty smart phone when I don't! :'(

Fortunately Steam on PC still saved it so I've just re-sent it and also sent you a PM with the code as a backup. Hope you enjoy the game :).

EDIT - just sent you another game code to make up for your trouble :p.

Clearly not too smart! Thank you again good sir.

Steam Trashbot is pretty great. My inventory is so empty now, no more useless coupons.

He's a pal to everyone, though his time with us on our friend list may be short. I do hope some realise it can go both ways though, from time to time one may find he has a coupon one can want as well, which he freely gives.

I think I can help.
Will also add some screenshots to make the wall of text more appealing. :)

~backlog advice snip~

I hope you and others can benefit from this. :)

While some are things I would not do, it's quite the detail post of advice and help. Thank you for sharing.

Hello Games (Joe Danger) is working on a game called No Man's Sky, which was more than a little breathtaking and the easy news of the show.

I do believe that's the first time I've ever agreed to the thought of a game being breathtaking. How amazing, it's a type of title I've always wanted beyond in 3D geometry as I do so love exploring and discovering.

Will the game be in stereoscopic 3D as well, or is that just a Youtube thing?

So apparently anyone begin playing with Steam like yesterday and already beat FTL, while I after 35 hours still die in the most idiotic ways?

I'm gonna cry now.

In my last play through, I forgot rock people need to breath. It's okay though, I treat it like an old 1960s comedy movie set in space where everyone is clearly inept at every job, so really its just amazing they get as far as they can.
I hope Jet Set Radio Future gets a port at some point, Radio really does not hold up at all these days but the former is still incredibly fun.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I had Uplay fail to trigger the Island DLC once (didn't realize it till I went looking for one on the map), but fortunately a reboot of the game fixed it for me. I feel truly blessed dodging these bullets and finishing the game without losing a save.

Yeah, I was having trouble with it earlier, too, so I went digging and found a few posts mentioning that the islands just showed up on their own later, which they did, but since restarting I've sunk about 4 or 5 hours into the game across a few sessions and that still hasn't happened.
Clearly not too smart! Thank you again good sir.

Pleasure :) and thanks very much for DLC Quest. That shall be the perfect gaming palate cleanser after I finish TWD [once Steam has verified the integrity of the game cache, again :/].

I hope Jet Set Radio Future gets a port at some point, Radio really does not hold up at all these days but the former is still incredibly fun.

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