It ran! I saw! And now I want Dead Space Vita.
how much does SMB usually go for duing the Autumn and winter sales?
hoarding PR points in preperation
whats the best cyberpunk game on steam that is not shadowrun?
whats the best cyberpunk game on steam that is not shadowrun?
how much does SMB usually go for duing the Autumn and winter sales?
hoarding PR points in preperation
Seen already?
prototype design
Ehh too weird.
Should've been Black with white lights, to match Steam logo color.
Ehh too weird.
Should've been Black with white lights, to match Steam logo color.
The verge is saying it's $500 with an amd multicore and R 270. Sounds like a decent deal seeing that i'll come with a controller. I also like that we'll be seeing smaller pcs come out because of this.
I don't think he was talking about people trying to run it on an abacus connected to a Lite-Brite.; )
There's nothing wrong with competition. I just think Steam's built so much momentum in the PC digital distribution space that these alternative services are never going to achieve the same kind of market penetration. Even with EA and Ubi leveraging their own properties to push their services, I can't imagine Origin or Uplay coming close to the reach of Steam anytime soon. If it actually costs them less to operate their own services than it would to sell games through Steam and pay the "Steam tax", then it makes sense. But if their goal is to wrest the digital distribution crown from Steam, it's a lost cause at this point.
!!! Guess I'm gonna wait a year.
Oh wait, it's not an actual PC right? Balls.
You can slap a copy of windows on it if you want, but it'll come with SteamOS out of the box.!!! Guess I'm gonna wait a year.
Oh wait, it's not an actual PC right? Balls.
I don't think he was talking about people trying to run it on an abacus connected to a Lite-Brite.; )
how much does SMB usually go for duing the Autumn and winter sales?
hoarding PR points in preperation
They seriously need to hire and train more people.
All of those games (and also games like Battlefield 3, Dead Space 3 and Mass Effect 3) are loss leaders.
That would go against the lead-guitarist culture.
All of those games (and also games like Battlefield 3, Dead Space 3 and Mass Effect 3) are loss leaders. Each title represents an opportunity to grow the Origin service, not break digital sales records.
EA and Origin is doing fine, I'm sure.
Neither of which impact Origin since those are games and Origin is a digital distribution service.
Neither of which impact Origin. If people are buying titles from Origin digitally, that's a success as far as EA is concerned. They can't care about fostering a community like Steam. That's not their goal. Their goal is to get you to buy EA titles (and publishers that support Origin as an option) titles from them.
If this means locking Battlefield behind an Origin wall, that's what they'll do. And so far most people that aren't Steam die-hards don't care. They'll go where the game goes if that's a game they want to play. And that's the market EA wants.
None of those reasons seem to be a game changer in my opinion.
SteamOS isn't a full-blown OS but users will be free to ditch it for something else.
You can slap a copy of windows on it if you want, but it'll come with SteamOS out of the box.
Well there should be several boxes shown off at CES so it'll be interesting to see what companies can pack for their prices. If the iBuyPower machine stays at $500 then I think we'll see several resonablely priced machines.Yussssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. That's if this holds true of course. Because that's a fantastic price, just gotta see what the processor is and hopefully not an APU.
Eryi's Action is not a fun game to play, and yet I can't seem to stop playing it due to my fascination with what "haha, that killed you, isn't it funny? Try again?" moment will come next.
I don't mind a platformer with absurdity or a lot of deaths, enjoying both Pole's Big Adventure on Wii and Super Meat Boy, but here it's just so strangely constructed and I'm not sure who the target for such a game is or how many people will actually make it to the end out of a sense of enjoyment.
But that looks like a monolith that wants to subjugate people.Like this?
Ssshhh, just go with it.
Nah. Warm grey with orange lights. Valve colors.
It's actually something of a sub-genre of platformer. BEHOLD:
There's also some really great videos of various Mario level edits that are really trollish, but I can't seem to summon them from the ether easily at the moment.
It's actually something of a sub-genre of platformer. BEHOLD:
There's also some really great videos of various Mario level edits that are really trollish, but I can't seem to summon them from the ether easily at the moment.
I'm a big fan of those games, but Eryi's Action makes two fundamental mistakes. Firstly the game is slow and secondly restarting takes way too long each death. When you combine the two it is a bit of a mess.
Games such as:
I wanna be the guy/boshy/gaiden/fangame and I wanna kill the guy
are much better examples of the genre.
Not the best, but I still recommend taking a look is Binary Domain. It's amusing for those that can get past some flaws.
In theory Origin is a great idea. Fundamentally it is the same thing as steam, so why shouldn't EA try to make it their own and have control of the PC distribution market?
They have made a complete half-assed mess of it of course, just like Microsoft. But that is kind of a different issue and I don't blame them for trying.
Like Uplay, they either need to get serious or get rid of it.
The verge is saying it's $500 with an amd multicore and R9 270. Sounds like a decent deal seeing that i'll come with a controller. I also like that we'll be seeing smaller pcs come out because of this.
See, this sounds like a much better use of $500 than an Xbox One, to me.
I don't even see uPlay and Origin (and more so the latter) as trying to compete with Steam. If they were they would be trying to build something as good as and better than Steam. All Origin is, in my humble opinion, is a way to control the distribution of their games. In fact, its not even competition, its the opposite of it. EA loses because there are games I would be more likely to buy if they were available on Steam. The only Origin titles I own were either free or heavily discounted via a bundle.
Now that Steam is essentially going from a distribution platform to actual an actual OS that will run on hardware that others will produce and sell it makes even less sense for EA to prevent their titles from being sold on Steam in some fashion.
This is all just my opinion obviously, but I know a lot of people that think this way.
It is. It's also not at all demanding, so no matter what you're playing on it should run very well.
If it works. I have to disable every single USB device to get the game to launch. When it does, it's gorgeous and amazing. YMMV, but I just can't get it to cooperate with my computer. Shame, as it's my favorite game. Ever.
Yeah, I have to enable vsync for the game to function properly. If I don't, the game runs at 400+ fps and throws everything way out of whack. Glitchy ass movement, scripted stuff not happening, amongst other problems. Though vsync puts it at 30fps for whatever reason instead of 60, but I'm not that worried I guess.
I think that I would be more interested in building my own Steam box. Maybe not spend quite as much on it as I did my PC, but enough to run the majority of my games. I'll be interested to see the pricing options though on these machines.
They could manufacture some pretty inexpensive ones if they wanted, tailored to older/classic games and indie games. I have a dual core PC that just has old games and indie games on it hooked up to one of my TVs.
Use D3DOverrider or turn vsync on through your GPU control panel.
Since I'm being dumb tonight, I cannot find a link on guru3d to download rivatuner to get D3DOverrider, and Nvidia control panel doesn't seem to be on this computer for whatever reason, only GeForce Experience. And....I can't find a link to control panel....
In theory Origin is a great idea. Fundamentally it is the same thing as steam, so why shouldn't EA try to make it their own and have control of the PC distribution market?
They have made a complete half-assed mess of it of course, just like Microsoft. But that is kind of a different issue and I don't blame them for trying.
Like Uplay, they either need to get serious or get rid of it.
I think that I would be more interested in building my own Steam box.
I did that for my desktop, but for under the TV? I'd rather get something that's engineered by someone to be small, quiet, and cool.
I did that for my desktop, but for under the TV? I'd rather get something that's engineered by someone to be small, quiet, and cool.
I did that for my desktop, but for under the TV? I'd rather get something that's engineered by someone to be small, quiet, and cool.
Same. I'm sure it can be done by those in the know, but those three objectives would be difficult for myself, especially when factoring in price.
Hope this will give rise to Steambox cases you can buy separately.
Hope this will give rise to Steambox cases you can buy separately.