Syphon Filter
will COH be 2.49. through oct 8?or is it only today?
will COH be 2.49. through oct 8?or is it only today?
i see. thought it was thq week but read wrong.75% off the CoH franchise is THQ's Daily Deal; it ends in a little under 16.5 hours, at which point another THQ franchise will take its place.
I'm just posting this here since I can't make a thread, see the end of the post, and I'm just trying to let people know how they can get a free game before the offer expires.
Unfortunately I can't take advantage of this since my old Nexus broke and the pre paid card went with it, I called the number listed in the post and they are going to send me a check. But I won't be able to use that for 30-60 days. Enjoy your free game! I'm a super poor college student and really wanted FTL, I'll have to wait a little while until Google mails me a check
Just letting anyone who are interested know, if you got an Android phone recently and signed up for Google Wallet you got a free $10 dollars.
You have to use that $10 before October 17th or else it disappears. Just so happens that if you go to they allow you to pay with Google Wallet and the game is $10. I was always trying to find a use for the free money.
This method works for any humble store game apparently so FTL, Legend of Grimrock (on sale for $7.50 right now), Awesomenauts, Trine 2, Bit.Trip, Botanacula, and a lot more.
They stopped giving out new cards as of September 17th, and if you updated the app after that date your card will disappear entirely. Unfortunately, I can't take advantage of this since my old Nexus broke and the pre-paid card is attached to the phone. If you are in a similar situation, or if you updated the app and the card disappeared, then call this number 8558960693 and they will send you a check.
Seems like a legitimate way to get a free game, I can't personally make a thread so if anyone wants to start one they should so we could get the word out. Don't know how many people this will affect but if you activated an Android phone anytime in the last year and a half you should have the $10.
I'm going to post this in a couple more places like the Legend of Grimrock OT, Green Man Gaming thread, and the Steam thread since the latter two are kind of the places to put good PC deals.
Enjoy your free game! I'm a super poor college student and really wanted FTL. I'll have to wait 30-60 days to get it until Google mails me a check
Bumping this to the next page so people can take advantage of the deal.
Bumping this to the next page so people can take advantage of the deal.
For me, Orcs Must Die, Super Meat Boy, Super Crate Box, The Binding of Isaac, and I haven't put any time into it but Dungeons of Dredmor seems good for that.what's the "best short game to play and come back again and again" on Steam?
This was on Steam?! I love the iPad version, wish I'd known about it on Steam before it got taken down![]()
I don't think this is true. Have you tried it? I can't pay for things with my prepaid card from the web. I can only use that freebie cash when I pay with NFC at retail stores.
The game is 12.49 pounds in the UK and 24.99 for the rest of Europe.
I'm surprised they're doing a 50% sale so soon, I guess THQ is just that desesperated, plus they had some unrealistic sales goals for the game.
Did you try it from the web? You may be right, I hope not.
I can't personally try it because I lost my phone so they are sending me a check.
Try to access the site from your phone.
So does anyone have any impressions on Aquaria? I've noticed it while reading up about the Humble Indie Bundles and I watched the trailer on Steam. It looks pretty cool and interesting but I have never really heard much about it from others so I dunno if I want to take the plunge.
I actually just started this guy up, really expecting to love it (seems like my style of game). But I'm actually having trouble getting into it just a few levels in. It looks and sounds great, but the controls just feel a bit unnatural. Like the distance needed to a wall / ceiling to wall run is a bit to wide and I keep sticking and unsticking from walls when I don't expect to. Might just take a bit more adjustment, but it's really not clicking for me yet.
Has anyone had problems with GFWL signing in really slowly? I tried deleting my profile and uninstalling and reinstalling GFWL, but I can't seem to fix it.
I'd like to see Darksiders 3 happen one day, but that seems as likely as a third Alice game.
Came up empty handed for Skyrim for $10 at TRU. Glad I got home now and was able to purchase Skyrim from Steam for $35. Had exactly 30 mins left. If I had stopped for Thai food I would have missed out. Now to mod the shit out of this! Stuff like this is why I got a gaming PC. I am not the biggest fan of the combat in the game from my few hours from the PS3 version, but exploring the world is so relaxing I don't care. I can't even imagine how nice it will look when I get around to playing it later this weekend.
GMG has a Skyrim/Dawnguard sale that allows the other promo
Dawnguard $11.25
Skyrim $27
I actually just started this guy up, really expecting to love it (seems like my style of game). But I'm actually having trouble getting into it just a few levels in. It looks and sounds great, but the controls just feel a bit unnatural. Like the distance needed to a wall / ceiling to wall run is a bit to wide and I keep sticking and unsticking from walls when I don't expect to. Might just take a bit more adjustment, but it's really not clicking for me yet.
So does anyone have any impressions on Aquaria? I've noticed it while reading up about the Humble Indie Bundles and I watched the trailer on Steam. It looks pretty cool and interesting but I have never really heard much about it from others so I dunno if I want to take the plunge.
Another game off my backlog: Wolfenstein 2009. Cool 90s style FPS, BJ Blazkowicz is the best spy ever.
"Explore the caves"
*proceeds to shoot holes into everything*
sad he left Epic
In the last month or so since getting my new PC I've played and finished:
Assassin's Creed
Binary Domain
Max Payne
Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne
It's been a good month.
I tried both. Doing it from the phone doesn't bring up the wallet app. It's more or less the same web google wallet flow.
I'm ok with that after 2. The way they handled that was just plain disrespectful to their fans.
You should play a good shooter.
Like Heretic.
Retro City Rampage is finally launching October 9th on PS3 and PS Vita in North America and on PC / Steam / GOG worldwide. The European PS3 and PS Vita releases will follow later this month, WiiWare following shortly after that. The XBLA version is 99.9% ready to get out the door, but still waiting for a release slot.
I made the decision to release the game on each platform as soon as it's through certification rather than wait any longer in an attempt to achieve an absolutely simultaneous launch.
For a chance to play Retro City Rampage even sooner, head over to your nearest GameStop. The PS Vita version will be playable at GameStops across the United States starting this month, hopefully by the time you're reading this!
Probably due to your region.
why is Super Crate Box not Steamplay.
no love for Mac :/
GMG does region blocking?
Publishers have caught on and, for some, GMG is no longer the safe haven it once was:
- Region restrictions put on voucher codes due to "contractual obligations" (e.g. US customers cannot use such codes when purchasing X-COM)
Publishers have caught on and, for some, GMG is no longer the safe haven it once was:
- Region-specific pricing (e.g. THQ's games carry the Aussie Tax)
- Region-specific availability (e.g. Assassin's Creed 3 is available for pre-order in Europe but nowhere else)
- Region restrictions put on voucher codes due to "contractual obligations" (e.g. US customers cannot use such codes when purchasing X-COM)
Why am I getting "Steam has to restart" because of a September 7 update, like 3-4 times per week?
I'm going to be pissed if that catches on. It was annoying enough that I had to get Xcom at full price. Don't make this a habit if you want my money at all publishers.
Are you using the beta? It doesn't update the information box.Why am I getting "Steam has to restart" because of a September 7 update, like 3-4 times per week?
Retro City Rampage - fucking finally.
Are you using the beta? It doesn't update the information box.
Retro City Rampage - fucking finally.
Yeah, no kidding. I hate how the waiting has dulled my enthusiasm for the game.
Any word on the PC version having support for kb&m or is this going to need a controller?
Hey guys there is totally not a key in this post (when you quote) that gets you:
Wizorb, BIT.TRIP.RUNNER, Gratuitous Space Battles, and Jamestown
Spec Ops: The line £5 at Gamefly: No idea about US prices as I can't access the .com site. Registers on Steam.
just got it, site's awful, wont take paypal
just got it, site's awful, wont take paypal