Is EVE Online any good? I just noticed there's a trial, but I'd like to hear if anyone has any thoughts on it.
Is EVE Online any good? I just noticed there's a trial, but I'd like to hear if anyone has any thoughts on it.
I tried it just now and it worked. Make sure you're not leaving a space or something.
Classic DOS Doom? Nice, should check it out then.Oh yeah, you're right. It's just been so long since I played FC1. I mainly just remember the sniping people from across the map types of experiences. And how it turned into Doom in the second half of the game :\
Laugh all you want, but the Excel 97 easter egg made my afternoons at school much more bearable. As did the Word 97 pinball.Those who like it- they like it a lot.
Those who don't would rather play with Excel.
No, as in tropical island paradise takes a surreal turn. Not as in, the gameplay mechanics change.Classic DOS Doom? Nice, should check it out then.
Another one of Thomas and Chris
I don't know how long the demo is, but instead of watching the quicklook you could also play the start of the game for yourself and see if you like it.
does anyone know if you can remove the big picture icon on the corner?
Laugh all you want, but the Excel 97 easter egg made my afternoons at school much more bearable. As did the Word 97 pinball.
does anyone know if you can remove the big picture icon on the corner?
Oh, thought it would be more like Serious Sam, with the fun mindless shooting. Do you think it was still a good game?No, as in tropical island paradise takes a surreal turn. Not as in, the gameplay mechanics change.
Oh, thought it would be more like Serious Sam, with the fun mindless shooting. Do you think it was still a good game?
Nabs tipped me off on how to do this last night.does anyone know if you can remove the big picture icon on the corner?
The final piece of Season Pass DLC for Darksiders 2 has finally been released. I'm assuming it's also the latest piece of DLC for the game altogether, so now I can finally begin my NG+ playthrough... at some point in the future.
That's a low blow, though not untrue. TFE Classic was a great game despite that, or should I say because of that.It's turns into a ridiculously cheap and frustrating game. At no point does it play anything like Serious Sam though, they actually have gameplay mechanics and some of the enemies actually have AI.
Perseverance is the key. Sooner or later you'll get the hang of it. It plays better with an Xbox controller, in my opinion, so you could try using one. It's frustrating, sure, but it's also rewarding and fun. And the music kicks ass.EVE is okay, worth checking out for a few months but it's so difficult to get into the high level play that makes EVE great, because the corps are so established, you're really just a pawn.
I played some more Bit.trip runner and I don't really think I like it. Some of the levels are incredibly long and I'm only on the first world. It's a shame the gameplay is quite nice but I really don't see the value in lacking checkpoints when the level is so long.
Xelios said:What initially seems like a colorful Mario NES clone turns out to be much more. In Eversion you find access points throughout the levels where you can evert, altering the entire state of the level (seasons, if you will). Each version of the level has its own unique properties and you may need to shift many times to find secrets, get to all the gems, overcome obstacles or complete the level. While it's nowhere near anything like Braid, it can make you think but is mostly common sense and trial and error. You won't get frustrated or have to strain your brain much.
Multiple endings, achievements and plays great with a gamepad. The game is only a couple hours long but it was fun enough for me to finish in one sitting so I'd definitely recommend picking it up on sale.
First to quote gets an Eversion Steam key, in case anyone's not sure about this game I'll post a review Xelios wrote for Steam.
I'm really looking forward to Lords of Shadow 2 but...
the fuck, Konami? I know you got games on Steam!
I'm really looking forward to Lords of Shadow 2 but...
the fuck, Konami? I know you got games on Steam!
I'm really looking forward to Lords of Shadow 2 but...
the fuck, Konami? I know you got games on Steam!
Aside from Rocket Knight and Silent Hill Homecoming, you're not missing much xD
It shows 7 games, 1 demo, 3 videos and 9 posts for me
Are they ever going to put the first LoS on Steam? Never finished it on PS3, but I'd love to play it on PC with a stable frame rate and overall better visual fidelity.
Are they ever going to put the first LoS on Steam? Never finished it on PS3, but I'd love to play it on PC with a stable frame rate and overall better visual fidelity.
Mercury Steam have actually optimized their engine for the Cell CPU multiprocessing capabilities this time around, LoS budget wasn't nothing out of the ordinary and they preferred more and better artists than multicore-experienced software engineers (rewriting the code wasn't an option) so using the CPU for rendering tasks didn't make the deadlines and they opted for a traditional and cheaper (that budget...) engineering approach which ended hurting the overall performance of the game in both the PS3 and X360 versions of the game. LoS 2 will perform at a locked 30 frames per second with larger areas and better image quality.
As for the PC port of the first game rumours say it will be a bonus of the collectors edition of LoS 2 PC version.
source: a gaming show in Spain (radio)
[B said:Glass Rebel;45062248]Yeah, that's what I mean. Fucking Konami ignoring my region.[/B]
Dave Cox from MercurySteam has hinted at it at least twice but there is no confirmation as of yet. I doubt that LoS2 is anywhere close to being released so it'd be nice if we got LoS1 in the first half of the year. I enjoyed the first few hours I spent with it on a friends console but the framerate D:
Pid is 40% off today. It just came out so I'm a little surprised.
It looks fun. I watched the giant bomb quicklook a while ago.
Pid is 40% off today. It just came out so I'm a little surprised.
It looks fun. I watched the giant bomb quicklook a while ago.
Nabs tipped me off on how to do this last night.
Even though I don't mind the button, I went ahead and made an image pack. Download this:, unzip, and place its contents in your "Graphics" folder in the main Steam folder. It will overwrite the files there. I've included the original files in a separate folder named "original." Copy those files to get the button back.
1 final edit: this obviously just removes the graphics from the Steam client. Clicking on the same area will still launch big picture mode.
To follow up on my image pack that removes the big picture mode button, I have made a special JaseC edition available here:
For those of you who do not wish to download it, here is what it does:
not a joke. file really works.
GeniusTo follow up on my image pack that removes the big picture mode button, I have made a special JaseC edition available here:
For those of you who do not wish to download it, here is what it does:
not a joke. file really works.
Maybe some uPlay-related weirdness?Far Cry 3 doesn't seem to properly track total play time in the Steam client. Just played it for about an hour and it says about 8 mins in the Steam client.
If you preorder on GMG when do they charge you?
Far Cry 3 doesn't seem to properly track total play time in the Steam client. Just played it for about an hour and it says about 8 mins in the Steam client.
Straight away.
Ah thanks, want Tomb Raider but don't like paying 3 months in advance
Aside from Rocket Knight and Silent Hill Homecoming, you're not missing much xD
I'm really looking forward to Lords of Shadow 2 but...
the fuck, Konami? I know you got games on Steam!
Yeah, I've never understood why they don't put it on Steam. Sales here in Argentina would really skyrocket, since PES is pretty much the only game people don't want to pirate so they can play it online, but since retail here is next to non-existant, everyone ends up pirating it anyways.I'm mostly shocked at the lack of PES on Steam, they are missing out a lot of sales considering there's absolutely no competition on Steam as far as football games go.