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STEAM announcements & updates 2012 Thread 4 - winter seal is coming

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Hey guys, is the Secret World currently on Steam? I think I remember it being on sale but I don't think it's available in Argentina.

Now that it's subscription free I kinda want it...


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Ace of Spades was released on Steam today: http://store.steampowered.com/app/224540/


I played the Alpha (or Beta, I forget) and it was good fun. I'll be interested to hear what people think of it.


Hey guys, is the Secret World currently on Steam? I think I remember it being on sale but I don't think it's available in Argentina.

Now that it's free I kinda want it...

It's still $29.99 on the Australian Steam store page.

Anybody think Risen is worth $6.43 from GMG using the 35% code?
Hey guys, is the Secret World currently on Steam? I think I remember it being on sale but I don't think it's available in Argentina.

Now that it's free I kinda want it...

i don't think its free...they just removed the monthly subscription. you still have to buy the game, just don't have to pay monthly anymore


Just me with a 12GB update from Shogun 2? Seems like it's downloading it all over again.

update for the BPM steam update i think. so basically it is downloading all over again. pretty sure SleepyDawgs did the same thing to me last night


it's published by electronic arseholes isn't it?
It's still $29.99 on the Australian Steam store page.

Anybody think Risen is worth $6.43 from GMG using the 35% code?
It's on Steam in the US and for $29.99
i don't think its free...they just removed the monthly subscription. you still have to buy the game, just don't have to pay monthly anymore

Yeah sorry I meant subscription-free. It's now like Guild Wars, with an optional $15 a month if you want to buy cosmetics and exp boosts and stuff.

So 30 bucks, hope it gets a lil cheaper during the christmas sale and I can ask one of you fine gentlandies to buy it for me.

If it even works in Argentina.
I picked up Death Rally because I wanted to see if something was up with my CC since I couldn't buy anything on GMG despite being fine before.

I don't regret the buck but it's nothing special. Why are George Lucas and Geoff Keighley characters in this game?


Serious Sam is a wicked gahbidge series for chowdaheads.
Isn't this made by the same company behind Runescape? Or am I thinking of something else?

I hadn't realized before, but you're absolutely correct:

Jagex Games Studio, based in the St John's Innovation Centre in Cambridge[8] and usually referred to as Jagex, is the UK’s largest independent developer and publisher of online games.[9] It is best known for RuneScape, the world's largest free-to-play MMORPG.[1]

Edit: Or at least they are publishing it. It looks like the game is the main work of Ben Aksoy and Mathias Kærlev, who are probably employees.


Can you play Monaco then?

No, unfortunately you can only add it to your account. That's it. The game itself doesn't have a profile page yet so it also doesn't show up in your Profile -> Games collection. Slight bummer for me personally ;)


No, unfortunately you can only add it to your account. That's it. The game itself doesn't have a profile page yet so it also doesn't show up in your Profile -> Games collection. Slight bummer for me personally ;)

Thanks for the confirmation. I will wait a bit then.


I understand that this conversation is wearing thin, but I feel like my point is being misrepresented. This will be my final bit on this, unless my view is misrepresented further. I apologize in advance.

I don't really. The DRM free games have value, too. If the trader were to assure me he hadn't downloaded and installed them and just gave me a link to the bundle page for my use, I would put about as much faith into him as if he gave me a Steam key with the promise he spent more than a dollar.
Except for the first bundle, he WOULD have had to pay at least a dollar for his bundle. The real issue is your problem with people making ANY kind of perceived profit off of deals or promotions, despite the clear unwillingness of the actual developers, bundle creators, promotion creators, or developers involved in promotions, to actually legally or in other ways attempt to restrict the activities you want to shame people out of. You have no justifiable basis for your openly stated desire to shame people out of flipping or trading bundles. BTW, why aren't you in the GAF Steam Trading 2012 |OT| thread heckling those moral/ethical degenerates?

I actually don't really understand what you're saying here. You say that you see the problem in buying a key for a penny and flipping it... why doesn't it scale up? What if the proposed penny purchase was flipped for a dollar? That's 99 cents profit. Compare it to the Humble Android example, where it was bought for a $1 and flipped for $2.50. That's $1.50 profit.

Look, I understand that it's small change we're talking about and the idea of doing this to any kind of scale is pretty hard to actualize (and is admittedly silly), but if you take issue with the penny payment being sold for a 99 cent profit, why don't you take issue with a $1.50 profit?
No, it doesn't scale up. Because I would have purchased the Humble Bundle at a price I felt was decent enough. But then again, that is up to me and my own justifiable sense of worth, not some white knight trying to ridicule and shame people out of doing something entirely reasonable, legal, and allowable by the promotion/bundle creators and developers, and something that actually has an entire official GAF thread devoted to it.

I'm not arguing against trading in general. It is usually impossible to know what a person spent on the item they are trading, but let's not pretend the case of the Humble Bundle applies to all items everywhere. We know that, to legally obtain a Humble Bundle key, $1 must be spent. You can not make that reasonable assumption about basically anything else, certainly with videogames.
Except that you have been arguing against trading in general, and against drizzle specifically. He gave you the specific example of trading for an indie bundle and you shot him down. Hello "scuzzy move"! Now you want to walk your comments back? Whatever. Except that you don't really, you still state that the actual price paid for games is unknowable, which reduces the argument back to "scuzzy move" territory, because anyone making ANY kind of perceived profit is inherently involved with "scuzzy moves"...

I think I take issue with the intent of taking a free key only to resell it later, when the free keys are no longer offered. It's not all that different from the derision often lobbed at people who go to a console launch to buy as many systems as they can with the sole intent of flipping them on eBay. (Before anyone comments, I understand it's not a perfect analogy because a console is a physical product with limited availability, but I think the comparison I make still stands).

It just rubs me the wrong way. I'd like to think the people that post here aren't trying to rip me off and are just interested in the community.
It doesn't stand, it is weak. The promotion creators/developers have specifically decided to sell or give their product away for some perceived benefit. If they don't require an immediate activation, then they are implicitly allowing for people to hold onto that product at length. They are also specifically giving it out in easily tradable code form and without legal or product restrictions regarding the sale or transfer of those codes.

People buying consoles at bulk at launch are cornering the market and exploiting the limited number of available products, there is nothing immoral or unethical about this either. But despite BOTH examples involving other parties that are finding value in the trade/sale of those goods, you describe it as trying to "rip people off". Most reasonable people adhere to their own decent sense of propriety and common sense. If they are happily buying a product at launch or that was once free and now heavily discounted, who is it hurting, beyond you and your own lofty unrealistic personal ideals that is?


Some stuff I found at CAG ("...so you wouldn't have to go through that"):

On Friday (during the Gamespot show), Amazon will have a Serious Sam pack for 10 bucks. This includes every Serious Sam game they have and all the DLC. The deal will only last a few hours.

Lego LotR will be 75% off closer to Christmas.

Sleeping Dogs is $16.99 on Gamefly. If the 20% off coupon still works, it could come out to $13ish.


Sounds like Amazon are going to have some pretty good deals over this Holiday sale period, I'm excited! :D

I asked earlier in the page but I'll ask again -

Do people think Risen 2 is worth ~$6.50 from Greenmangaming? Seems like my kind of price point even if it's not the best RPG of the year.


For anyone wondering about Monaco, the pre-order page on their website lists the sale as lasting for 78 more days. So, yeah. Do the math. If that's legit, we're not talking till early March.

And Lego LotR will be mine for 7.50.


is uninstalling far cry 3 supposed to get rid of punkbuster too? I had it on here before I installed that game but it's seemingly off of my PC now. It's not in the task manager or program list anymore.

Not that I'm complaining. Just seems weird.
Why do I suddenly have a bunch of these?


I got an e-mail from Steam saying I got extra copies of DotA2 to give away, but they can't be that because I still have a visible DotA 2 invite.


Why do I suddenly have a bunch of these?


I got an e-mail from Steam saying I got extra copies of DotA2 to give away, but they can't be that because I still have a visible DotA 2 invite.
Any of them that have ID #17250 is DOTA2.

I know for sure because the only thing I've had in the "Steam" inventory is one DOTA2 invite (which has those region restrictions btw), which for some reason got turned into a mystery item today. Maybe your other DOTA2 invite is a non-region-locked version.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
RPG Maker Lite version is doing more harm to me wanting to buy the full version than good. Character generation isn't really included, but it doesn't tell you that. Instead, it just crashes when you try to generate a character. Scripting is also not included, as is a bunch of tiles (I assume). Basically, you can make a small little map, and walk around.

I'm likely still going to buy the full version, after reading reviews of it though. But why even have a lite version if it's barely functioning?
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