So is baldurs gate worth that price? I never played the series but I do own the gog version just found the mods to be too much time to install
Remember to invite people through Steam and not the game. It was pretty wonky for me until I did that.
yeah, that's what I ended up doing and it'd disconnect before starting the fight. Bleh.
my location is pretty bad for most matches since people tend to be far away, but SSFIV for example works just fine so it aint that
At least Skullgirls netcode is oh so smooth.
In that case why not to play the better game that requires actual skill?
I kid I kidI don't.
Hopefully the KOFXIII and Skullgirls net code is magical
Hey what was that Pac-Man game supposedly on its way?
YESSSSSand the other was the Championship Edition DX.
I can dig having Championship Edition on Steam. It's pretty much the only XBLA game I ever play.
If you've never had the pleasure of playing pac-man battle royale you need to remedy that. It's the best arcade machine.
So, Skyrim DLC. All of them recommended or is there one I should skip?
So, Skyrim DLC. All of them recommended or is there one I should skip?
Edit: sorry for the obnoxious question. I read up on them and all, but just want to hear from someone who had played it.
Hopefully the KOFXIII and Skullgirls net code is magical
The consensus is to skip Hearthfire. I'm less sure about the other two, but I thought Dawnguard was enjoyable.
I like all of them, but Hearthfire is just about building a house and having a family. There's no new questing content or new areas really.
4p battle royale pacman is easily the best cocktail machine of all time
That better be a badge that I can craft and display.
Leave your cards with me before you slip into that deep sleep, I'll give them a good home.Noreason to live anymore.
You ready for this? Really late to the party...but I'm finally playing Half Life 2 for the first time.
Well, just the demo, but it's runs really well on my laptop and the game has been really good so far. Any chance of it getting discounted during the Summer sale?
Oh, and does the Steam version have 360 controller support
Surprisingly it runs really well on my laptop. Medium settings, and only a few hiccups. Compared to Thief Deadly Shadows, which is horrible frame-rate wise...
But Half Life 2 is recommended right?
And the Black Mesa is remake of the original, right? If I can play HL2, should Black Mesa run well?
I've been a member here for quite some time but only ever lurked. I enjoy reading this thread and I want to show some appreciation so here are some game codes. Quote to reveal, please post if you've taken one.
Humble Indie Bundle #1
Humble Indie Bundle #2
Humble Indie Bundle #3
Avadon: The Black Fortress
Broken Sword: Director's Cut
Cave Story+
Cortex Command
Frozen Synapse
Legend of Grimrock
Waking Mars
Zen Bound 2
You can also add me to your friends list if you like. My profile is
Speaking of Black Mesa are they ever going to release the rest of it???
Took Cave story. Gotta see what the fuss is about. Thanks dudez.Cave Story+
I've been a member here for quite some time but only ever lurked. I enjoy reading this thread and I want to show some appreciation so here are some game codes. Quote to reveal, please post if you've taken one.
Humble Indie Bundle #1
Humble Indie Bundle #2
Humble Indie Bundle #3
Avadon: The Black Fortress
Broken Sword: Director's Cut
Cave Story+
Cortex Command
Frozen Synapse
Legend of Grimrock
Waking Mars
Zen Bound 2
You can also add me to your friends list if you like. My profile is
Is it okay if I call dibs on McPixel? I'm not on my PC so I can't redeem itI've been a member here for quite some time but only ever lurked. I enjoy reading this thread and I want to show some appreciation so here are some game codes. Quote to reveal, please post if you've taken one.
Humble Indie Bundle #1
Humble Indie Bundle #2
Humble Indie Bundle #3
Avadon: The Black Fortress
Broken Sword: Director's Cut
Cave Story+
Cortex Command
Frozen Synapse
Legend of Grimrock
Waking Mars
Zen Bound 2
You can also add me to your friends list if you like. My profile is
Hmm, is Alien Swarm any good? Easy achievements?
Thanks! Grabbed Zen Bound 2(Keys)
Thanks for sharing all of this! Somebody took Grimrock and didn't bother to say so, so I'll thank you in their name.I've been a member here for quite some time but only ever lurked. I enjoy reading this thread and I want to show some appreciation so here are some game codes. Quote to reveal, please post if you've taken one.
Humble Indie Bundle #1
Humble Indie Bundle #2
Humble Indie Bundle #3
Avadon: The Black Fortress
Broken Sword: Director's Cut
Cave Story+
Cortex Command
Frozen Synapse
Legend of Grimrock
Waking Mars
Zen Bound 2
You can also add me to your friends list if you like. My profile is
I've been a member here for quite some time but only ever lurked. I enjoy reading this thread and I want to show some appreciation so here are some game codes. Quote to reveal, please post if you've taken one.
Dirty scum.god damn. 2 foils from cubemen 2. praise gaben!
Is it okay if I call dibs on McPixel? I'm not on my PC so I can't redeem it
If it's not been taken by now of course