Stormy Grey
ok this officially fucking sucks.. I'm the only individual who did NOT get a booster pack. It makes feel special I suppose ;(
It's ok I never got one either
let's hug
let's fuck
ok this officially fucking sucks.. I'm the only individual who did NOT get a booster pack. It makes feel special I suppose ;(
ok this officially fucking sucks.. I'm the only individual who did NOT get a booster pack. It makes feel special I suppose ;(
Pre-arranged money transfer via steam wallet?dota 2 market truly makes no sense
Floods the thread, which is super annoying
dota 2 market truly makes no sense
What are the odds Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition gets discounted during the Summer sale?
Pretty high, it was on sale during the winter seal for a rather good sum, $10 or $7.50 iirc.
Pre-arranged money transfer via steam wallet?
The 200$ one takes a massive hit tho...
dota 2 market truly makes no sense
95% chance. Bethesda always discounts their stuff during the big sales.What are the odds Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition gets discounted during the Summer sale?
Pre-arranged money transfer via steam wallet?
The 200$ one takes a massive hit tho...
This is great stuff. If this could be implemented here, that would be the tits.Imagine the following setup:
1) You PM <an account> (which would be automated/robot-driven) a list of codes, say in the following format:
Binding of Isaac -- ABCD-EFGH-IJKL
2) You get back a pre-formatted post--or maybe the robot makes the post for you in a thread:
I am giving away some games. To claim the games (one maximum per person), send a PM to <that account> with the code for the game you want:
Binding of Isaac -- 949f10f9e4a42aada8
Bad Rats -- 8bcbce570a531d
Skyrim -- b33e16e512772
3) I'm reading the thread and I see the giveaway. I click the link to send the PM to the account and copy in the code I want. If I ignore the rules and greedily send 3 PMs, I am disqualified from getting anything. If I don't ignore the rules, I get a PM back within 2-3 minutes with my Steam Key, the reply is handled by the robot.
4) The person who gives the stuff away optionally gets a "receipt" PM with the list of people who claimed each game, so you could specifically request that people send you a thank you for follow up on it.
Bonus: It'd be pretty easy to put in certain rules, like being able to:
- block users who have a 0 postcount (or say sub-25 posts--a token block just to prevent true hucksters)
- block users who have been awarded a giveaway in the last few weeks to prevent serial key-stealers
- block specific users
- require that the person has posted in the thread in the last week (or something like that)
So maybe your initial PM would be:
Binding of Isaac -- ABCD-EFGH-IJKL
... and the format stuff would be more flexible (you could have a different delimiter or just mystery keys or whatever), you could also have anonymous mystery games to maximize the Secret of the Magic Crystals giveaway, you could be an anonymous benefactor and have the robot take the credit for the games. It'd be pretty easy to make a robust system.
Those cents must be adding up big time.I can't fathom how much money Valve must be making off this market.
Imagine the following setup:
Wow someone really put out Mystery Card Foil for 0.70. What the hell.
Those cents must be adding up big time.
Awesome idea. My suggestion was very similarImagine the following setup:
I think a password/passcode system would be the bestMaybe the mods or people who run the site could set up an established sharing system
Like the poster giving away keys can attach a password or something to the key and the people who want the key have to ask for the password to reveal the key?
So like I'm offering Bioshock. I make the password QWERTY. So if you click on the game, it asks for the password. You enter the password, given to you by the sharer, and it reveals the key
Would be more time consuming though. Anyone else like that idea?
wouldnt you use a crate or something for that
also I bought a Dota 2 booster pack for $1.01 and just sold it for $1.40 im a genius
For those people complaining about not getting booster packs today -- I thought the chance of getting one was related to your Steam level. No idea if the people who aren't getting the boosters are just low level or not.
I spend like ten minutes a day playing with the Market and I've seen this several times, where someone will accidentally list a foil at whatever price the standard card is going for. I've managed to grab two, and I felt kind of guilty, like maybe the person will realize their mistake and quickly pull the listing, but people are so fast. It'd be like stepping on a ten dollar bill on a crowded street and leaving it there so the person who lost it can come back and claim it, when in reality the person walking right behind you is going to scoop that shit up.
Hmm, is Alien Swarm any good? Easy achievements?
I've been a member here for quite some time but only ever lurked. I enjoy reading this thread and I want to show some appreciation so here are some game codes. Quote to reveal, please post if you've taken one.
Humble Indie Bundle #1 Gone
Humble Indie Bundle #2 Gone
Humble Indie Bundle #3 Gone
Aquaria Gone
Avadon: The Black Fortress Gone
Bioshock Gone
Broken Sword: Director's Cut Gone
Cave Story+ Gone
Cortex Command Gone
Fractal Gone
Frozen Synapse Gone
Gish Gone
Legend of Grimrock Gone
McPixel Gone
SpaceChem Gone
Waking Mars
Zen Bound 2 Gone
You can also add me to your friends list if you like. My profile is
Hello, I am the NeoGAF Steam Key Gifting Bot BETA.
To begin, simply PM me your keys and I'll take care of the rest.
Please direct all questions about the nature and operations of the Gifting Bot inward, as true wisdom comes from within.
The idea about the bot sounds cool, but wouldn't it be easier to include the code in the email tag, but add some extra characters that are obviously not correct to humans, but will confuse bots? So if you had a Bio Shock key that looks like AB4R1-45T7L-Q0RD1 just add something like 11111-AB4R1-45T7L-Q0RD1, people here will probably know 11111 wouldn't be in a code, but it could confuse a bot. And so it couldn't easily be coded for, put it any where. Or something like AB4R1-45T7L-FAKEC-Q0RD1
Hello, I am the NeoGAF Steam Key Gifting Bot BETA.
To begin, simply PM me your keys and I'll take care of the rest.
Please direct all questions about the nature and operations of the Gifting Bot inward, as true wisdom comes from within.
What about the password/pass code systems mentioned on the last few pages? A password is attached to a key by the sharer and the poster who wants to key has to ask for the password to reveal the key? Or something to that effectThe problem isn't just bots stealing keys though.
- People who have accounts but never post can give keys
- One person can grab a lot of the keys in one go
- The same people who F5 the thread all the time can get a key every time someone gives stuff away
- Almost no one says thank you, and the giver-awayer almost never knows who their stuff goes to
- Any system that defeats these problems requires an exhaustive amount of effort.
Here, have this Valve Employee Account Pass.Hello, I am the NeoGAF Steam Key Gifting Bot BETA.
To begin, simply PM me your keys and I'll take care of the rest.
Please direct all questions about the nature and operations of the Gifting Bot inward, as true wisdom comes from within.
The best solution (though it would be the most time-consuming) would be rebooting society as a whole, and breeding a human race that's not full of ungrateful bastards. Seriously people, is it so hard to say "thanks for the game"? (by "people" I mean the ones who don't thank the gifter, of course.)The problem isn't just bots stealing keys though.
- People who have accounts but never post can give keys
- One person can grab a lot of the keys in one go
- The same people who F5 the thread all the time can get a key every time someone gives stuff away
- Almost no one says thank you, and the giver-awayer almost never knows who their stuff goes to
- Any system that defeats these problems requires an exhaustive amount of effort.
What about the password/pass code systems mentioned on the last few pages? A password is attached to a key by the sharer and the poster who wants to key has to ask for the password to reveal the key? Or something to that effect
if you want to be honest I guess there's nothing stopping you from giving it back to the guy you bought it from. like, you can ask him for your 70c back if you want, even, it'd be fair.I spend like ten minutes a day playing with the Market and I've seen this several times, where someone will accidentally list a foil at whatever price the standard card is going for. I've managed to grab two, and I felt kind of guilty, like maybe the person will realize their mistake and quickly pull the listing, but people are so fast. It'd be like stepping on a ten dollar bill on a crowded street and leaving it there so the person who lost it can come back and claim it, when in reality the person walking right behind you is going to scoop that shit up.
What about the password/pass code systems mentioned on the last few pages? A password is attached to a key by the sharer and the poster who wants to key has to ask for the password to reveal the key? Or something to that effect
I don't have time for gratitude, I'm busy reselling your shitty ass keysThe best solution (though it would be the most time-consuming) would be rebooting society as a whole, and breeding a human race that's not full of ungrateful bastards. Seriously people, is it so hard to say "thanks for the game"? (by "people" I mean the ones who don't thank the gifter, of course.)
- To make a bot with a GAF account that can be used and is easy to get the results you want from -- this is feasible hint hint I'm doing this right now.
The problem isn't just bots stealing keys though.
- People who have accounts but never post can give keys
- One person can grab a lot of the keys in one go
- The same people who F5 the thread all the time can get a key every time someone gives stuff away
- Almost no one says thank you, and the giver-awayer almost never knows who their stuff goes to
- Any system that defeats these problems requires an exhaustive amount of effort.
(Sorry if this isn't an appropriate thread for this. Not exactly sure where else to ask.)
Radeon X1300/1550 series
Seems like it'll be more efficient to have a separate web interface altogether rather than going through the PM system. Obviously you'll still need to utilize the PM system to send the codes / receive messages for authentication reasons but a web interface makes it a lot easier and less error prone for gifters than typing instructions in a PM.
Why can't we just use Steamgifts for all this?
Wait are people planning some sort of giant give away thread? Why can't the person just ask somebody to PM them if they want the game?