Thanks for the quick answers!
Off I go!
Off I go!
So thanks to xelios for the idea - the next version of Enhanced Steam will have an option you can select that will let you hide games on Steam you already own. They will still show up on the homepage carousel, but will be hidden most other places. This will also hide DLC you own on that game's app page and hide games/DLC you own from bundle pages.
You can read about it here.
Ok, so I (and please, dont laugh! :/ ) have a gift copy of Half Life 2 from the 2011 Winter Sale that Ive never redeemed.... seeing as I ( I said dont laugh!) never played it before, shall I redeem it and play through it or just give it away?
Enlighten me, Steam-gaf.
So thanks to xelios for the idea - the next version of Enhanced Steam will have an option you can select that will let you hide games on Steam you already own. They will still show up on the homepage carousel, but will be hidden most other places. This will also hide DLC you own on that game's app page and hide games/DLC you own from bundle pages.
You can read about it here.
FTL: Faster Than Light Booster Pack
Not everyone. Never played Half Life 2, but the demo was awesome. It's on my wishlist thoughFor shame. Go play it immediately. Everyone else has it already anyways.
Is this your first booster?
Thanks a lot this is going to be very useful. I think you do a really good job with this plugin. Honestly, I'm the kind of guy that I normally write my own userscripts/plugins to do stuff because I'm pretty neurotic about stuff but yours worked so well I didn't feel like I needed to.
Also why can''t I add the Orange Box to my wishlist? Should I be able too?
Ok, so I (and please, dont laugh! :/ ) have a gift copy of Half Life 2 from the 2011 Winter Sale that Ive never redeemed.... seeing as I ( I said dont laugh!) never played it before, shall I redeem it and play through it or just give it away?
Enlighten me, Steam-gaf.
Awesome, thank you. Donated as promised.
What happens if you own every game that would be on a page? Blank?
Sorry for how spammy this is getting--a day or two of testing will make it ready for primetime and ultimately I think it'll be much less spammy in the long run. Sorry again.
So I'd take it that the Amnesia demo is a good indication of the full game? I was barely 5 minutes in, no creatures had even appeared yet, and I was so fucking tense. It's the damn sound effects and the warping effects and something about being able to peek around corners by leaning.
About how long is Amnesia?
- Ability to set a timeout for keys that go unclaimed due to lack of interest/people
(http://neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=68586686&postcount=11570 shows CKC as still being available but can be buried in subsequent pages.)
(I guess what I'm wondering is what happens if it goes unclaimed and someone tries to resubmit the key the following day? Will the previous key be invalidated or are keys "encrypted" with a single code?)
- Change text for "Taken by" to bold red. Potentially makes for a fun flood of red alerting people to key giveaways
- Way down the road suggestion -- play games for codes. (IE: Paper Rock Scissors, Pick a Number between 1 and 10 (limit being the number of participants), etc)
The key for Sword of the Stars Complete Collection is -- Make sure you take the time to thank xelios
I had always thought that pc gamers might be a bit elitist and snooty but that's not been my experience at all. Pc gaming GAF has been nothing but helpful, friendly and generous to this noob.
Or both![]()
Im so lost.
There is a giveaway bot? How does all works etc. I need short post to get it my mind its full of fuck.![]()
Yeah I admit, I didn't finish the demo either. Got like 10 minutes in, there were some fucked up sounds coming from somewhere, the screen was moving, and I was freaking terrified. And I hadn't even encountered a creature yet.Yes but this is tasty spam!
I love you coding whizzes! You make me want to learn how to code. So excited to see this when it's out of beta.
You GAFers who are donating games for the Beta are awesome too.
I had always thought that pc gamers might be a bit elitist and snooty but that's not been my experience at all. Pc gaming GAF has been nothing but helpful, friendly and generous to this noob.
It's pretty damn awesome isn't it? I tried the demo until I got a bit too freaked out. When I feel brave enough I'll try the full game *wibble*.
Does ModBot support games without keys? (Like if I just wanted to give away something off steam)?
Not in any way that would make your life easier, yet, although if I get around to hooking it up to Steam chat I could make that happen.
Wonder what the current timeout is. Seems to be over an hour?
(I used the unclaimed CKC key that was just quoted as an example for testing)
I wish Lord Gabe would be congenial enough to provide with me the harrowed forbearance of twenty bucks v_v
Was going to gift you Hunting Unlimited 2010 but it is just above my joke/price threshold![]()
The lack of response is by design, that key is actually claimed--the error is that the auto-edit didn't flag it at the time. I think that glitch is fixed but I will work on beefing up the auto-edit code just the same.
I am giving away 3 Steam keys.To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the line below that corresponds to the key you want (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering).
Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker--five or fewer posts in the Steam thread--you are not eligible for this giveaway.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two:
Doc Clock The toasted sandwich of time --MB-E1C1FC3D5B585501- Taken by The Illiterati
Droplitz --MB-C5669E83AA814C22- Taken by Cth
Oil Rush --MB-D23355C120737303- Taken by Deadbeat
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