Okay, it is morning again.
Stuff to deal with:
1) Until now, ModBot has let you add a duplicate key for relisting but has not given you an error or an alert that you're adding a duplicate key. But then on the redemption side it would check and see that the original of the duplicate key was redeemed and fail the redemption. So obviously that's an issue in terms of people accidentally re-adding taken keys. So now ModBot reports an error to you if you try to add a duplicate key (it'll add all your other keys successfully). Which, by the way, also means don't take a key unless you want the key because it can't be relisted now. If you accidentally take a key you don't want, you'll have to post it in plain text and have an unregistered guest steal it or something. I will try to think of a more elegant way to do this that involves as minimal user effort as possible.
2) Still need to work on the automatic post editor, it doesn't seem to get it 100% of the time. I have a few ideas about how to improve reliability. Edit: Fixed, okay so the automatic post editor should really work 100% of the time now.
3) We need a way to bulk-print all unclaimed keys--actually it'd be pretty cool if the key wasn't claimed after, say, a week, ModBot could repost it with no rules and a message saying "Please, anybody, take these keys, holy crap... free to a good home or even to an endless backlog, just take them and redeem them".