I liked the free weekend of sonic racing and ended up picking up the game. Anyone interested in setting up some GAF games?
Bought Half Life 2 at launch, have a 9 years old Steam account, still never bought Episode 2, I should probably get that. I have every Half-Life game besides that, even Lost Coast for god's sake (not much of a game but still).
That isn't something you should admit publicly.
Bought Half Life 2 at launch, have a 9 years old Steam account, still never bought Episode 2, I should probably get that. I have every Half-Life game besides that, even Lost Coast for god's sake (not much of a game but still).
Well dont play it now until HL3 is announced (if ever). It would just make the wait worse.Bought Half Life 2 at launch, have a 9 years old Steam account, still never bought Episode 2, I should probably get that. I have every Half-Life game besides that, even Lost Coast for god's sake (not much of a game but still).
Putting game quality aside, why is a game like Duke Nukem ridiculed and made fun throughout its insanely long development period but Half Life 3 isn't?Well dont play it now until HL3 is announced (if ever). It would just make the wait worse.
Putting game quality aside, why is a game like Duke Nukem ridiculed and made fun because an insane long development period but Half Life 3 isn't?
Granted I never played the Half Life games but after nothing but rumors and speculation for years, can hype and expectations could ever be meet?
Putting game quality aside, why is a game like Duke Nukem ridiculed and made fun because an insane long development period but Half Life 3 isn't?
Granted I never played the Half Life games but after nothing but rumors and speculation for years, can hype and expectations could ever be meet?
Putting game quality aside, why is a game like Duke Nukem ridiculed and made fun throughout its insanely long development period but Half Life 3 isn't?
Granted I never played the Half Life games but after nothing but rumors and speculation for years, can hype and expectations could ever be meet?
Because Valve hasn't been solely working on HL3 for the past 6 years.
Putting game quality aside, why is a game like Duke Nukem ridiculed and made fun throughout its insanely long development period but Half Life 3 isn't?
Granted I never played the Half Life games but after nothing but rumors and speculation for years, can hype and expectations could ever be meet?
Putting game quality aside, why is a game like Duke Nukem ridiculed and made fun because an insane long development period but Half Life 3 isn't?
Granted I never played the Half Life games but after nothing but rumors and speculation for years, can hype and expectations could ever be meet?
I have the feeling they haven't been working on it at all...
And because we know HL3 will be godlike where as DNF ... well, wasn't.Because HL3 was never announced and DNF was
You've got all the achievements? As in you've S ranked all the levels? If so then I've got mad respect for you right now, I can't even begin to wrap me head around the insane skills required to S rank those later levels. I barely got through in under a 100 deaths on most of them.
What if Valve really is working on Ricochet 2 and it's not a codename for Half-Life 3.
What if the cards are funding Half-Life 3? Steams very own Kickstarter.What if Half-Life 3 Never gets announced?
What if It never gets made?
What if we have to live with the cliffhanger of Episode 2 forever?
That's what all these Steam Trading cards are isn't it. Just a smoke screen to take focus away from the fact that Half-Life 3 never has and never will exist, I'm on to you Gabe.
What if Valve really is working on Ricochet 2 and it's not a codename for Half-Life 3.
What if Valve really is working on Ricochet 2 and it's not a codename for Half-Life 3.
Holy crap, are you people really okay with the large borders between images in the default grid view?
First thing I edited, personally couldn't stand all the wasted screen space.
And besides, what are they even working on now?
Yeah, me too.I always use detail view.
I always use detail view.
If anyone wants in on a Sonic All-Stars Racing Transformed 4-Pack for $4.99 USD per copy via PayPal send me a PM and/or add me on Steam
1. Me
2. (Empty)
3. (Empty)
4. (Empty)
I use detail when I want to see achivements or something, but stick to list most of the time. I never touch grid view.I always use detail view.
I've recently-ish finished Dishonored and BioShock Infinite. I've kept them installed for DLC in the future.
Currently playing FTL, Max Payne 3 (very close to finishing), and Hotline Miami.
I have games started in Legend of Grimlock, Skyrim, STALKER, Spec Ops and The Witcher though I'm not actively playing them at the moment. My kids like to play Don't Starve and FTL and Morrowind is there for my wife (it's her favorite game).
After I finish Max Payne 3 I think I should move on to Spec Ops and The Witcher.
Holy crap, are you people really okay with the large borders between images in the default grid view?
First thing I edited, personally couldn't stand all the wasted screen space.
Holy crap, are you people really okay with the large borders between images in the default grid view?
First thing I edited, personally couldn't stand all the wasted screen space.
Holy crap, are you people really okay with the large borders between images in the default grid view?
First thing I edited, personally couldn't stand all the wasted screen space.
If you live near a Half Price Books (U.S. only, mainly midwest), you may be able to pick up Steam redeemable retail copies of games for cheap. HPB is having a 50% off sale (coupon acquired through signing up for newsletter on their site). I was able to get Mafia II for $3 + tax. There were a few other Steamworks games too (Duke Nukem Forever, Kane & Lynch 2, Jagged Alliance Back in Action). Tomorrow is a 40% off sale. I may swing back by to pickup Jagged Alliance. I think card prices should just about make it free in the end.
With HPB, there is no guarantee of what will be in inventory. Most of their PC games are unsold inventory from distributors, so is a bit more consistent between stores. All the games I listed I've seen at multiple locations, most having a half dozen copies of each.