Stallion Free
Cock Encumbered
Pretty sure the last one I did trawling through the dead city again in the "wrong" direction was a storyline quest, so...
1 level out of 15 or so unique? Wow, that's so horrible.
Pretty sure the last one I did trawling through the dead city again in the "wrong" direction was a storyline quest, so...
Hmm, for some reason Castlevania Lords of Shadow is listed on the demos page as having a demo available since June 5, although no demo for the game exists on its store page and I'm quite sure that it never was listed on the demo page before now. Sign that a demo might be coming? Or did somebody fuck up.
Hmm, for some reason Castlevania Lords of Shadow is listed on the demos page as having a demo available since June 5, although no demo for the game exists on its store page and I'm quite sure that it never was listed on the demo page before now. Sign that a demo might be coming? Or did somebody fuck up.
Does this only work if you have a creditcard? Because this probably isn't right...
I have and I can see it in the 'Store Transactions' as well.Should work without a credit card. Have you purchased anything directly from Steam before? (Not just Amazon, Humble Bundle, retail, etc?)
It should be showing up if you have.
oh jeez
in 8 something years
oh jeez
in 8 something years
That's interesting, you only have 90 games more than I do.
I must have spend more on getting keys from elsewhere than I thought.
That is not counting all of the amazon, GMG, and gamersgate keys I have redeemed right? If so wow....
You jealous?
463 games
Is there a quick way to see how many games you have on Steam?
Is there a quick way to see how many games you have on Steam?
welp, i have $1016, i guess i should stop.
That is not counting all of the amazon, GMG, and gamersgate keys I have redeemed right? If so wow....
It's really hilarious when the Steam top seller chart breaks from time to time, and you get to see some blasts from the past or games you never even knew existed.
It's really hilarious when the Steam top seller chart breaks from time to time, and you get to see some blasts from the past or games you never even knew existed.
Fuel in the top 5. Nice.
So who's got the best games/$$$ ratio? I paid 1,311$ per game (not really due to keys from elsewhere but whatever). You 0,295$. Impressive.
I remember renting that game and trying to traverse across the map with friends.
$1.4 for me, $279 and 390 games.
It's the other way round is it not $0.72
Maybe that's something Enhanced Steam could show automatically?
So I checked Game Debate, which has been 100% correct so far on games I can run and what settings I can run them, and it said this about Miasmata and my specs/system:
"Medium Settings - This system has some slightly weaker components but it should still run Miasmata on medium settings"
Would you agree? I had really wanted to play this game
Why would you want to see Stallion's... encumbered cock?E-Peen time? SWEET! I want to see Stallions!
I'll be picking up a few this week to see me through the opening days of the sale and will buy several more when my tax return hits (hopefully next week). The EB Games store nearest me recently closed, so I have to drive a little farther than usual, but thanks to the crummy exchange rate, having, say, $500 worth of Wallet codes bought locally saves me roughly $50 compared to purchasing via Steam directly, and this is before currency conversion fees.
So I checked Game Debate, which has been 100% correct so far on games I can run and what settings I can run them, and it said this about Miasmata and my specs/system:
"Medium Settings - This system has some slightly weaker components but it should still run Miasmata on medium settings"
Would you agree? I had really wanted to play this game
Thanks. I appreciate itI intend picking it up in the seal (if it's there). If it is, I'll gift you a copy, so nothing lost on your end - if you can hold tight till then.