STEAM Announcements/Updates 2013 - Summer sale start date? No one knows, don't ask

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Look closer. While PayPal's FAQ is within the context of needing provide the IRS customer information and doesn't address the 200 transaction threshold itself, tucked away is this:

Ah. Thank you for the heads up. I do wonder what the trigger is for them to ask for it though.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Ah. Thank you for the heads up. I do wonder what the trigger is for them to ask for it though.

In my experience (though not with PayPal specifically, mind you), "may require" means "will require" and it's just written in a non-commital manner so users think they won't be inconvenienced. :p I'd say it'd be requested when a user reaches 200 transactions, much like Valve with Steam Market.


So today is the day....

oh, btw, i asked something nobody could answer or didnt see yet. Can I run steam games from an external USB 3.0 HDD? not just indies but also big games.


I lost my Steam Summer Sale virginity last year. Is it just me or am I not excited AT ALL about the summer sale this year? I even totally forgot that it should be happening around this time!


Add me to the camp that just bought Deadpool. I've been hovering over the purchase button all day, and the last few walkthroughs I watched forced my hand.

It just looks like the gamey kind of game I've been itching for lately. And Deadpool as a character seems like a riot.
Really diggin' FTL so far. Played it like 3 hours yesterday. Also started Dishonored and it seems okay... weirdly sluggish though, dropping from like 80fps to 20 and back. Framesmoothing thing on the .ini acts as maxfps cap right?


I lost my Steam Summer Sale virginity last year. Is it just me or am I not excited AT ALL about the summer sale this year? I even totally forgot that it should be happening around this time!
Did you buy everything? If so, join the club where we complain nothing good ever goes on sale (because you already own everything worth buying!)!


I lost my Steam Summer Sale virginity last year. Is it just me or am I not excited AT ALL about the summer sale this year? I even totally forgot that it should be happening around this time!

Is there anything you are looking for to go on sale? I feel the same way, but it is because I don't really want anything.


Did you buy everything? If so, join the club where we complain nothing good ever goes on sale (because you already own everything worth buying!)!

haha. yes that must be it. Although I'm looking out for RE6 and Remember me this time
I lost my Steam Summer Sale virginity last year. Is it just me or am I not excited AT ALL about the summer sale this year? I even totally forgot that it should be happening around this time!

Thanks to my Steam wishlist this time around, I'm feeling the same way. I mean, boy, I sure need to play through Tales of Monkey Island! I'm ready for that huge discount on Saints Row IV! And how can I live without those last pieces of DLC for Skyrim and Dishonored?


So today is the day....

oh, btw, i asked something nobody could answer or didnt see yet. Can I run steam games from an external USB 3.0 HDD? not just indies but also big games.

You can, I ran lots of games from a USB 2 HDD for a while. Load times might a be a little slow though.


maybe tomorrow it rains
oh, btw, i asked something nobody could answer or didnt see yet. Can I run steam games from an external USB 3.0 HDD? not just indies but also big games.

I do it on my laptop all the time. Works fine on everything I've tried so far, although loading times are longer.
So today is the day....

oh, btw, i asked something nobody could answer or didnt see yet. Can I run steam games from an external USB 3.0 HDD? not just indies but also big games.

Yeah. Though, I had a buddy though that couldn't get any Ubisoft games to work on his machine, and it turned out to be because he was running them from an external drive. His solution involves using the external drive as his "game shelf" and pulling games over to his internal drive when he picks one to play through.


You can, I ran lots of games from a USB 2 HDD for a while. Load times might a be a little slow though.

I do it on my laptop all the time. Works fine on everything I've tried so far, although loading times are longer.

Yeah. Though, I had a buddy though that couldn't get any Ubisoft games to work on his machine, and it turned out to be because he was running them from an external drive. His solution involves using the external drive as his "game shelf" and pulling games over to his internal drive when he picks one to play through.

Thanks for the answers, guys! Appreciate it : )


My off the cuff Summer Sale wishlist. If the top five had great deals that would be enough to make the sale a good one for me.

Age of Empires II: HD Edition
Unity of Command & DLC
Ys I
Din's Curse + DLC
System Shock 2
Sword of the Stars: The Pit
Conquest of Elysium 3
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Super House of Dead Ninjas
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
Hearts of Iron III: Their Finest Hour
Rayman Origins
World in Conflict
Driver San Francisco
Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai + DLC

Games I really really want but which are unlikely to have large enough deals on for me to bite:
The Swapper
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Kentucky Route Zero
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara
Sid Meier's Civilization V: Brave New World


^Payday 2 isn't out yet, so that's not getting a discount. It is only $30 for pre-order, and it looks to be better than the first game, which was great fun in co-op.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I'm surprised Age 2 HD hasn't gone on sale yet so as to wash away the negativity surrounding its buggy initial release. It best be at least half off during the Summer Sale.


So, I've got a major problem. All but one of my games is showing up as uninstalled even though I have numerous games installed onto my system.

Happened after Steam update.


I'm surprised Age 2 HD hasn't gone on sale yet so as to wash away the negativity surrounding its buggy initial release. It best be at least half off during the Summer Sale.

I bought it at release and I still havent played it. Do they let you choose your resolution now


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
So, I've got a major problem. All but one of my games is showing up as uninstalled even though I have numerous games installed onto my system.

Happened after Steam update.

If you're in the Steam client beta, you can try opting out of it; alternatively, if you're not, you can try deleting ClientRegistry.blob. As a last resort, Steam should detect the existing data when you try to install them again.


If you're in the Steam client beta, you can try opting out of it; alternatively, if you're not, you can try deleting ClientRegistry.blob. As a last resort, Steam should detect the existing data when you try to install them again.

I have my Steam library connected to one of my SSD's in my computer, but I don't know how the heck the connection got severed. All the games are still in my SSD.

Edit: Fixed it. Thanks for the help JaseC.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Deleting Ghostbusters after beating 3 levels. It's such a drag. Not worth finishing or letting it continue taking up 11GB. Just beat the Stay Puft man and bail out.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
My off the cuff Summer Sale wishlist. If the top five had great deals that would be enough to make the sale a good one for me.


Here's my Summer Sale wishlist:


Not included: everything else I don't yet have.
My off the cuff Summer Sale wishlist. If the top five had great deals that would be enough to make the sale a good one for me.

Age of Empires II: HD Edition
Unity of Command & DLC
System Shock 2
Sword of the Stars: The Pit
Driver San Francisco
Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai + DLC

Games I really really want but which are unlikely to have large enough deals on for me to bite:
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara

Ohh yeah, there's so much right with your post. I edited your post down to just the games that I've played (with the exception of D&D Mystara, but I loved the original).
I had a lot of fun with Unity of Command, it was a real surprise hit for me, and Sword of the stars the pit made me late for uni this morning :)

I wish you the best of luck this steam sale.
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