STEAM Announcements/Updates 2013 - Summer sale start date? No one knows, don't ask

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Unconfirmed Member
BV just didn't resonate with me artistically and Waterloo is boring.
- Wow, he really does care! I'd be honored to die for my leader now."
- Wait, you're not necessarily gonna die..."
- Oh, come on. Fred's a great leader and all, but he's still Fred."

If you didn't laugh at this, I'm sorry to say this but you lack a sense of humor, my friend.


So, is it just my imagination, or does Big Picture mode cause a slight performance hit? Because of the recent bugged version I played Skyrim with the regular overlay for a while, and the game was really smooth. Now that they fixed BP mode again, the game feels a lot more stuttery.
It probably runs fine for most people, but when it first came out I think it could use a bunch of GPU memory and possibly a bit of GPU processing power as well. Even if Valve fixed most problems, I wouldn't be surprised if it's eating a little bit of your GPU and making Skyrim not perfectly smooth.
Gonna sneak this in between all the sales talk here. But I finally got around to playing my first game of Civilization IV. I'm a strategy buff, so I was loving it, but I found that I ended up in the same rut as I used to get into when playing Alpha Centauri (the last Civ style game that I played) back in the day. Sometime around when air units start figuring into the mix and when my number of cities is getting high the game just totally starts to drag on me. I'm embroiled in a war now where several of my cities can produce one mega-veteran unit a turn, so I'm just continually cranking out units and shuttling them to the front lines via airports. With so many units being made and thrown around I feel more like a logistics manager versus a savvy field general, I much prefer the combat at the medieval stages where I felt like each individual unit had more importance and worth and where the number of different unit types was a bit more limited. I'm at like 2010 or so, and victory is not even wrapped up, but I really don't even feel like finishing. Does this happen to anyone else? Maybe I just need to play shorter scenarios or something, but considering how much I love the beginning I seem to pretty continually find the end game of Civ games to be a dragging slog.
Hmm, how does that amazon account work? Haven't bought something from amazon yet. You just make an account with CC information and sign in to buy FTL?


Unconfirmed Member
Hyped for the original Duke games on Steam as I've never played them
The first one (fun fact: it was renamed Duke Nukum due to a trademark/copyright problem that ended up not existing, so the sequels regained the original name) is great, though not a pleasant aural experience: no music and dreadful sounds.

DN2 has an (in my opinion) increased difficulty, and looks nice. It has a cool soundtrack too, but I still prefer the first one. I think I never finished it, so I'll do so once they come out on Steam

Manhattan Project is a fun game, though I beat it with god mode. For some reason I can't remember anything about it.

All 3 games have non-linear levels, which you'll have to explore and look for keycards and such. Their level design is pretty good. So you can't go wrong with them, they are definitely worth playing.

So I decided to finally try out Psychonauts last night. I've never played the game and heard the story was fun, if the gameplay a little basic. Well, I got about 5 minutes in and the game crashed at a cutscene. Loaded it back up and it worked...until the next cutscene. The game was running fine, smooth framerate and everything, until a cutscene loaded. And when one did load, if I tried to skip it would crash. Is this just a shoddy port or should I fix something?
You should fix something. I had no problems with it, so I'd guess the issue is on your end. What can the problem be, sadly I have no idea.


You can also buy it with google payments.

It's as easy as logging in with your gmail and adding a cc, I use it quite a lot for indie bundles and I also bought FTL with it.


Unconfirmed Member
I thought they just released all the old Duke Nukem games? Are these more of them?
No and yes. The ones that came with Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition were expansions, not different games, and they weren't created by 3D Realms/Apogee. Duke Nukem Forever is also on Steam right now, with some DLC.

The ones that will be added soon (I hope) are the original 2D ones, which came before DN3D, and Manhattan Project, which is also a 2D shooter that came out between DN3D and DNF.

PC still lacks a port of Land of the Babes, Time to Kill (both PS1) and Zero Hour (N64), plus the exclusive episode released on the PS1 port of DN3D. I believe the GBA game is also original, rather than a heavily modified port like Duke Nukem 64.


Here's one: the devs offer a Steam key for the game itself but not the game + OST bundle.

Steamapps\common\FTL Faster Than Light\resources\resource.dat, run through a fileripper that supports OGG vorbis.

Presto, you have the music. :)


Here's one: the devs offer a Steam key for the game itself but not the game + OST bundle.

The game+ OST bundle costs the same as buying the game and OST seperatly (at least in Europe), so you could just pick the OST later on when on sale on Steam.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
- Wow, he really does care! I'd be honored to die for my leader now."
- Wait, you're not necessarily gonna die..."
- Oh, come on. Fred's a great leader and all, but he's still Fred."

If you didn't laugh at this, I'm sorry to say this but you lack a sense of humor, my friend.

It wasn't the humor I found boring, it was the gameplay design within the level.


Unconfirmed Member
Hm, they'd probably be easier to get over here, in the UK? Would you like me to see if I can rustle some up for you? Are you okay with second hand books if in decent condition? If so, which ones are you after?

Ah, okay. I had previously mentioned how much I was enjoying BioShock ITT IIRC so perhaps you subliminally remembered that :).
Thanks a lot, but then I'd probably have to pay some crazy shipping fees (Argentinian guy here).

Were you talking about BioShock? I think I missed that, would you mind sharing your opinion, or quoting your comment? It'd be interesting to see your take on it.

New GMG deals:

Civilization V - $7.49
Batman: Arkham Asylum (Game of the Year) and Batman: Arkham City (Game of the Year) - $12.49
Worms: Reloaded (Game of the Year) - $6.24
Euro Truck Simulator Gold - $5.08
Alan Wake - $5.99
Red Orchestra 2 - $4.99
Red Orchestra 2 (Digital Deluxe Edition) - $12.48
Is this the right time to hit myself for missing $4.70 Arkham City GOTY a couple of monts ago? That game isn't discounted on its own, and I already have AA.

That extremely discounted price is what makes it difficult to bite on the game when it's sold at $7 or so nowadays.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Just buy it twice and give the extra copy to a friend.

Steamapps\common\FTL Faster Than Light\resources\resource.dat, run through a fileripper that supports OGG vorbis.

Presto, you have the music. :)

Neither is of help to those who want to increase their DLC count. ;) It's why I opted to buy the game through Steam a while back even though it was also half off on the official website.

The game+ OST bundle costs the same as buying the game and OST seperatly (at least in Europe), so you could just pick the OST later on when on sale on Steam.

Fair point! I can only assume I didn't realise this when I purchased the game.
FYI: tons of new packages added to registry.


I might be posting this and similar gifs in excess since Steam Summer Sale isn't happening, in that case please warn me.


Unconfirmed Member
The game+ OST bundle costs the same as buying the game and OST seperatly (at least in Europe), so you could just pick the OST later on when on sale on Steam.
It's not the same game!

It wasn't the humor I found boring, it was the gameplay design within the level.
OK, I can give you that. Some other people didn't like it either, as strange as it sounds.

You're all probably a bunch of gaming terrorists, but to each their own.


I might be posting this and similar gifs in excess since Steam Summer Sale isn't happening, in that case please warn me.

Don't worry, this type of registry activity has always been a good indication that the Steam sale is going to happen.

It really is happening. I have SO many games yet to play from the very first sale... jesus.


And the forum announcement about the game no longer being supported is gone, too, replaced with this message from Maxis itself:

I did tell people not to place any stock in a message by a volunteer mod.

Seems to me EA got annoyed by the backlash of people hating them for it. But who knows. The coverage wasn't THAT big, but past few days there was some here and there.


Gold Member
Gonna sneak this in between all the sales talk here. But I finally got around to playing my first game of Civilization IV. I'm a strategy buff, so I was loving it, but I found that I ended up in the same rut as I used to get into when playing Alpha Centauri (the last Civ style game that I played) back in the day. Sometime around when air units start figuring into the mix and when my number of cities is getting high the game just totally starts to drag on me. I'm embroiled in a war now where several of my cities can produce one mega-veteran unit a turn, so I'm just continually cranking out units and shuttling them to the front lines via airports. With so many units being made and thrown around I feel more like a logistics manager versus a savvy field general, I much prefer the combat at the medieval stages where I felt like each individual unit had more importance and worth and where the number of different unit types was a bit more limited. I'm at like 2010 or so, and victory is not even wrapped up, but I really don't even feel like finishing. Does this happen to anyone else? Maybe I just need to play shorter scenarios or something, but considering how much I love the beginning I seem to pretty continually find the end game of Civ games to be a dragging slog.

Everyone faces this problem. It's been a major flaw with Civ since the very beginning. Civ V alleviates the problem somewhat, but it comes with its own set of problems.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
OK, I can give you that. Some other people didn't like it either, as strange as it sounds.

You're all probably a bunch of gaming terrorists, but to each their own.

Look, I like Double Fine a lot. I have completed every game they have released on PC barring that tower defense snooze.

But the second half of Psychonauts disappointed me. Them's the apples.
Is this the right time to hit myself for missing $4.70 Arkham City GOTY a couple of monts ago? That game isn't discounted on its own, and I already have AA.

That extremely discounted price is what makes it difficult to bite on the game when it's sold at $7 or so nowadays.

yes....yes you should. Somehow managed to pick up GOTY for both for around $7 total in one week. So glorious


Unconfirmed Member
Look, I like Double Fine a lot. I have completed every game they have released on PC barring that tower defense snooze.

But the second half of Psychonauts disappointed me. Them's the apples.
Dude, it's fine! You already explained why you didn't like that half: gameplay and art style (not necessarily both on each level). I was just making fun of you, and now you're making me feel guilty for doing that :/

yes....yes you should. Somehow managed to pick up GOTY for both for around $7 total in one week. So glorious
That's an amazing deal. Let's hope GMG repeats that glorious sale, coupled with a discount voucher.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Dude, it's fine! You already explained why you didn't like that half: gameplay and art style (not necessarily both on each level). I was just making fun of you, and now you're making me feel guilty for doing that :/

I just felt like my Tim Schaefer dickrider license was being questioned.
Gonna sneak this in between all the sales talk here. But I finally got around to playing my first game of Civilization IV. I'm a strategy buff, so I was loving it, but I found that I ended up in the same rut as I used to get into when playing Alpha Centauri (the last Civ style game that I played) back in the day. Sometime around when air units start figuring into the mix and when my number of cities is getting high the game just totally starts to drag on me. I'm embroiled in a war now where several of my cities can produce one mega-veteran unit a turn, so I'm just continually cranking out units and shuttling them to the front lines via airports. With so many units being made and thrown around I feel more like a logistics manager versus a savvy field general, I much prefer the combat at the medieval stages where I felt like each individual unit had more importance and worth and where the number of different unit types was a bit more limited. I'm at like 2010 or so, and victory is not even wrapped up, but I really don't even feel like finishing. Does this happen to anyone else? Maybe I just need to play shorter scenarios or something, but considering how much I love the beginning I seem to pretty continually find the end game of Civ games to be a dragging slog.

I think Civ5 slowed the game too much with the attrition wars. Most wars either never ends or you just steamroll the AI. And Civ5 is trying to make the wars really longer, besides the wars the conflicts are longer. In Civ 1,2,3 and maybe even 4 a conflict wouldn't last more than a few turns, in Civ5 it lasts ages. Most of my conflicts starts with sieging a city and moving my forces to that point while improving logistics, and end with a ceasefire because I'm bored. I think the city health system slowed the game too much. With the same hour spent on both Civ 4 and 5 I can finish 4 while can't eliminate one tiny civilization in 5.
Not sure if it's ok to ask here, but has Last Light been on sale anywhere previously? I was kind of hoping to grab it during the summer sales (in general, GMG/Amazon/Steam), but I don't recall ever seeing it even slightly discounted before.
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