Yup, it's amazing how much improved Bioshock Infinite looks compared to 1.
man Bioshock sure has aged
not only graphics-wise, but the pacing is just kinda hilarious
in the first 15 minutes yo go from falling out of a plane to having super powers on an underwater city and just blindly accepting quests from this random dude
I specially like how the first thing you do is walk up to a needle, grab it, and stick it in your arm as if it was nothing. No explanation.
This made me crack up out loud.
I still haven't played it either, but judging from YouTube, the Singularity Cannon also looks enjoyable (if more traditional).
also I remember the part where you're just chillin picking an item and you turn around and there's a splicer RIGHT AT YOUR FACE
but I dont remember where it was, so now everytime I pick up an item I turn back immediatly
port is.. not good, really, but after some tweaks its not that bad either
im getting some stutter that feels more like frame skipping rather than a framerate drop. Downsampling and forcing AA, it looks good but some of the lighting and texture work is really rough. 2007 was quite a while ago, as it turns out.
rofl I was talking about that exact same thing with a Bioshock sure has aged
not only graphics-wise, but the pacing is just kinda hilarious
in the first 15 minutes yo go from falling out of a plane to having super powers on an underwater city and just blindly accepting quests from this random dude
I specially like how the first thing you do is walk up to a needle, grab it, and stick it in your arm as if it was nothing. No explanation.
lol its not the serious guys. cost isn't an issue. I asked because im sure many of you have played it before, just needed some opinions.
A good game. Everyone needs to play it
Outstanding RPG with amazing characters, dialogue and story.
The villains are imposing and compelling, be it for their power, cunning or agressiveness.
Also, Kreia.
Statement: KOTOR 2 is an excellent game.
Clarification: KOTOR 2 has excellent writing, characters, and atmosphere, but is actually a buggy, incomplete mess of a product.
Recommendation: The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod makes it considerably less buggy and incomplete.
Advisement: Still, be sure to save often, as it occasionally fastforwards through cutscenes and dialogue and, rarely, crashes to desktop. F4 is quick save, F5 is quick load, but be sure to save manually as well.
This needle with this cool looking red gel. I'll just stick it into my wrist and see what happens. No one has to tell me. I'll just blindly do it. @_@man Bioshock sure has aged
not only graphics-wise, but the pacing is just kinda hilarious
in the first 15 minutes yo go from falling out of a plane to having super powers on an underwater city and just blindly accepting quests from this random dude
I specially like how the first thing you do is walk up to a needle, grab it, and stick it in your arm as if it was nothing. No explanation.
This needle with this cool looking red gel. I'll just stick it into my wrist and see what happens. No one has to tell me. I'll just blindly do it. @_@
I was already interested in the game given the high praise from many people here on GAF and other places, but I think this has really sold me on it.bought sonic racing and put that shit on and damn it's great flying by whizzing speeds and just living the high life and finding out that flying is the same as driving AND BOATING or swimming i guess but not really cause you're in metal
but anyways the game is like whoosh and the maps are like wha and the character are like yeah and i'm really digging the graphics it's like sega has really learned from 2012 and pushed into 2013 the year of the graphics and really expanded on the beauty of all that is good in whatever it is that we try and make you know and then you just sort of play and get lost in the moment and you realize it's an hour since you started and that just sort of happens you know and when that happens with a game for me at least you know it's a good game
so i think sega sonic all stars transformed racing is great
Well by the time you've spent those few minutes in Rapture, witnessed the fucked-up ness of Splicers and the fact this shit exists under water, I think being Jack I'd also be 'well fuck all that' *SYRINGE SYRINGE*
Do either of the Sonic racing games have LAN play? I'd check myself but I don't have them installed.
yeah right like you have friends
I occasionally LAN with one of my mates; we fashioned GunGame (a CS mod) into a drinking game and it's a great way to get smashed.In the past we typically began the night with a few games of Mario Kart 64, but he no longer has his N64 and Project64k hasn't behaved nicely the last few times we've tried it.
Guess I'm waiting for nVidia to update their drivers or Nixxes to patch Tomb Raider!
Performance is pretty good, even on the highest settings (670 here) but dear lord, it crashes the whole time.
shut up they're all pillows with different pictures of saoirse ronan
The patch with the improved implementation of TressFX seems to have come at a slight performance cost.
Save us Based Nvidia Drivers.
Do we have an ETA for the drivers or are we just playing the waiting game? I doubt I'll have much time to play next week :/
The patch with the improved implementation of TressFX seems to have come at a slight performance cost.
On AMD I'm getting about 4-5 fps better after the patch.
reminder: if anyone needs help with getting Bioshock Infinite for $45, pm me
maybe a stupid question, do buying as gift count towards the pre order bonus tiers?
It that you, Chris?
The patch with the improved implementation of TressFX seems to have come at a slight performance cost.
Save us Based Nvidia Drivers.
Excellent idea!![]()
I'm kind of turning around on Alan Wake. Instead of absolutely trying to kill every Taken (And having to restart quite a few times) I'll just play the survivalist and kill them off, actually use all of my resources (God, I love Flashbangs) and the gameplay is a lot more fun to experience. I'm at the start of Episode 6, and the game, with the included corniness but still interesting story, is actually really fun.
man Bioshock sure has aged
not only graphics-wise, but the pacing is just kinda hilarious
in the first 15 minutes yo go from falling out of a plane to having super powers on an underwater city and just blindly accepting quests from this random dude
I specially like how the first thing you do is walk up to a needle, grab it, and stick it in your arm as if it was nothing. No explanation.
Shit can't believe I've survived that plane crash. Best get out of the water, there might be sharks in here. Ohhhh look a big scary building in the middle of nowhere that isn't surrounded by fire. Well it looks a bit dark but... What the!?! Who turned on the lights? Oh well I'll just go down this lift and see whats... What was that sound? Looked like a deranged psycho trying to claw his way in. Good job this friendly guy has just chirped in on the radio who I now totally trust with my safety. Well he's right I need to defend myself so that handy wrench will do. Ohhh what's this a vending machine and with free goods. Score! Now for no understandable reason I'll just inject this weird blue coloured liquid into.... Argghhhh.
I'm kind of turning around on Alan Wake. Instead of absolutely trying to kill every Taken (And having to restart quite a few times) I'll just play the survivalist and kill them off, actually use all of my resources (God, I love Flashbangs) and the gameplay is a lot more fun to experience. I'm at the start of Episode 6, and the game, with the included corniness but still interesting story, is actually really fun.
To be honest it feels like it was old even back in 2007 and I'm playing Bio2 which if I remember correctly did a lot of things to smooth out the shooting.
I still really like it, I must've beaten it like 3 or 4 times.
Also spear gun in Bio2 is sweet. All games should have spear guns.
I think many people who didn't like Alan Wake played it "wrong". Not saying that there aren't legitimate complaints but if you play it as a regular shooter and/or on Normal difficulty, you'll never learn to appreciate it.
Should I skip bioshock and start with 2? I preordered infinite from GMG and got both previous games, not played either.
Should I skip bioshock and start with 2? I preordered infinite from GMG and got both previous games, not played either.
I think many people who didn't like Alan Wake played it "wrong". Not saying that there aren't legitimate complaints but if you play it as a regular shooter and/or on Normal difficulty, you'll never learn to appreciate it.
I just opened Steam to find out a big green bar with asking me if *insert email* is still my email and telling to me verify it (which I did)
Is this something they do from time to time for security purposes or did someone try to hack my account? The email says "In order to help maintain the security of your Steam account, please verify your email address by clicking the following link:"
I think Alan Wake does its own design a disservice by making Normal the highest difficulty you can choose from the start (unless you accessed the developer menu, but that was not an option in the 360 release). It's not until Nightmare that the mechanics truly start feeling like they make sense and that the flashlight is something more than an arbitrary buffer before you can damage enemies. The game would be even better if it highly limited the batteries you could find, I ended up hoarding them in Nightmare even though I didn't need to, they were still plentiful, but making them scarce would have placed more importance on "flashing" with it instead of held focus.I think many people who didn't like Alan Wake played it "wrong". Not saying that there aren't legitimate complaints but if you play it as a regular shooter and/or on Normal difficulty, you'll never learn to appreciate it.
Should I skip bioshock and start with 2? I preordered infinite from GMG and got both previous games, not played either.
Bioshock 2 is a pale imitation of the first one at best. Skip the second one is my advice, or at most play the purportedly awesome DLC.
Bioshock 2 is a pale imitation of the first one at best. Skip the second one is my advice, or at most play the purportedly awesome DLC.