Joe Molotov
The Dream Machine (5 Chapters).. man the demo was so gorgeous!
Enjoy the wait for Chapter 4.
The Dream Machine (5 Chapters).. man the demo was so gorgeous!
Got Dirt 2, waited too long to try it. Dirt showdown was free in some promotional giveaway awhile ago, I wish I hadn't bothered filling out the form.
Something is telling me explaining the context of thewas the actual give away.relationship
I am going to save my money for April:
- Papo & Yo (April 18)
- Monaco (April)
- Contrast (April?)
- FEZ (May 1)
- 4 Elements (finished)
- 7 Grand Steps
- Anodyne
- Antichamber (finished)
- Humble Weekly Sale: Bastion (already finished in 2012)
- Brütal Legend
- Cognition: Episode 1
- Kentucky Route Zero (finished the first episode)
- Love+ (finished)
- Luminesca
- Starseed Pilgrim
- The Cave (finished)
- The Oil Blue
- Trine 2 Goblin Menace DLC
- Waking Mars
- LA Game Space
- Humble Bundle Mojam 2
- Humble Bundle with Android 5
- Humble Mobile Bundle
- Humble Weekly Sale: THQ
- Build a Greenlight Bundle
- Kiss Groupee
- Be Mine Anniversary
The game would need a humble weekly in which we would choose who to give money to.
AoE II HD as well.
Dirt 2 or dirt 3? Both are dirt cheap (sorry) but no point buying both
Edit: or dirt showdown
Dirt 2 - £2.49
Dirt 3 - £5
Dirt showdown - £6.79
Hopefully all with 20% off
I should get around to playing Dirt 3 more to compare. I liked Dirt 2 but the x-games dudebro shit was reeeeallly heavy-handed and hurt everything. Not just that it was there, but all the delay and sloth of navigation it causes. I just want to race, man.
New Features
Adventure mode is now integrated into survival mode. In a survival mode level, you can find a special portal that will take you to the start of adventure mode. If you die in adventure mode, you will wake up back in your survival level, outside of the portal. From there you can try again (restarting at level 1, of course). Dying in survival mode is still perma-death-fatal, and retrying a survival level will always generate a new one for you. Any existing saves that you might have from previous patches will be interpreted as survival levels - you should be able to teleportate out of them to get access to the new features.
New front-end screens for dealing with the save slots and the new game flow.
The adventure levels have been re-done to better match what their final structure will be. Theyre still a bit rough around the edges, but you can start to see the overall sweep of the game now. Please see the detailed descriptions at the end of the changelist.
New Craftables
Healing Salve - Made from crushed spider glands and ash - heals medium wounds
Lightning Rod - Protects bases against lightning, gives you a few nights of free light when struck.
Heat Stone - Place it near a fire to warm it up, and then carry it around with you to fend off the bitter frost.
Earmuffs - Made from rabbits, of course!
The Piggyback - A fancier, bigger backpack (that slows you down!)TOU
New Creatures
The Bishop - guards Maxwells structures with lightning shots
New Level Features
Chess biome! In adventure levels, Maxwell's influence has begun creeping into the environment.
Points of interest and traps - these are small, non-random areas that have good or bad effects.
Touchstones - these mysterious stones act as one-time-use meat effigies if you touch them. There are a handful generated in each survival level.
Maxwells door - leads to adventure mode.
Pleasingly-arranged mushroom rings
One-way wormhole (only in adventure mode currently)
Pig-head-on-a-stick - someones been busy!
Compressed the XP track. You now earn 20xp per survival mode day at a flat rate, and unlock all the XP-unlockable characters a lot more quickly
Characters have a bit more health by default. This is to reduce the number of one-shot player deaths, and give you more of a chance to run away from danger.
The player now has 15 inventory slots
When you advance through the teleportato in adventure mode, you can only take four items with you. Choose wisely!
Sanity depletion in the rain is less harsh
The HUD is a bit smaller, to show more of the game world
Removed low-level farm plots. We really didnt need three versions of the same thing.
Deerclops, lightning and beefalo mating season are configurable through level gen parameters
Stepping on spider ground will trigger a response from the den
Tweaked mushroom spawn chances
Abigail has more health, but enemies will fight back against her
steam down?
steam down?
steam down?
The games in the current Codemasters sale at GMG are all Steam redeemable and--with the extra 20% discount GMG20-FDSCL-AQQXD--many are cheaper than they've ever been on Steam (or anywhere, for some).
Unless price histories are inaccurate, all the following are examples of such. US prices with coupon:
- DiRT Showdown - $8.16
- F1 Race Stars - $8.00
- DiRT 3 - $6.80
- Operation Flashpoint: Red River - $6.00
- Rise of the Argonauts - $4.00
- DiRT 2 - $3.00
- Damnation $2.72
- FUEL $2.72
- Maelstrom: The Battle for Earth Begins - $2.00
- Hospital Tycoon - $2.00
Add Clive Barkers Jericho to that list. Anyone know if it is any good?
Add Clive Barkers Jericho to that list. Anyone know if it is any good?
Finally got around to finishing The Walking Dead (Telltale version) Spoilers:
Bit of a crappy ending. Not knowing what happened to the boat, vernon or anything. I let Clem leave me turn, didn't want her to shoot me. Better be a season 2 with someone as likable as Lee.
I started Legend of Grimrock and I am definitely enjoying it. The puzzles aren't too hard but they set up in a way that makes you feel really satisfied when you find the right block to push. Combat is... interesting but I think I'm getting the hang of it.
Hitman is worth 10 bucks, get it
Finally got around to finishing The Walking Dead (Telltale version) Spoilers:
Bit of a crappy ending. Not knowing what happened to the boat, vernon or anything. I let Clem leave me turn, didn't want her to shoot me. Better be a season 2 with someone as likable as Lee.
How far are you?
I'm about 2 hours in at like the 4th save crystal... should I be worried?
Re: Vanilla Grimrock difficulty. Ice magic and learning to row swap during combat helps with difficult spots. Skill system is gimped as f*ck though; no idea why there are so many skill trees and perks when to master just one you have to pour your points into it for the entire game and ignore everything else.
holy shit at Steam Community and GAF posting every single spoiler screenshot of Bioshock Infinite without any hesitation or spoiler tag in it. Straight up ending stuff.
I finished the game yesterday, but i'd want to murder half of the people here otherwise
think a bit, guys. I know your screenshot is fucking pretty but is it worth ruining someone else's experience?
Gonna start blocking peeps whenever I come across this
Wait, there's a spoiler option for screenshots?
This Sleeping Dogs deal any good? Base game plus a bunch of the DLC for $16.24, today only. Should I bite?
Wait, there's a spoiler option for screenshots?
Add Clive Barkers Jericho to that list. Anyone know if it is any good?
I open up community today and right there and then there's a fucking screenshot of THE MOMENT SHOWING THE ENTIRE TWIST ENDING by "ClovingWestbrook(GAF)". I keep looking through them and there's screenshots of every single reveal during the last minutes of the game, the exact moments.
I would have murdered you, cold blood.
Yeah and also, no offense to him but, if I wanted to read about the ending to a brand new game I'd go into the OT for that game. I managed to realize and skip over his posts here in the Steam thread before I was spoiled (and before it was tagged) but, still, a little more consideration is in order.
Sorry xelios. I definitely take blame for that. Very sorry.