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STEAM Announcements & Updates 2014 III - Don't Believe The Tags

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So, talking about 100% fun. How long usually it takes for a Finnish game (that's already released on Desura, for example) to get released on steam after it was greenlit?

That totally depends on the game.

Some games release after a few days and on the other hand I've been waiting for a release of The Real Texas for 4 months now.

With the current frequency of games being greenlit I'm sure there are some games among them which will never actually make it on Steam for any number of reasons.
What kind of progression does the game have? Unlockable levels, obtainable items? It seems heavily Magic Sword-inspired so if it doesn't have loot I'll be disappointed.

It's straight level-to-level. It doesn't have "loot" as such, but you can find armour and weapon upgrades that you keep until hit (like Ghouls N' Ghosts).

It has a very unique progression, where you unlock alternate, harder versions of levels by performing well on the previous ones. Four endings, I believe, one of which requires god-tier skills.

It's a hard, hard game, but it trains you well.


Unconfirmed Member
It's even worse than that, I get distracted all the time by new games I wanted to play coming out, I leave older started games I like and move to new and then I like those too, but then something new shows up that I was meaning to play too and so on and so on, it's never ending story. Accessibility is big part of a problem. Let's say on PS3, I have to care about disk space, it's pain to download, or I need to change a disk if I want to play other game, so I stick with one and finish it. On steam I play like 20 games at once, at least I think I do, and that number is constantly growing. As ridiculous as it sounds, steam screws gaming habits (><)
So true. Starting a new game before finishing the one you're currently playing is almost a death sentence for the latter.

This is why I want to finish Arkham City before starting South Park. And I'm beginning to get a little tired of it, after about 17 hours. It may be because I do want to beat it fast instead of taking my sweet time; whatever the reason, the snipers annoy me a lot and things have gotten a bit repetitive. It's still a pretty good game, but it doesn't make me feel like Asylum did last year.


Dammit JaseC you cursed my HP laptop. Now there are 3 vertical lines of dead pixels.

And I still need my laptop for school, so that's 2 more months of 3 lines of dead pixels I have to endure.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Dammit JaseC you cursed my HP laptop. Now there are 3 vertical lines of dead pixels.

And I still need my laptop for school, so that's 2 more months of 3 lines of dead pixels I have to endure.

You cursed yourself when you bought it. ;)


So true. Starting a new game before finishing the one you're currently playing is almost a death sentence for the latter.

This is why I want to finish Arkham City before starting South Park. And I'm beginning to get a little tired of it, after about 17 hours. It may be because I do want to beat it fast instead of taking my sweet time; whatever the reason, the snipers annoy me a lot and things have gotten a bit repetitive. It's still a pretty good game, but it doesn't make me feel like Asylum did last year.

exactly! I do return to some games, but I have problem finishing steam games for sure, problem of epic proportions. I haven't finished Arkham City yet too!
At least, I haven't bought South Park (><)

edited: if you want more VNs on steam, you can make yourself known
I took the survey, and there is thread for it, I just reposting for those don't venturing outside ;)


Aside from those stupid dead pixels the one I bought has a great build and surprisingly long battery life. Pretty satisfied for the price.

Ugh, HP.

Being in IT, the hardware failure rate of our HP laptops is astronomically high compared to IBM Lenovo's and Toshiba's. We're slowly trying to phase out any HP purchases for the future now.


I like my stupidly cheap HP laptop once I got rid of the bloat. Works wonderfully well with Steam streaming so I'm perfectly content.


Playing Under a Killing Moon and just found out Tex Murphy: Telsa Effect is coming to both GoG and Steam.

Recently played through it. A really fun adventure game. Can't wait for Tesla Effect though I need to beat the others as well. Since I just went out of order. Though looking at the info doesn't seem to be a big deal.

Never played the Quake 1 Mission Packs before, so as a little tangent to all the Doomin' I've been doin' I decided to finally see what they're all about.

Here's my playthrough time tally with my Quake playthrough time as a reference, all of them played on hard.


The packs were made by different developers (Hipnotic and Rogue) and they both have their own styling and additions to them. Armagon was a bit more impressive with the visuals, shotgun blasts would leave markings on walls, you'd have more unique visual aspects to the levels like an energy bridge, just things like that. In terms of new weapons you had a proximity mine launcher, which acted as an alternate grenade launcher that ended up being mostly useless; laying traps for enemies to walk into just isn't in the scope of Quake combat. You also get an automatic laser rifle, close to the ones the laser guards use; looks like three rocket launchers taped together but was the most useful of the new weapons and a pretty worthy inclusion to the arsenal. Last weapon you get is Mjolnir, Thor's hammer itself; as cool as this sounds it's not very worthwhile in practice and I'd rather use my cells for the LG or the aforementioned laser rifle -- dunno how you'd go about reloading a hammer either. The new enemies mostly suck, unfortunately. You have scorpions with nail guns for claws, which is admittedly a great concept, but not very fun to fight. You have large airborne mines that home in and track you, which you can only seem to combat indirectly by making them hit a wall -- they use a lot of these throughout and are incredibly annoying. I do like the gremlins though, which are kind of look like miniature fiends, but instead of lunging towards you they steal your weapons and try to run. They added a new item, the horn of conjuring, which spawned a (random?) enemy type as an ally, which you could identify with their emitting glow. Pretty cool to have a shambler on your side I gotta say. Level design was nothing really special though and enemy placement was kind of scattershot. They loved plopping shamblers wherever they felt like it.

Dissolution took a different approach with weapons, instead of adding anything completely new it added alt ammo for a bunch of the existing weapons. With nail guns you can find, get this, lava nails, and they don't end up changing things radically. They do more damage, they have a different sound effect, woo. Grenade and rocket launcher get multi-grenades and multi-rockets, the lightning gun gets a plasma ball the spits out chain lightning. The added enemies are mostly fine, being variants or reskins of existing types, but the one really different one that gets sprinkled about most really sucked. Flying wraths that do the homing projectile shtick for attacks, seems to be the popular choice between the two different developers and they were both butts. We already had the revenant-like in Quake, can we please just leave it at that. There were also some flying swords which were notable in how lame they were to fight. Again, level design wasn't all too special and the amount of ammo you get is excessive, I was almost using rockets and multi-rockets exclusively. Neat thing about both mission packs is that they both have cutscenes; they're simple and crude, but actual cutscenes. Boss fights in both were pretty dull, but that was kind of the norm for the time, the one in Armagon (well, Armagon himself) felt reminiscent of the final Q2 boss.

I mean, they were more Quake to play but I'm not really regretting having not played them sooner. Still, they were fun and being as short as they were never started feeling like they were stretching thin. I'll have to give the Q2 expansions a whirl eventually.

Sounds like when I get into quake I can skip those mission packs. I'm not to much of a DLC guy unless it's something amazing. So thanks for this write up.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Godammit steam. Why is The Cat Lady up there with the Cs instead of with the Ts

"The" is considered a determiner and thus ignored as part of the title, much in the same way some music sites may categorise, say, "The Beatles" as "Beatles, The".

Dr Dogg

While Tie wasn't out when RA got released I was a big, big fan of X too but I knew that it wouldn't be the same, so maybe slightly wrong expectations. Seeing a demo running in a store in 93 was totally mindblowing and imo it played well enough for what it was. Three years later when RA2 came out the magic was pretty much gone (also those 'actors'....), still I hope we'll get a rerelease someday.

Yeah that's probably the case. The only footage I had seen of RA was a brief 1 or 2 minute clip on a cover disc and from what I saw (I think it was the canyon chase sequence) it looked like it was going to involve some form of air combat (although was obvious not sim based). By the time I got my hands on it and found out it was more rail based I was taken a back. Shows you how far gaming media has come these days.

I do wonder what LucasArts/Disney are thinking at times as they have a stellar back catalog from the late 80's-early 90's that if put up on somewhere like GOG or even host their own webstore, a whole new generation could fall in love with their titles like lots of us did many moons ago. Knowing Disney and their draconian protection of their IP and eyes for money they'd have them available for a limited time at a stupid price.



I have a little card money, and the weeklies are pretty good this week. So now I find myself trying to decide between Alien vs. Predator and Condemned. Any thoughts on which one (if any) I ought to bother with, guys?
Does anyone have any experience using Big Picture mode on a second monitor, whenever I launch BPM on my second monitor it always snaps to my main monitor, regardless of if the client is on the second monitor, I was wanting to run a HDMI cable from my desk to bathroom so I can play games on my toilet via my second monitor.


And work week is over. Wee woo.

Nothing super special has happened overnight it seems, other than confirmation that
Gaben is handsome and he knows it



I have a little card money, and the weeklies are pretty good this week. So now I find myself trying to decide between Alien vs. Predator and Condemned. Any thoughts on which one (if any) I ought to bother with, guys?

Condemned is a horror classic and should be played. I have a soft spot for the latest AvP as well but I would rank it clearly below C.

Just going to toss this out there, Bravo Cases from CSGO are rising in prices, I invested 7$~ in and within a week I will make 10$ in revenue ( 3$ in profit ). Free money if you have extra wallet room. The crates are off the drop list forever so the amount out their will only go down.

Interesting. I kinda feel like the fools they ripped off in Wolf of Wall Street but I bought a few crates. Thanks for showing me this once in a lifetime and 100% safe investment opportunity, please call again!!!

Dr Dogg

Does anyone have any experience using Big Picture mode on a second monitor, whenever I launch BPM on my second monitor it always snaps to my main monitor, regardless of if the client is on the second monitor, I was wanting to run a HDMI cable from my desk to bathroom so I can play games on my toilet via my second monitor.

You can set it to display on which monitor but all that does it switch which monitor is your main one. I haven't got it working on an extended display but it's been a while and there might be a trick or two out there. A work around would be to duplicate displays and then switch back when you finish doing your business.


Reading Gabe's AMA, which I missed cause of sleep, I was hoping I could post about having Valve or Steam fans open a Steam Greenlight booth at Summer Comiket C86 (August 15th to 17th) to help inform Japanese doujin developers to market their games to a much wider online community.


Reading Gabe's AMA, which I missed cause of sleep, I was hoping I could post about having Valve or Steam fans open a Steam Greenlight booth at Summer Comiket C86 (August 15th to 17th) to help inform Japanese doujin developers to market their games to a much wider online community.

Definitely something that would be a good idea.
Things are better than ever before but there's still a lot of room for improvement in that regard.
So true. Starting a new game before finishing the one you're currently playing is almost a death sentence for the latter.

This is why I want to finish Arkham City before starting South Park. And I'm beginning to get a little tired of it, after about 17 hours. It may be because I do want to beat it fast instead of taking my sweet time; whatever the reason, the snipers annoy me a lot and things have gotten a bit repetitive. It's still a pretty good game, but it doesn't make me feel like Asylum did last year.

For me personally, I find spreading my time around more games is healthy. Open-world games / grindy games like JRPGs / puzzle games with tons of stages / score attack games / multiplayer games all eat up time in their own ways. Sometimes it's good to move on.

Or you could just put a massive HDD in your PC/PS3.


Still have a Desura key for Humble Bundle 2 left. Can't Modbot it so just quote to see. Please say something if you have taken it.

Humble Bundle 2:
Cortex Command
Revenge of the Titans



Yeah, C85 (December 29, 30 and 31, 2013) alone was a treasure trove of PC games that were much better than what you currently see on greenlight...

Well, Playism/Nyu Media/Carpe Fulgur when they finish TitS should be able to bring at least some of them. Mangagamer might as well, given Go Go Nippon success. Here's to that.

I just wish someone would finally convince ZUN his games would sell here.


Yeah, C85 (December 29, 30 and 31, 2013) alone was a treasure trove of PC games that were much better than what you currently see on greenlight...



Was able to skip through them and see a few and wow you're definitely right.
Some of those games alone can put 75% or more of greenlight to shame

I wonder if "Director's Cut" DLC would become standard practice for doujin games.

Think it'll be a case by case basis. Though I would approve of that method if it's the only way to get the game on steam first.


Much more than doujin games, I would like to see the likes of Steins Gate, Ever 17, Fate games and such on steam.
It's not too much to ask for, all are already translated.

edited: and all PC Falcom library too.


Think it'll be a case by case basis. Though I would approve of that method if it's the only way to get the game on steam first.
Actually it's something I wish all games had whenever censorship was involved.

Much more than doujin games, I would like to see the likes of Steins Gate, Ever 17, Fate games and such on steam.
It's not too much to ask for, all are already translated.

edited: and all PC Falcom library too.

Speaking of Ever 17...

It looks like Steam might get more visual novels in the near future, but this one, I heard a lot of good things about this one, especially because it's from Kotaro Uchikoshi, the man behind 999 and VLR.

I dunno how reliable is SteamDB, but there it is:

(I haven't seen a thread about this yet... so I don't know if it's something known...)
I only just saw this thread, but if it's in the DB that's gotta count for something. Eventually. Right?


Fate is doujin though. :)

How so?
Fate Extra is developed by Image Epoch, and an older game by Cavia, no?

edited: oh, I think I understood what you mean, well, that won't be released on steam (><)

I only just saw this thread, but if it's in the DB that's gotta count for something. Eventually. Right?

Ya, I hope it means some progress in it getting released, finally



I have a little card money, and the weeklies are pretty good this week. So now I find myself trying to decide between Alien vs. Predator and Condemned. Any thoughts on which one (if any) I ought to bother with, guys?

I assume you mean the newest AvP? I would skip it.

On the other hand, Condemned is definitely worth playing. Go for it.


Just wrapped up a Arcade Playthrough of Vanguard Princess.
That 4.99 price is about right, any more than that would have been an issue for the amount of game here. The "story mode" is just a certain character's arcade mode with really only their final art still being the changing factor. I wouldn't have a problem with this if the AI wasn't borked. Maybe I just suck at fighting games but I shouldn't be getting my ass handed to me even on easy. The AI is just cheap and you have to be cheap back to win. Plus since there's no training mode you have to jump into versus if you want to practice a character. So unless you really need fighting another fighting game on steam or just like to collect these sorts of games like I do. I would say skip unless it hits dirt cheap. like 2.50 max.

EDIT: Also the controller support doesn't seem to be working on my end. Had to use pinnacle profiler.
Which is weird since the game says that controller support is there.


Unconfirmed Member
"The" is considered a determiner and thus ignored as part of the title, much in the same way some music sites may categorise, say, "The Beatles" as "Beatles, The".
I feel bad for the guy that has to categorise the band The The.
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