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STEAM Announcements & Updates 2014 III - Don't Believe The Tags

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Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
jschackles is just ddossing steam until valve hires him.

I would never! :)

Back on the other side of my surgery, time for my favorite part - resting up and playing games on Steam.


I would never! :)

Back on the other side of my surgery, time for my favorite part - resting up and playing games on Steam.

Hope all went well with your surgery. Speaking about surgery, I'll be having surgery some time in the next two months on my messed up shoulder. Be a long road to recovery afterwards as well :/

Good thing is, I'll be able to hang out more with you fine folks and enjoy quite a few games.


I would never! :)

Back on the other side of my surgery, time for my favorite part - resting up and playing games on Steam.

Enjoy the relaxing times and games. Get better.

I have my spinal fusion next month. Thinking about taking the rest of this month off because of pain :(
wait, there is level cap in a singleplay RPG? How does it make any sense? It is a full Finnish game, or I'm missing something?

Its not a Finnish game, so it isn't worth playing.

There are just a finite number of skills and attacks, so leveling up past that point is arbitrary.

That's not true.
The level cap makes it so that you can't grind out levels and make battles easier as the game finishes. It also makes it so you can't just max out everything. You can max out maybe 3/4 of the abilities. It makes you think a little about which perks you gain and what bonuses you put in the equipment slots for your weapons and armor.


ya, but don't you balance you game in a way that you don't need to impose so ridiculously low level cap or something?

I see, SP is just not the type of RPG I imagined it is.
Thanks for explaining this

It's not really ridiculously low. It takes awhile to go up levels. This isn't FF where you get a new party member at level 1, fight a battle, and then they're at level 7. Experience requirements scale pretty well with the game to keep you on pace to earn new abilities as things get tougher. Towards the end of the game, there are some enemies that can just shred you if things go wrong.

It still has all the same RPG elements you expect. You fight battles. You have hit points and ability points. You gain experience and find new equipment and items. You choose how to spend skill points and perks as you gain them.

Seriously... it's a LOT like Costume Quest, from what I remember of Costume Quest.


SteamGAF, believe me, you really want to wait for the PC version of Dark Souls 2.

The retail store where I pre-ordered didn't offer me a refund so now I'm playing the PS3 version of the game. There are way too many problems to list and it's just been 3 hours; I will share a structured critique when I reach the 20 hour mark.


A couple months ago, the Giantbomb staff came back from a Dark Souls 2 preview event. I was watching their impressions and at one point they said, 'sounds like don't hold your breath for the PC version. Seems like it is 1.5-2 months away.'

At the time, I just could not believe them. Looking back, they obviously knew exactly what was going to happen.

I remember watching their full coverage from that particular event. They had an interview with one of the Bandai PR staff and they sounded like they were all very close friends. He probably gave them the inside word on the actual release date, off the record of course.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
And you also get Deleted Scenes, which I love. Though according to the Steam forums the game has been broken or something for a long time, is that true?

EDIT: why did you guys let me double post? :(

Sorry, I was finishing off American Hustle. It won't happen again!

You sir, are a-okay in my book ;)

That seems to suggest that I wasn't a-okay before but I'll take what I can get. :p


Just finished Finding Teddy and I really enjoyed it, in fact I'll play it again only to unlock the missing achievements because the game is short.

It rapidly got my attention thanks to those screenshots you posted on Steam. Looks pretty and I've heard good things as well.

A couple months ago, the Giantbomb staff came back from a Dark Souls 2 preview event. I was watching their impressions and at one point they said, 'sounds like don't hold your breath for the PC version. Seems like it is 1.5-2 months away.'

At the time, I just could not believe them. Looking back, they obviously knew exactly what was going to happen.

I remember watching their full coverage from that particular event. They had an interview with one of the Bandai PR staff and they sounded like they were all very close friends. He probably gave them the inside word on the actual release date, off the record of course.

Fingers crossed.

The framerate of the PS3 version (as previously reported) is unlocked. It constantly fluctuates between the low 20s to 30s and when nothing else is going on, a little above 30. While not too distracting it feels so wrong after DS1 post Durante.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Or any game really.

Stealth games though, I always particular fondness for discovering just how to mess around with and abuse the flaws of video game a.i. and pathfinding, be Snake Eater's sudden blindness when noticing a magazine on the ground or Commandos fun with a shark or Thief and it's water arrows to confuse a guard. It's an additional level of fun to the basic A.I. that allows still a challenge and not sadly the latest Thief's "make it so everyone can beat it" style.


And the dwarven bros.

like seriously i dunno if roche side goes against zoltan but if it does then fuck roche, zoltan is the one true bro

Well, the thi4f one is from the special school.
You can basically drag the bodies of their buddies around them and they won't give a fuck.

Are you suggesting that stealth games should have bad AI?

Who taught you that?

I'll bet it was something other than THIEF and THIEF 2
c'mon dude, i love thief and the light gem system and all but sometimes you'd bump into those guys in the middle of the dark and they wouldn't even react

like stealth game villains hire determinedly thick guards to make the infiltrating their bases more fun, it's a known thing in the biz


There are plenty of hilariously stupid AI videos of Thief 1/2. It's not exactly hard to make AI look dumb in any stealth game.

It's different in Thi4f, compared to the first games. In the original games, it was always stuff like the AI not quite having enough behaviors to figure out what to do about shadows, or not realizing it could drown if it jumped in water.

Still, it does some pretty clever things. When a zombie hears another zombie, it'll come check things out. They 'communicate' in a way. I used this to my advantage, of course. Burricks, if you don't kill them, can become afraid of you, and will run away any time they see you. It's a really cool learned behavior.

None of this is like... human-level smart, but it's still way beyond what Thi4f tries.


Does modbot just take time to update things, or did people really not actually want Serious Sam 3?

I feel slightly less warm and fuzzy inside thinking that maybe people didn't actually want half the games I offered. D:
First time ever I get all the achievements in a game.


It rapidly got my attention thanks to those screenshots you posted on Steam. Looks pretty and I've heard good things as well.

It's a short adventure game about a girl looking for her Teddy bear that was stolen by a monster from the insides of a wardrobe. Mostly of the puzzles are sound based so it's very important to not mute the sound of the game in your first walkthrough, figuring the meaning of the puzzles is rewarding and made me feel smart. xD

I recommend it for anyone who likes adventure games, and I believe a lot of SteamGAF must own this game because it was in a bundle, so for those who already own the game go play it and feel relieved for one less game in your backlog, and for those who don't own wait for a discount and buy it. ;)


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Is anyone else noticing an issue with Steam not highlighting games acquired via gift redemption as owned?


Is anyone else noticing an issue with Steam not highlighting games acquired via gift redemption as owned?

Any game I enter via code is not seem by Steam in my wishlist as owned. Not sure about elsewhere. Jshackles sorta solved it with Enhanced Steam.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Any game I enter via code is not seem by Steam in my wishlist as owned. Not sure about elsewhere. Jshackles sorta solved it with Enhanced Steam.

Yeah, that bug has been around for a while. It'll probably be fixed after HL3 ships. :p


I'm expecting like one hundred and fifteen replies, so if I don't reply to you personally... um. Yeah. I've already gotten a ton of responses in PM and in thread.

The boilerplate is this: I love you guys, and I gave some of you great games!

Others, um, well, hey, free games, right? At least there was no Bad Rats! ^^;

Yeah, that bug has been around for a while. It'll probably be fixed after HL3 ships. :p


Thanks Doc!!!! I've wanted Serious Sam 3 for a long time.

It's amazing.

You'll be regretting that decision by the time you're done with it. ;)

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