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STEAM Announcements & Updates 2014 - To Next-Gen and Beyond!

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Just bought a 360 PC wireless controller, took the wireless adaptor and the software CD out and traded the bundled controller in at EB Games for MORE STEAM CREDIT OH GOD THERE'S NO WAY OFF THIS RIDE

Oh hey, this reminds me that I have burning questions about this flashy lifestyle of wireless controllers on the PC. I'm guessing it's possible to pair a single controller to both a 360 and a PC, but is there a way to prevent the 360 from turning on every time you turn on the controller? Do any other odd things happen if they're both receiving at the same time?


I rarely read reviews. Some streams and let's plays have convinced me to get a few things though.

I never cared anything about reviews for games I know I want just based on trailers and game play videos, now if its a game I wasnt paying attention to a great review may get me to look more into it.
Thank you dot for letting me win Gentlemen!

Another double thank-you to you for gifting me Bionic Commando Re-armed for New Years eve! Amazing <3.


Oh hey, this reminds me that I have burning questions about this flashy lifestyle of wireless controllers on the PC. I'm guessing it's possible to pair a single controller to both a 360 and a PC, but is there a way to prevent the 360 from turning on every time you turn on the controller? Do any other odd things happen if they're both receiving at the same time?

Once paired with your PC (or, more specifically, its wireless receiver), your controller won't talk to the 360 until paired with the console once again... so you shouldn't have any shenanigans with interference or one impacting the other. I often have two controllers paired with my PC, and one of those travels back and forth to the 360 - just needs to be paired again each time.
Ys Origin on Nightmare


Once paired with your PC (or, more specifically, its wireless receiver), your controller won't talk to the 360 until paired with the console once again... so you shouldn't have any shenanigans with interference or one impacting the other. I often have two controllers paired with my PC, and one of those travels back and forth to the 360 - just needs to be paired again each time.

Oh, sweet! That's perfect for my setup here. Much obliged :)


I'd like to get my early 2014 vote in now for Pillars of Eternity - why muck around, it'll be hard to top. #hype

Will be released in 2015


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Rogue Legacy, so the first gaffer was right, bunch of liars the lot of you!

Also, imokwiththis.jpg at RL, loved that game.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I do not know for sure, but after an hour of play with Zack Zero I'm rather certain it is a tribute to terrible licensed games cartoons would get in the late 90s, early 2000s like Max Steel or Buzz Lightyear, right down to it's cheesy and poorly delivered story presentation.

You play as generic action hero trying to rescue generic love interest against generic evil space alien on generic not-fantasy goblins and beasts.

Like one of those PS1/Saturn 2.5D side scrollers of the PS1/Saturn/Windows 95 and 98 era, it tries to be something and more often than not fails to really accomplish anything of true substance and fun. Back then they had the excuse it was all so new and developers were figuring out what worked and what didn't, but you can't say that today. Sub-standard and unsatisfying combat based around shifting elemental forms which feels forced on, minor platforming being tedious due to the character not always going into the background (not that the standard side-scrolling platforming is anything to appreciate), and just lacking stage design (I looked ahead to see if it got better late game, it doesn't).

There are also several issues I just don't understand. Why turn the point objects you are told to collect for score or power-up in it's oh so basic levelling up system have the ability to run away from you? Why would you make a player chase after something, something down to where you just were to force an awful back track?

It's inoffensive, I'll give it that much credit, but unless I turn into a 10 year old again and had nothing else to play, I'm not touching this game again because there are simply so many other better titles to play. Based off the general achievement completion rate it has overall and hours played by the various friends who also own the game, I'm not alone as they drop off at roughly the same time.

Edit: I can't stand to be too mean to it. Again it's inoffensive, and it is competent for what it is based off old standards. Nothing is too terrible broken you can't even do something and for young children it may be rewarding enough due to the lack of any real difficulty and very forgiving respawn system when one dies. I just couldn't recommend it over anything else.

I need to go play Duke Nukem 1 or Commander Keen again, that will get the sour taste out of my mouth.
Caved and bought Crysis 3 for $5. I know own two games on origin.

Crysis 3 is my second (or third) purchased Origin game, I think. I may have DA2 and I picked up the ME3 LE during the sales around Christmas.
The rest of my "collection" came from activating Steam and the Humble Origin/EA Bundle.

...well, Resident Evil 6 is actually a bunch of fun with someone!

It's a bunch of fun even without someone. :p
It's a really solid game that got shit on for reasons I don't understand or agree with. :p


It's a bunch of fun even without someone. :p
It's a really solid game that got shit on for reasons I don't understand or agree with. :p

I tried playing it by myself a few months ago and couldn't get into it, but it is nice to have someone else to talk to discuss how bad the plot in the game is


RE6 is a great couch Co - op game. I'm glad I live with someone who'll play it with me. I liked the RE5 setup more though for the "campaign" . The chapters seem more reasonably paced. And mercs in both can be a blast.

Finishing Ada ' s campaign has soured me a little though. It's pretty awful.
Ada's campaign definitely suffers from having a lot of reused locations but her unique boss is incredibly creepy and one of my favorites in the series.
RE6 is a great couch Co - op game. I'm glad I live with someone who'll play it with me. I liked the RE5 setup more though for the "campaign" . The chapters seem more reasonably paced. And mercs in both can be a blast.

Finishing Ada ' s campaign has soured me a little though. It's pretty awful.

Personally, I thought Ada's was the best of the campaigns -- then again, if you played it co-op, of course it's awful, as the co-op is merely tacked on there and it's not designed for it at all.


Hmm. Even that aside I thought it was the worst. The last chapter feels entirely phoned in gameplay wise, her constant inane musings to herself were terrible. I mean, I feel lot of the dialog up in the game is simply there to break the silence but when you can no longer disguise it as some sort of banter it seemed worse. I concede that her part does answer the most questions.


Chris/Piers' last chapter is god awful. The sequence running away from the thing with tons of insta-death triggers almost undoes the the goodwill from the other chapters and makes it the worst campaign.


Ah yes. That was also bad.

Installed a bunch of my sales games today and gifts from people. But I have to play TLoU before I dig into them.


maybe tomorrow it rains
I really want to like The Bureau: XCOM Declassified, but the friendly AI is some of the worst I've ever encountered. My teammates endlessly run towards the enemy. The only thing resembling tactics I get to employ is babysitting these morons as they hurl themselves over cover to the warm embrace of a muton at full health. Telling them where to move does nothing. They just barrel forward, dying over and over and over.

It's a massive blight on an otherwise great game.
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