I tried starting a game and then quitting, but I can't get the Steam update news to come up. Restarting Steam gave me a MW2 popup or something, but that was all. :lol Is there any way to actually confirm that the individual sale prices last all weekend as well? $10 for Dirt 2 is tempting, even though I didn't care for the demo. I have two questions about it:
1. Are there decent mods for it?
2. Is there scenery that isn't just a giant brown hill with dust?
*edit* Two more questions!
1. What does DiRT stand for? Or is it just TO BE COOL?
2. Don't you think that the Steam browser thing is silly now, where if you go to the store page, click on something, then switch to your library and back, the back arrow at the top takes you back through your library instead of through the main pages? They just need tab-independent history like a normal web browser or something. =P
*edit again* I was confusing DiRT 2 with FUEL. I wanted the one with the giant landscape driving. But maybe all of these in the pack look decent...maybe I should just get the $17.50 one instead of the $14 combination. :lol (someone just told me that DiRT 1 doesn't work on Windows 7, but I have Vista and it's not a big loss...race driver 3 also doesn't look so great)