Either you didn't read the thread or you're being reverse-sarcastic.benita said:But didn't the Civ 5 thread teach you that retail games requiring Steam activation can only be a good thing as it promotes healthy competition amongst online distribution competitors with zero inconvenience to consumers??
Didn't it?
confused said:So.... what happens if I enter a retail serial key for a game i already own on Steam ?
If the game has a serial key that Steam would normally accept, Steam MIGHT allow you to gift it, but I seriously doubt it. You won't get a second copy in your games list.confused said:I'm aware of that. What I'm asking is what happens if i enter a serial to a game I already own on steam?
Do I get a second copy in my game list ? Does Steam tell me it won't accept it or do I get a gift copy? Anybody know?
It will undoubtedly tell you you already have the game and can't enter a second key.confused said:I'm aware of that. What I'm asking is what happens if i enter a serial to a game I already own on steam?
Do I get a second copy in my game list ? Does Steam tell me it won't accept it or do I get a gift copy? Anybody know?
confused said:I'm aware of that. What I'm asking is what happens if i enter a serial to a game I already own on steam?
Do I get a second copy in my game list ? Does Steam tell me it won't accept it or do I get a gift copy? Anybody know?
If you can play it at 60fps it's great, I played it first time around on the PC, seeing it at 30fps on my cousins 360 was just wrong especially that it's not exactly pushing polys.Foliorum Viridum said:Had Portal on 360, but just got it for PC since it's free.Can't wait to replay it with k+m, it's surely the superior way to do so.
Tryckser said:Why is there no Team Fortress 2 in the Stats Page? Surely a Bug or something?!?
Tryckser said:Why is there no Team Fortress 2 in the Stats Page? Surely a Bug or something?!?
15,080 15,310 Team Fortress 2
I'm probably gonna buy it anyway. I checked the boards and there was only one person with a similar issue, and he fixed it with compatibility mode. Plus I think it's on sale. Iron Grip is up there with Hamerfight as the most surprisingly good Steam indie game.Javaman said:That's unfortunate because the game is really growing on me. I don't have a single steam friend who has it. :lol It's a little tricky at first figuring out the paths that the enemies will take, but once you do it's a lot easier to plan a defense. Instead of trying to defend the entire map, I start out with a couple of machine gun nests next to the building you have to protect then add cannons and a resupply to fall back on for ammo and health. After upgrading those a bit I then start expanding out and away from the base to give me some more wiggle room. Most of the weapons you can buy are pointless and I've found myself focusing mostly on the MG and heavy MG. The latter you have to crouch and set it up on the ground similar to Day of Defeat. Once fired up though it lays down some serious firepower. I hadn't found much use for the extra defenses like mines and tripwires, but I'm sure they come in handy at higher difficulty levels. I like the variety in game play. Once the tanks and walker start coming you can either take potshots at them from a distance with grenades or the rocket launcher or you can focus on repairing/upgrading your cannon turrets. Iron Grip has a lot of promise, and despite the lack of polish I've been really been enjoying it.
stupei said:I'm probably going to finally cave and pick up Football Manager 2010 now that I can play it more easily on my Macbook Pro during lunch hour breaks at work or on the commute. Never felt like there was enough time to be worth switching over to Bootcamp before, so this is exciting. (Would be even better with Steam Cloud support, but guess there's always next year.)
But just in case, figured I'd ask: this series ever go up on sale or should I just go ahead and grab it?
Who knows but certainly nothing good will come from it. Don't do it. Give/sell/trade it to someone else.confused said:So.... what happens if I enter a retail serial key for a game i already own on Steam ?
NIN90 said:Any EU citizen wanna gift me The Club? I'll gift you a game worth the same amount of money in return.
It's 9.99
LovingSteam said:Yes. Do we know how long? No. However, if you want to buy it don't wait.
speculawyer said:They are protecting you from yourself.
The Club? Really?
The PC version? You probably shouldn't waste your money. I bought it for $5, but I could never get it to log me into my Live account, which means it never let me save my game.NIN90 said:Anyone?
Orellio said:It's half-way down? Dunno what you're talking about d00d. 15,080 current, 15,310 peak.
Ogs said:Just had my first encounter with Crysis DRM running out. Jumped onto the EA site, used the Live Chat support tool they had going, gave the guy my CD key, 10 seconds later, bam, good to go again.
Im.... surprised it was that easy ?
biocat said:Who is jumping on the Telltale pack?
I'm really tempted, although I still have episode one of Monkey Island unfinished on my HDD back when it was free from Talk Like a Pirate Day. I guess that isn't a good sign for me finishing the rest of the episodes, is it?
Javaman said:Does it consume instances if you uninstall and reinstall on the same computer?
I still can't find Portal: First Slice. But now I can't find Portal. Where does Steam store its files? I need to find the save location.Schmattakopf said:I downloaded it, but I had Portal: First Slice downloaded and now it's not even on my list. I want to get rid of it, though... :lol
Schmattakopf said:I still can't find Portal: First Slice. But now I can't find Portal. Where does Steam store its files? I need to find the save location.
Might be app 400 in the userdata (inside Steam) folder.Schmattakopf said:I still can't find Portal: First Slice. But now I can't find Portal. Where does Steam store its files? I need to find the save location.
I found it. They separate Valve games from other games (instead of Steam > steamapps > common, it's Steam > steamapps > %accountname%), and I hadn't run the game yet so it hadn't generated the save location. :lolEdgeward said:Oh God, I wish I remembered. It was a goddamn pain in the ass looking for the exe file so I can run it under compatability mode to make it work under 64-bit. They hide it so well for seemingly no good reason.
Because it shows the original and current price therefore it's on sale. A sale is limited in duration.Ledsen said:How do you know that? It doesn't say anything about it being a limited time only in the store, and it's not included in the "specials" tab.
Yeah, it's awful that it only works on Warhead. And I'm sad to hear that you only got one new activation. At least it's still possible to get them (for Steam I assume?) without pirating.Stallion Free said:It did for me
They kept telling me that in the future I should use the activation removal tool, but that only works on Warhead. They gave me one more activation, but I had to wait like half an hour to get someone to speak to in their IM help thing.
Blizzard said:Yeah, it's awful that it only works on Warhead. And I'm sad to hear that you only got one new activation. At least it's still possible to get them (for Steam I assume?) without pirating.
The Club would have made a better mod than a game, to be honest. Everything about the game is great except for the shooting. Kind of a deal breaker for a shooter.NIN90 said:Bulletstorm made me pumped for The Club. :lol
I know it's not too well regarded around here it but I liked what I played of it on the 360.
Anksta said:Hmmm the weekend deal isn't up yet. It's usually up by now....
I'll kill for the Valve Complete Pack to go on sale.zombieshavebrains said:That would be sweet if the Valve collection or Orange box went on sale. I mean it seems semi-appropriate for the occasion.
Yeah, that indie game pack with World of Goo in it is also as expensive as World of Goo itself. You get that a lot on Steam.panda21 said:oh god i only just noticed that the telltale pack is cheaper than sam and max on its own. its almost more expensive not to buy it
OneMoreQuestion said:Reposted from the L4D2 official thread.
EDIT: And we'll get the non-censored version if its gifted from the US of A right?
Annihilator said:I might be interested in buying for you guys. I have no idea though if you would get the uncensored version though. I doubt it, but maybe someone else knows that answer.
Edit: Steam 4 pack US version cost $90.00.
Annihilator said:I might be interested in buying for you guys. I have no idea though if you would get the uncensored version though. I doubt it, but maybe someone else knows that answer.
Edit: Steam 4 pack US version cost $90.00.
It's on this list but I don't see it in my tools. It let me download Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II, though.Lkr said:a friend of mine needs help. he has downloaded portal from yesterday's free promotion and wants to run a mod now. however, source sdk is not listed in his tools. does valve not include it with freebies?