The benefit of these guides are typically that they are in print and in front of you. I can't imagine why I would ever want to buy a digital version of a Prima guide, especially at those prices.
Care to list them?LovingSteam said:Yea there are quite a few more in the registry. said:My bad, no more listed at this time. What are listed are the actual games included with the guides themselves. No price is listed yet.
Basileus777 said:The benefit of these guides are typically that they are in print and in front of you. I can't imagine why I would ever want to buy a digital version of a Prima guide, especially at those prices.
Minsc said:Steam could always integrate them in to the overlay, if you purchase it through steam, wouldn't be the same but it would help!
Does the guide tell you how to fix the flat out broken mouse acceleration?LovingSteam said:My bad, no more listed at this time. What are listed are the actual games included with the guides themselves. No price is listed yet.
Edit: Far Cry 2, Ghostbusters will have guides.
LovingSteam said:My bad, no more listed at this time. What are listed are the actual games included with the guides themselves. No price is listed yet.
Edit: Far Cry 2, Ghostbusters will have guides.
Like this?Tain said:Sorry if this has been covered, but I remember someone back during the new Steam UI beta mentioning that there was a way to remove the game icon images in the game list.
Can anyone point me to how to do this? I've got so many HL1 mods and shortcuts in my list that have no icons or ugly icons and I want something more compressed either way. Shit's still too big, even in list mode.
Dice said:PC is taking over my gaming. How?
Well why would I go out to the store to buy a game that would make me have to switch my monitor and sound over to PS3, boot up my PS3, load the game into the system, play in 30fps 720p and a crappy online network when I could instead just download a game, only have to boot it up, play at 60fps 1080p 4xAA on an awesome online network?
Don't get your hopes up. The community has never had an interest in graphics and Valve doesn't seem to be in any rush to improve them. And honestly, if you are paying attention to the graphics in CS, you are playing it wrong.speculawyer said:Edit: I think the Counter-Strike Beta is now open to the public. That game needs better textures & world models.
ghst said:the sooner people begin to see consoles for the ultimate step in drm (i.e one that effectively underclocks the shit out of your processor, dials your gpu back a generation, shuts out all potential for community expansion and leaves you with only the default control scheme) the better.
makes ubi's online only shit look positively altruistic. atleast they don't charge $300 for the privilege.
If you have a dual screen then you could put the guide up and play at the same time.Basileus777 said:The benefit of these guides are typically that they are in print and in front of you. I can't imagine why I would ever want to buy a digital version of a Prima guide, especially at those prices.
It would be so awesome if you could do this with intelligent linking, so as you reach new checkpoints the guide jumps to where you are.SapientWolf said:If you have a dual screen then you could put the guide up and play at the same time.
The price of convenience I suppose.graywolf323 said:shouldn't digital guides be cheaper? :lol
There's a little + in the upper-right of your games list. You can turn off the icons there.Tain said:I don't get the same sorting options that way, though. I like the list view, just not the icons.
Jade Empire is a Bioware RPG that got really high marks from critics. However, it bombed in the market. I guess the Eastern setting just didn't click with people.Dice said:I also picked up Jade Empire. At first it didn't seem to be using my video card but after editing the config and a reboot (of my whole computer, weird) it's cool. Could be even better if it got a patch for multicore support, but that's never happening. The visuals still look good because they're so stylized. Why don't more devs take an alternative (to photorealism) art direction?
LovingSteam said:Yea there are quite a few more in the registry. D2D has them as well. Valve will most likely begin including them in pre-purchase offers as bonuses. I.E., Splinter Cell regular edition for $50 without the guide or $60 with the guide.
It's one of my favorite games ever, and I'm pretty sure it did not bomb.speculawyer said:Jade Empire is a Bioware RPG that got really high marks from critics. However, it bombed in the market. I guess the Eastern setting just didn't click with people.
MrMister said:The price of convenience I suppose.
Shard said:How convenient is when GameFAQS and Youtube are just a few prompts away?
Using the Steam Web Browser in the Overlay is good enough for me.Mrbob said:I would also argue these are less convenient than buying a book from the store since you have to leave your program to look at the guide. You can play a game and page through the guide book at the same time.
I'm glad that some people are appreciating that Sega pack. It just didn't have the kind of games I was interested in.UrbanRats said:Screw the Total War mega pack, i've taken the SEGA complete super duper collection. :lol
shitload of stuff.
Yeah, it is a fun little SHMUP. Worth the $5.JDSN said:Altitude is pretty damn great, ill buy this at a low price.![]()
It's ghst.Shard said:What the hell?
It's the + right above the left column's scrollbar.Tain said:I don't get the same sorting options that way, though. I like the list view, just not the icons.
Well, mainly, i'm interested in the Total War stuff, but i like Outrun, Sonic Racing, etc also.speculawyer said:I'm glad that some people are appreciating that Sega pack. It just didn't have the kind of games I was interested in.
epmode said:There's a little + in the upper-right of your games list. You can turn off the icons there.
Shard said:What the hell?
Xpadder? I forgot if SFIV uses XInput, but since it is a GFW game i think it does. In that case this X360 controller emulator might do the trick. After configuring you just have to copy & paste the XInput.dll to the game folder. You can even get rumble out of itCaoz said:I just received my dualshock to usb adaptor from amazon. So I just plugged in my old PS2 dualshock and started playing kinda properly for the first time my Street Fighter 4 copy I got from the steam holiday sale.
I am having lots of troubles setting up the button configuration and I am sure someone here could point me out to some tools that will make it easier. I remember that a program for configuring the buttons has been mentioned here before. But can't remember the name. Thanks in advance.
Going by the "screenshots" it's a website you log into, some way or another.Rubezh said:What the hell are these guides anyway? Just shitty PDF files?
Dice said:I also picked up Jade Empire. At first it didn't seem to be using my video card but after editing the config and a reboot (of my whole computer, weird) it's cool. Could be even better if it got a patch for multicore support, but that's never happening. The visuals still look good because they're so stylized. Why don't more devs take an alternative (to photorealism) art direction?
poppabk said:Does the guide tell you how to fix the flat out broken mouse acceleration?
Diablohead said:Going by the "screenshots" it's a website you log into, some way or another.
chixdiggit said:Having problems getting Sonic and Sega racing to run. Every time I try to launch I get a .exe has stopped working error. Any suggestions? Windows 7 64