STEAM | April 2016 - HL3 releasing today. Left 4 Dead 3 and Persona 5 this summer

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For you.
I believe Bloodborne is considered the easiest if you have a PS4, I don't. All the Souls games have active communities on PC so they will all will have people available to summon, but Dark Souls 3 will have the most active community obviously.

Well, DS1, not so much. I mean, it could have a active community if the online worked properly, but Namco left it utterly fucked after the Steamworks patch.


So whats up with region locking nowadays? I traded for some DLC from the motherland from which i only needed the cd key. I tried redeeming it on my main account with a VPN but it didn't work. Did it on an old alt account i was using for dota back in the day and it worked.

What's up with that? Can you now only redeem locked games if your steam account is registered to that region?
Wait what happened to DS1 Steamworks' online?
well most of the bossfights are super easy with a summon so idk what you'd be expecting

this one in particular is super duper awesome cos
it does a reversal on the multiple bosses trope by giving you an ally. it's such an amazing moment when you see the third watcher rise up and think to yourself "fucking from" and then you see its red eyes focus on the real watcher and they start fighting and you realize from just evened the odds. idk about the backstab thing, i dont really use a shield so i cant really afford to circle strafe and had to dodge and chip away

it's an amazing boss fight, one of my favorites in the whole series
Re: spoilers
I believe any of them will attack the main guy if they're hit by him. But even in his second stage, he's the same pushover as before due to how vulnerable he is with backstabs and stagger. I was staggering him with my rapier, for goodness sake. Although now that I think of it, having him staggered by his allies' attacks is the only way to make them a threat so I guess it works out.

DS3 definitely has the best-designed bosses of the series, imo. Varied and interesting, harkening back to DS1, even if there are some misses here and there.


For you.
So whats up with region locking nowadays? I traded for some DLC from the motherland from which i only needed the cd key. I tried redeeming it on my main account with a VPN but it didn't work. Did it on an old alt account i was using for dota back in the day and it worked.

What's up with that? Can you now only redeem locked games if your steam account is registered to that region?

Do you use the mobile app with your main account?


They are complete utter scrubs. Very low HP, low poise, easy to dodge. I could get like 5 hits with my katana because they stagger like crazy.

For supposedly being one of the "main" bosses and even having a power up sequences, they are the most underwhelming boss in the series. At least DS2 bad bosses looked like the part.
eh, i guess you having a weapon with a ton of poise dmg made a big difference but i liked both stages a lot and all of its attacks are fun to dodge and properly telegraphed and the whole build up and the 'moment' i mentioned above from the first stage and the music and the cutscenes and the arena and everything, it's all amazing

Okay, real talk, which do you think is the most accessible of the Dark Souls games?
imo dks2, it has a lot of streamilned stuff from dks1 and it's just the easiest game

i wouldn't start with dks3 since it's so referencial to 1 and i'd feel like you're missing out on stuff if you haven't played 1 first. it's not necessary but it's more enjoyable if you do

i also think dks3 is harder than 2, 2 is super easy imo

Wait what happened to DS1 Steamworks' online?

Re: spoilers
I believe any of them will attack the main guy if they're hit by him. But even in his second stage, he's the same pushover as before due to how vulnerable he is with backstabs and stagger. I was staggering him with my rapier, for goodness sake. Although now that I think of it, having him staggered by his allies' attacks is the only way to make them a threat so I guess it works out.

DS3 definitely has the best-designed bosses of the series, imo. Varied and interesting, harkening back to DS1, even if there are some misses here and there.
weird, i could only get 2 hits with my estoc before he "unstaggered"

the first thing u say is untrue, the allied watchers cannot hit each other
Dark Souls III without a doubt. And this is not a "oh I played them all só they get easier thing", its legitemately the easiest in the series.

I have spent hundreds of hours on the series doing basically everything from 100% completions to level 1 runs and so far in the first 6 hours 3 has been most definitely the hardest one for me. But then again I have only played ~10 hours of Sorcerer stuff (through DS1) before so it might be just that. And I thought that 2 was harder than 1, especially in the first ~50%.

I think the difficulty levels in Dark Souls are floor((your_build * random() / percentage you have played to point x) * sheer luck()) (==> 1, 2 or 3)


DS2 is easiest in the series. All the bosses have very simple patterns and you can run around with like 99 life gems in your inventory for like 50% of the game if not more. The hit detection is very hit n miss tho so that probably gave people a lot of trouble.


For you.
eh, i guess you having a weapon with a ton of poise made a big difference but i liked both stages a lot and all of its attacks are fun to dodge and properly telegraphed and the whole build up and the 'moment' i mentioned above from the first stage and the music and the cutscenes and the arena and everything, it's all amazing
Sadly I didn't feel the same. It's like they wanted to include one of the hunter bosses from Bloodborne but made it much easier and slower.

imo dks2, it has a lot of streamilned stuff from dks1 and it's just the easiest game

i wouldn't start with dks3 since it's so referencial to 1 and i'd feel like you're missing out on stuff if you haven't played 1 first. it's not necessary but it's more enjoyable if you do

i also think dks3 is harder than 2, 2 is super easy imo
The first half of DS3 is a R1 mashing simulator due to enemies having no poise whatsoever and getting interrupted even by simple rolls.
The hit detection is very hit n miss tho so that probably gave people a lot of trouble.

No it's not. It's just tied to a stat which while silly but it is entirely possible to calculate whether you get hit or not.

* cue the sword and a knight connecting.gif *

the sword touches the player, player doesn't pass the skill check, animation issue occurs. That happens in every DS game though.


i didn't say dks3 isn't easy, but dks2 is much easier

only place i had trouble is smelter and the dlc, the rest was really easy and the dungeons were really easy as well, specially with the healing stones

also im not equipped to compare fights to bloodborne cos i haven't played it, but i thought abyss watchers was fantastic on its own, everything felt perfectly tuned for me, it's def one of my favorite in the series


Bosses were a disappointment in that game for the most part. Normal enemies will swarm you and end you in ways that they never do in DS3, though. And Scholar of the First Sin is probably the version most people will play, which makes the whole game even harder.

oh yea idk about the scholar of the first sin version

i think ideally newcomers should play dks1 first since it's the best one and the others follow some thematic threads that is good to be introduced to first

i feel like dks2 and 3 are pretty good games but they're a lot less impacting than 1, so you might end up feeling like "eh, it's ok" and leaving it there


bish gets all the credit :)
The bosses in DS2 SOTFS (DLC sections) are a bunch of cheap bullshit. Play those if you think DS2 was easy.
oh yea idk about the scholar of the first sin version

i think ideally newcomers should play dks1 first since it's the best one and the others follow some thematic threads that is good to be introduced to first

i feel like dks2 and 3 are pretty good games but they're a lot less impacting than 1, so you might end up feeling like "eh, it's ok" and leaving it there

I have Dark Souls 1. Put about four hours into it before deciding to wait for the Steamworks patch, and, well, you know how that turned out.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
man Mad Max is tickling the collectia-thon bone real nice. It helps that driving around is super fun, and so is the combat. Or like I said early, its just a right place right time thing, but Im super into it and clearing out the zones of every objective.
Bosses were a disappointment in that game for the most part. Normal enemies will swarm you and end you in ways that they never do in DS3, though. And Scholar of the First Sin is probably the version most people will play, which makes the whole game even harder.

I still don't know how From looked at remastering Dark souls 2 and thought to themselves that the game needed more trash mobs on screen. It's strange because they don't even follow through on it fully. They only really changed the enemy placement in the first half of the game, then it's just like they got bored and didn't bother. I'd say at least half of the deaths I had in DS2 was down to the insane aggro range and new placements in Iron Keep. It added nothing, it didn't make me smarter or tougher, it just made me wonder when I was going to stumble into the next 4 man gank squad. I spent so much of Sotfs angling the camera around corners lol.


playing dks3 made me want to go back to reading berserk, so here i am, back in the lost children arc. i'm rereading some stuff to get my bearings back

this manga is great

I have Dark Souls 1. Put about four hours into it before deciding to wait for the Steamworks patch, and, well, you know how that turned out.
well you don't need the online to enjoy it, as it is today you still get the messages and the bloodstains and the phantoms, it's just pretty rare to be invaded, at least in my experience (i did a full human run to anor londo and only got invaded once and it was in anor londo which is like the #1 invasion spot in teh whole game so...)

but u can still have a great time with it, most of the difficult bosses have npc summons you can use that help out a lot if you're stuck and the game's just fantastic, with the exception of a few later areas

i like it more than demons cos the level design and world design is fantastic and they streamlined some of the really awful stuff from demons like lizards not respawning and carry weight and killable storage box man and stuff

demons is also great

man the souls series is fucking good lol
I still don't know how From looked at remastering Dark souls 2 and thought to themselves that the game needed more trash mobs on screen. It's strange because they don't even follow through on it fully. They only really changed the enemy placement in the first half of the game, then it's just like they got bored and didn't bother. I'd say at least half of the deaths I had in DS2 was down to the insane aggro range and new placements in Iron Keep. It added nothing, it didn't make me smarter or tougher, it just made me wonder when I was going to stumble into the next 4 man gank squad. I spent so much of Sotfs angling the camera around corners lol.

"We should really fix that durability bug whilst making sure it sticks"

and so it was the Scholars of the First Sin edition.


I did all of DS1 solo and the only two really hard parts are Ormstein and Smough, though electric resistance helps there. Then the last boss, which you can punish with parrying. Those were the only standouts when it comes to difficulty.


I did all of DS1 solo and the only two really hard parts are Ormstein and Smough, though electric resistance helps there. Then the last boss, which you can punish with parrying. Those were the only standouts when it comes to difficulty.

the gargoyles are really tough, as well as capra demon (when you don't know what to do)

also four kings have always been an impossible boss for me lol

idk why but they're always really tough for me :<
I did all of DS1 solo and the only two really hard parts are Ormstein and Smough, though electric resistance helps there. Then the last boss, which you can punish with parrying. Those were the only standouts when it comes to difficulty.
The two Gargoyles where the biggest hurdle for me up until O&S. Later were even more manageable due to me having become accustomed to gameplay by then.

Oh yeah, Four Kings were a nightmare. Almost made me quit in NG+ even.

Red Hood

I did all of DS1 solo and the only two really hard parts are Ormstein and Smough, though electric resistance helps there. Then the last boss, which you can punish with parrying. Those were the only standouts when it comes to difficulty.

Four Kings made me their bitch as well. Also, leaving Smough as last makes the fight considerably less hard. Super Ornstein is what nightmares are made of.

Everyone else was either easy or not very hard. And fuck Bed of Chaos.


For you.
I think I got killed more at O&S by fucking Ornstein glitching all over with his dash than anything else. It's a great damn fight but it really needed to be more polished. It's a bit of a mess otherwise depending on your luck.
The bosses in DS2 SOTFS (DLC sections) are a bunch of cheap bullshit. Play those if you think DS2 was easy.

Apart from a certain dragon, I don't any of the bosses were "cheap". Challenging and harder than the base game, yeah.
It also has two of the damn best bosses in the entire series, Fume Knight and Sir Allone.


Apart from a certain dragon, I don't any of the bosses were "cheap". Challenging and harder than the base game, yeah.
It also has two of the damn best bosses in the entire series, Fume Knight and Sir Allone.

problem for me with sir allone is that the run to him is unbearably long and annoying :T (and it's timed...)
Four Kings made me their bitch as well. Also, leaving Smough as last makes the fight considerably less hard. Super Ornstein is what nightmares are made of.

Smaug and Ornstein were the bosses that I had the hardest time with, bar none. I spent several hours on just that fight. And that was while getting advice from a veteran player who was watching me play via Steam streaming .. in the end it turned out that what worked best for me was the exact opposite of what worked best for him (keeping them together vs keeping them apart).

Everyone else was either easy or not very hard. And fuck Bed of Chaos.

I actually enjoyed Bed of Chaos, except for the part where I spent most of my time running back to it so that I could figure out the next step in the process.
The covenants were pretty much the one thing everybody seemed to agree was better in DS2 so they doubled down on providing a version tuned for online play.

I steer people away from it if they want to play by themselves. The whole point of that remix is for groups of 4 with 2 potential invaders.

DS2's covenants are good, but it only works with soul memory keeping career invaders in check.

Since the community as a whole rejected soul memory in favour of abusable SL, DS3's system of battle royales works a lot better, even if it dooms a lot of invaders to 2v1 deaths. In this regard, the Mound Makers were a really good addition.


For you.
I still don't know how From looked at remastering Dark souls 2 and thought to themselves that the game needed more trash mobs on screen. It's strange because they don't even follow through on it fully. They only really changed the enemy placement in the first half of the game, then it's just like they got bored and didn't bother. I'd say at least half of the deaths I had in DS2 was down to the insane aggro range and new placements in Iron Keep. It added nothing, it didn't make me smarter or tougher, it just made me wonder when I was going to stumble into the next 4 man gank squad. I spent so much of Sotfs angling the camera around corners lol.
I will genuinely never get this complaint. Unless you're going to just run like a madman, you won't be ganked. I've gone through SOTFS 3 times, with STR and DEX builds and I have yet to be actually ganked at Iron Keep. Just keep calm and kite them slowly. It's especially easy if you're using A STR build. Use a greatsword, kill them in two hits.
problem for me with sir allone is that the run to him is unbearably annoying :T

they see me rollin rollin rollin.

The run to Alonne does get slightly easier on SOTFS if I remember correctly.


Hard boss? No biggie git gud. Long/treacherous run up to said boss? Fuck you I'm going back to Netflix.

(being serious)


Someone made a really fitting picture of level design in the Dark Souls games.

DS1 is exaggerated

Bosses were a disappointment in that game for the most part. Normal enemies will swarm you and end you in ways that they never do in DS3, though. And Scholar of the First Sin is probably the version most people will play, which makes the whole game even harder.

Have you finished the game? :3

They are complete utter scrubs. Very low HP, low poise, easy to dodge. I could get like 5 hits with my katana because they stagger like crazy.

For supposedly being one of the "main" bosses and even having a power up sequences, they are the most underwhelming boss in the series. At least DS2 bad bosses looked like the part.

Depending on the build they can be very hard and I find it funny that you could stagger with a katana when I couldn't with a 2h great-axe xD

i feel that's a dumb jokey way of representing 2

there's a lot of optional sections in 2

for me the game has never been properly balanced for coop

boss fights are stupid easy if you can divide the boss' attention, so whatever sense of accomplishment you get for defeating a boss with a summon is gone for me

i've done it a couple times on boss fights that felt unfair or unfun for me, but that's it

abyss watchers solo left me elated and shaking and full of adrenaline, those guys were scary and tough and killed me like 10 times, often being 2 or 3 hits away from defeating them. having a buddy there to just make the fight trivial ruins the whole experience for me

i stopped putting my summon sign to practice anymore either. i wanna go there and risk something every time i fight, even if it's a 1 minute run to the boss, it's super important to me

to each their own but i feel like coop makes some of the best stuff about dark souls very lame. boss fights aren't the only cool thing about dks but it's one of them so i wouldn't want to spoil that

You can stunlock anything in the game with two summons, I'll leave it at that.


Why does he wear the mask!?

"And he wept, for there were no more games to idle."


they see me rollin rollin rollin.

The run to Alonne does get slightly easier on SOTFS if I remember correctly.
i actually never bothered mcuh with alonne because the run is so frustratingly long

i like fume knight a lot, abyss watchers reminded me a lot of him but i liked them better

bit easier but the difficulty felt a bit more right to me

Red Hood

Ucchedav&#257;da;201212750 said:
I actually enjoyed Bed of Chaos, except for the part where I spent most of my time running back to it so that I could figure out the next step in the process.

The way I define a good boss battle is that each time you play it, you get better at it. It'll feel more natural. I won't say I've mastered the Dark Souls bosses, but they give me very little trouble now compared to my first time. Except for Bed of Chaos, even in my 5th playthrough it still makes my blood boil. It comes down to luck, not skills, which I believe completely misses the whole essence of the fights. Nowadays I just quit the game after reaching the checkpoints, re-load my file and then start again right outside the fog gate.
I will genuinely never get this complaint. Unless you're going to just run like a madman, you won't be ganked. I've gone through SOTFS 3 times, with STR and DEX builds and I have yet to be actually ganked at Iron Keep.

Yes I know, I'm saying it was pointlessly changed and for no obvious benefit. Sotfs had an obsession with changing things which weren't broken. The enemy placements were not an issue in the vanilla game, they were fine. Sotfs approach was to just throw more shit at you in service of surprisingly the player. The environments were simply not built to house the additional enemies they tossed in. It doesn't make the game more novel or interesting to play, it just makes DS2s pacing problems even more glaring.
No it's not. It's just tied to a stat which while silly but it is entirely possible to calculate whether you get hit or not.

* cue the sword and a knight connecting.gif *

the sword touches the player, player doesn't pass the skill check, animation issue occurs. That happens in every DS game though.
Implementation was sub-optimal to say the least. It might make sense looking at the stat but when this happened to me, the only thing I thought was "this is bullshit".
Justifying a new stat they introduced should never mean "jank" like this happening.


Glad the stats in DS3 are trimmed of needless stuff entirely, Adaptability & Resistance.
Glad the stats in DS3 are trimmed of needless stuff entirely, Adaptability & Resistance.

I had totally forgotten about the existence of Adaptability until now. I remember sinking a lot of points into it when the game was brand new and everyone thought it would dole out DS1 style i-frame,no one knew what it did exactly though, and I was neversure if it gave me more i frames or not.


For you.
Yes I know, I'm saying it was pointlessly changed and for no obvious benefit. Sotfs had an obsession with changing things which weren't broken. The enemy placements were not an issue in the vanilla game, they were fine. Sotfs approach was to just throw more shit at you in service of surprisingly the player. The environments were simply not built to house the additional enemies they tossed in. It doesn't make the game more novel or interesting to play, it just makes DS2s pacing problems even more glaring.
Personally I think that the placements of SOTFS are better and fixed some of the issues with the original. Although I did play SOTFS first, and then vanilla.
Implementation was sub-optimal to say the least. It might make sense looking at the stat but when this happened to me, the only thing I thought was "this is bullshit".
Justifying a new stat they introduced should never mean "jank" like this happening.


Glad the stats in DS3 are trimmed of needless stuff entirely, Adaptability & Resistance.
Eh, I wouldn't say that is bullshit. You clearly got hit. Adaptability doesn't have much to do with it. Yeah, it's weird that they teleport you to the attack instead of just giving you a portion of the damage and it looks jarring, but I don't blame adaptability on it.


Implementation was sub-optimal to say the least. It might make sense looking at the stat but when this happened to me, the only thing I thought was "this is bullshit".
Justifying a new stat they introduced should never mean "jank" like this happening.


Glad the stats in DS3 are trimmed of needless stuff entirely, Adaptability & Resistance.

That has nothing to do with agility. You got hit with the grab attack so the game registers it as a grab attack and proceeds to carry out the grab animation.

Even BB has this:

I agree, It does look pretty stupid.
I think my gpu died. I wasn't getting a picture on my monitor with the hdmi cable connected to the gpu and now my PC isn't detecting it. Even amd's software is telling me that no amd hardware is in my PC.


I can see it already - Stellaris will take up the majority of my life till a Stellaris 2 comes along.

Also, after watching a couple of the rather hilarious "Let's Play" videos of Pyrion Flax playing through Pillars of Eternity (called Pillocks of Eternity), I started playing it as my only CRPG till I can finish it. It's damn good so far, with exception of the combat, which is still good but definitely a bit crazy compared to what I am used to
Works very well with keyboard. Since there is no real gun combat, I tried playing with controller first but the camera movement was super laggy, so I went with KB/M where mouse camera control is perfect.
That's good. The wide open spaces look easy to get around in. There are some open world games that have a lot of driving and seem to require a controller. I'm not too fond of either.


Why does he wear the mask!?
I can see it already - Stellaris will take up the majority of my life till a Stellaris 2 comes along.

Also, after watching a couple of the rather hilarious "Let's Play" videos of Pyrion Flax playing through Pillars of Eternity (called Pillocks of Eternity), I started playing it as my only CRPG till I can finish it. It's damn good so far, with exception of the combat, which is still good but definitely a bit crazy compared to what I am used to

Stellaris & Total War: Warhammer are going to dominate my year.
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