STEAM | April 2016 - HL3 releasing today. Left 4 Dead 3 and Persona 5 this summer

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Really surprised that game never went multi platform at some stage, it would have done just as well on PS3 / PC.


Dead Rising is still the weirdest franchise I have ever seen handled. It's been exclusive, not exclusive. Some titles here and not there. If they could get DR1 and the Cases for 2 on PC we could finally have it all in one place.

Good point, we are so close to having everything available on one platform.


Oh those are players? I got invaded by two of them at the same time and thought they were npcs. Oh well, I destroyed their ass anyway.

If there's another invader I let them fight it out with the host and watch on, unless they try and go for a summon, whereupon I throw kukiri and fire bombs at them then fight the phantom if they manage to summon successfully. If they attack me though I have no qualms about attacking them.


Unconfirmed Member

Rules are much like last time; only ONE of these codes contain the game, HOWEVER, there's a little twist.
The winner won't get a key to redeem DR2 right away, instead, I'll verify first that they own DR1, doesn't matter how many hours they put into DR1, just that they own it.
So that's a new prerequest for this giveaway; only enter if you own DanganRonpa 1 in your Steam library

Good luck~
I followed the entire story of DR1 with the SomethingAwful let's play before it got officially translated, but didn't read up on DR2's at all. Do you think I'd be safe to enter? If not, it's fine, I'll pick it up on sale/when I'm off the job hunt.



Rules are much like last time; only ONE of these codes contain the game, HOWEVER, there's a little twist.
The winner won't get a key to redeem DR2 right away, instead, I'll verify first that they own DR1, doesn't matter how many hours they put into DR1, just that they own it.
So that's a new prerequest for this giveaway; only enter if you own DanganRonpa 1 in your Steam library

Good luck~

What if I own DR on Vita?


Finished Why Am I Dead at Sea yesterday and it was quite a ride! Seeing that even Dusk Golem didn't really play it apparently, it's safe to say that this game is under everyone's radar. But it's great! It's a really unique story, not really common in video games. The closest thing in terms of themes atmosphere is 999 and that's always great in my book. It also has a Ghost Trick-like premise (you play as an amnesiac ghost of a recently deceased person) and Earthbound-like visuals, but it's not really similar to either of those games.

Also really liked this Twin Peaks reference:



Harm has been done, the impersonator has scammed at least one guy and it resulted into me being a scammer now.
I got a negative feedback in Steamtrades because of this, and more probably if the scammed continues to succeed scam someone in my name :(


Finished Why Am I Dead at Sea yesterday and it was quite a ride! Seeing that even Dusk Golem didn't really play it apparently, it's safe to say that this game is under everyone's radar. But it's great! It's a really unique story, not really common in video games. The closest thing in terms of themes atmosphere is 999 and that's always great in my book. It also has a Ghost Trick-like premise (you play as an amnesiac ghost of a recently deceased person) and Earthbound-like visuals, but it's not really similar to either of those games.

Also really liked this Twin Peaks reference:

Wishlisted. Comparing any game whatsoever to Ghost Trick and 999, especially the former, is one way to pique my interest.
Harm has been done, the impersonator has scammed at least one guy and it resulted into me being a scammer now.
I got a negative feedback in Steamtrades because of this, and more probably if the scammed continues to succeed scam someone in my name :(

Well, I reported him.
I log into Green man to buy Final Fantasy IX.. haven't bought anything here recently. I wonder what games I got in the past.
I see 4 games I've not finished, 1 of which I haven't even started.

Then I get cold feet. Maybe I shouldn't be buying this right now.


I log into Green man to buy Final Fantasy IX.. haven't bought anything here recently. I wonder what games I got in the past.
I see 4 games I've not finished, 1 of which I haven't even started.

Then I get cold feet. Maybe I shouldn't be buying this right now.
That is not the steamgaf way


Someone made a really fitting picture of level design in the Dark Souls games.

i feel that's a dumb jokey way of representing 2

there's a lot of optional sections in 2

I beat every souls boss in coop unless there's absolutely no one to help. I like doing the levels myself and summoning just for the boss. Best moments of souls games for me are those moments. It's one of the reasons I disliked bloodborne so much, the coop system there ducking sucks. Though I think the covenant update helped fix that. Since that adds I think a easier way to have people join you and actual NPC summons as well. Since originally the game was super lacking in them. Like someone forgot to put them in there.

Funny enough though I played all of DS1 offline and had a good time still. That game did a great job of making you feel like you were online even when you weren't.
for me the game has never been properly balanced for coop

boss fights are stupid easy if you can divide the boss' attention, so whatever sense of accomplishment you get for defeating a boss with a summon is gone for me

i've done it a couple times on boss fights that felt unfair or unfun for me, but that's it

abyss watchers solo left me elated and shaking and full of adrenaline, those guys were scary and tough and killed me like 10 times, often being 2 or 3 hits away from defeating them. having a buddy there to just make the fight trivial ruins the whole experience for me

i stopped putting my summon sign to practice anymore either. i wanna go there and risk something every time i fight, even if it's a 1 minute run to the boss, it's super important to me

to each their own but i feel like coop makes some of the best stuff about dark souls very lame. boss fights aren't the only cool thing about dks but it's one of them so i wouldn't want to spoil that


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
people really really need to stop saying "you dont get the same feeling of acomplishment when you summon man" as if its a universal standard. You do not dictate what other people think is fun or not
people really really need to stop saying "you dont get the same feeling of acomplishment when you summon man" as if its a universal standard. You do not dictate what other people think is fun or not

Those will always feel different from one another though. Whether it's better is what's subjective.


you did. I meant in general, but you did specify so I still apologize
i think you were right about the "not the same is fun for everyone" or whatever

ppl play dark souls for different reasons, some like the lore, some like the pve, some like the pvp, some like coop, some like the weird emergent gameplay, some like griefing and some like helping, etc.

so yea ppl that coop through the game or the bosses do take a lot of the challenge of the game out by doing so so they probably don't really care too much about triumphing over difficult fights as much as ppl that play solo do

ppl like me really enjoy the whole process of being dragged through the mud over and over again until you finally get that timing right and finally figure out the patterns and manage to execute it perfectly. that's why we get pretty mad when boss fights are too simple or too easy like in dks2

there's so much to these games it's still enjoyable for ppl that don't care much about the boss fights, they just enjoy it for different reasons


For you.
[There's definitely a couple of bosses in the series that are designed for co OP.

Also, Abyss Watchers is the most dissapointing boss in the series.
Someone made a really fitting picture of level design in the Dark Souls games.

This is not accurate for DS2 at all.
It's like Undead Burg vs. Dark Souls 2's vague overall layout vs. Dark Souls 3's vague overall layout.

I think a lot of people forget how much of a nosedive DS1's takes in its final third, in all ways.
Man I really want to play Souls 3 but my Internet is shitting the bed until at least Thursday and I want to take part in cooperation and invasions.

From servers are doing the same, so at worst you'll have the same experience as everyone else.


Also, Abyss Watchers is the most dissapointing boas in the series.

From what I've seen
Abyss Watchers is meant to give you a taste of the later humanoid, sharp object-wielding bosses. Basically DS3's Father Gascoigne. You do appear to face NPC Hunter-likes before that though, but their style and aggressiveness look less intimidating.


I'm using the good old coffee snob example

Just because you're a coffee snob and don't put milk in most coffees besides the ones that are specifically roasted with the idea of it, anyone will still tell you to screw off for getting mad at people for using milk- if they enjoy the flavor better, it's their choice. Even the aficionados tell you this.
These things aren't objective guys :3
I thought
Andre from Astora
was already a big throwback to DS1. Imagine the surprise when seeing
Anor Londo
.... (legit spoilers)
Either way, I didn't go an inch further than the bonfire. Want to clear the previous area first but the
two Wolf beasts
are wrecking me like there's no tomorrow. Hope I can find some summons but that part has been wonky throughout the whole game sadly :'(


I'm using the good old coffee snob example

Just because you're a coffee snob and don't put milk in most coffees besides the ones that are specifically roasted with the idea of it, anyone will still tell you to screw off for getting mad at people for using milk- if they enjoy the flavor better, it's their choice. Even the aficionados tell you this.
These things aren't objective guys :3

Milkcoffee like latte or cappucino is objectively suprior m8. Standard coffee is for the poor.


It's a really cool fight conceptually (and I love the style of it), but in reality
especially with a summon, you just sorta stand and either: stagger the poor guy, or backstab him for days.

well most of the bossfights are super easy with a summon so idk what you'd be expecting

this one in particular is super duper awesome cos
it does a reversal on the multiple bosses trope by giving you an ally. it's such an amazing moment when you see the third watcher rise up and think to yourself "fucking from" and then you see its red eyes focus on the real watcher and they start fighting and you realize from just evened the odds. idk about the backstab thing, i dont really use a shield so i cant really afford to circle strafe and had to dodge and chip away

it's an amazing boss fight, one of my favorites in the whole series


For you.
really? i loved abyss watchers, wth
They are complete utter scrubs. Very low HP, low poise, easy to dodge. I could get like 5 hits with my katana because they stagger like crazy.

For supposedly being one of the "main" bosses and even having a power up sequences, they are the most underwhelming boss in the series. At least DS2 bad bosses looked like the part.


Milkcoffee like latte or cappucino is objectively suprior m8. Standard coffee is for the poor.

Oh the hell are you on


I drink Metropolis coffee generally, or an equivalent brand from a local roaster that is highly rated :3

$15 a bag sucks though.

Wait why am I arguing this I use an espresso machine and make cappuccinos daily at home.


Okay, real talk, which do you think is the most accessible of the Dark Souls games?

I believe Bloodborne is considered the easiest if you have a PS4, I don't. All the Souls games have active communities on PC so they will all will have people available to summon, but Dark Souls 3 will have the most active community obviously.
Dark Souls III without a doubt. And this is not a "oh I played them all só they get easier thing", its legitemately the easiest in the series.

I believe Bloodborne is considered the easiest if you have a PS4, I don't. All the Souls games have active communities on PC so they will all will have people available to summon, but Dark Souls 3 will have the most active community obviously.

Dark Souls 3 it is, then.


Does Bloodborne count? Weapons in particular are heavily streamlined. You get fewer compared to Souls, although each one feels relatively unique and has multiple forms. (Think of most/all of them as Boss weapons) This includes upgrading damage- every weapon requires the same type and number of materials, and adding elemental just means buffing with an item, reusable "tool", or slotting different gems (which can be rearranged without penalty).

Also the lack of a real shield mechanic, and armor being unimportant for the most part. (Fire boss? Put on slightly fire-resistance clothes. Still won't help much, git gud)
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