STEAM | April 2016 - HL3 releasing today. Left 4 Dead 3 and Persona 5 this summer

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Move over Dark Souls 3! There's also an DRM free version available on the official site ( if that's more your thing.


second lord DONE

pretty fun boss fight, a bit of luck involved in getting the easier attack patterns so it took like a dozen tries but in the end it wasn't the toughest

seems to follow the pattern of the bosses in dks3 that is pretty varied in attacks (magic, melee and range, lots of chip dmg and then big oneshotting attacks) and has multiple forms and is generally huge. i like it, i think i've enjoyed all the boss fights in the game. even the ones that aren't great are at least not irritating and there's been a bunch of gimmicky boss fights but whatever, i like the gimmicks in this one

that being said i'm liking the general structure of the game less and less as it goes on. you had (big spoilers) freaking a
nor londo to do a lot of cool lore stuff with and yeah the boss has some cool lore implications but then you kill him and find the empty gwynevere couch and that's it?

it's hard to imagine but i feel dks3 is the most story light of all the souls games, there's barely any npcs when you're out exploring and when you're back in the "nexus" people never have anything new to say. in demons and dks2 you went back to the nexus/majula and talk to everyone and you often got a new line out of someone at least. here it's nothing

i think i may have screwed myself by
not taking the 5 free levels from the pilgrim guy
and missed a bunch of story because of that but that's still to blame for the game since it's not necessarily the most obvious of things and the cutoff for doing it is pretty early

basically if they had that and the world was interconnected like in 1 (the interconnected stuff feels like the game was a bit rushed and they patched it up however they could) this would arguably be the best souls game. it's so damn polished, i just want a little bit more. it just lacks some of the magic of 1

edit: also idk how someone beat this game in 28 hours, i'm at 40 and just 2/4 lords beaten lol


Just an FYI; I won't be able to PM the winner of the giveaway their code until a day later due to my work shift ^^;


My SL 50 character is doing well I just beat a terrible gimmicky optional boss but before that I beat
which was a fun fight and it took me to a super dark place where I got invaded and somehow managed to survive despite sucking at PVP when I'm in my own world (getting invaded is more nerve wracking for me than invading others despite having host advantage :p).


honestly for invasions i'm going back to demons souls style thing of suiciding after beating a boss cos chuggers and multi invaders don't have any respect for fine dueling lol


honestly for invasions i'm going back to demons souls style thing of suiciding after beating a boss cos chuggers and multi invaders don't have any respect for fine dueling lol

If the invader is as good as me, I have more heals than them so I can probably easily outlast them... at least it's not like Bloodborne where everyone has waaaaaay too many heals. :p

They're the ones healing first anyways, so I never feel bad about healing myself.


If the invader is as good as me, I have more heals than them so I can probably easily outlast them... at least it's not like Bloodborne where everyone has waaaaaay too many heals. :p
yea but like then you get them low and they just run away to bait you into mobs and it's still annoying lol

i feel invaders were more honorable in dks2 but that's probably incorrect lol


yea but like then you get them low and they just run away to bait you into mobs and it's still annoying lol

i feel invaders were more honorable in dks2 but that's probably incorrect lol

If they want to run away I let them, I'm a patient person, also I have a nice playlist to listen to for boss fights, so I can use that as waiting music instead. (I'm weird I do better at bossfights with my own music playing)


that's not weird, my roommate plays some boss fights with volume turned off if they're too stressful, just helps you not get tilted/stressed

i like the stressful music tho, i think it adds a bunch to the moment

i want to be scared of these bosses, they need to be super menacing and intimidating, the music has to be bombastic, it needs to look like an insurmountable mountain :>


that's not weird, my roommate plays some boss fights with volume turned off if they're too stressful, just helps you not get tilted/stressed

i like the stressful music tho, i think it adds a bunch to the moment

i want to be scared of these bosses, they need to be super menacing and intimidating, the music has to be bombastic, it needs to look like an insurmountable mountain :>

If they'd really come off as Insurmountable I'd just quit like I did for three months facing Ernie and Bert for the first time. I need to have that I can do it feeling. It's hard but I can do it, I just need to git gud. That's why I usually don't mind dying twenty times if I have that feeling.


If they'd really come off as Insurmountable I'd just quit like I did for three months facing Ernie and Bert for the first time. I need to have that I can do it feeling. It's hard but I can do it, I just need to git gud. That's why I usually don't mind dying twenty times if I have that feeling.
oh yeah for sure

the whole way dark souls works is that you know each fight you're gonna learn something

at first you're completely clueless, it's just this scary giant monster that just jumps all over the place and looks like it has a billion attacks and one shots you in like 5 seconds. it feels like holy shit this guy is impossible how the hell im gonna beat this guy

then as you fight them over and over you start having tiny revelations. this attack you have to roll, this one run, this block, this leaves an opening for one, no, two hits, this attack has two stages, etc.

and at one point you get that feeling of "i got this" and it's just a matter of refining your execution and then you get it

it's beautiful :>


that's not weird, my roommate plays some boss fights with volume turned off if they're too stressful, just helps you not get tilted/stressed

i like the stressful music tho, i think it adds a bunch to the moment

i want to be scared of these bosses, they need to be super menacing and intimidating, the music has to be bombastic, it needs to look like an insurmountable mountain :>

So let the cutesy Vocaloid music play to the really important bossfight! That's what you're saying right?


i don't get how a black keys youtube mix gives me call me maybe

the other day i got alvin and the chipmunks from a creedence mix

youtube you're weird

So let the cutesy Vocaloid music play to the really important bossfight! That's what you're saying right?

you have to be the cutesy vocaloid that murders the big bad monster


I can tell you exactly why:

  1. Not the original DOOM
  2. Not the original DOOM
  3. Not the original DOOM
  4. Arena shooters are a dead art

The largest complaint I noticed is that, unlike games like Quake 3 Arena or Unreal Tournament, you don't have to take control of the map and its resources because you don't spawn with nothing to your name. Lack of that ruined the tension/urgency you'd usually get with it.

And yet the response was so positive out of the alpha :/


that's not weird, my roommate plays some boss fights with volume turned off if they're too stressful, just helps you not get tilted/stressed

i like the stressful music tho, i think it adds a bunch to the moment

i want to be scared of these bosses, they need to be super menacing and intimidating, the music has to be bombastic, it needs to look like an insurmountable mountain :>

As a kid I would mute water levels in Sonic as the drowning theme was stressful as hell and made me make mistakes and drown more.

These days though I'm all over that stuff and especially with bosses the more stressful things are the better(as long as its still relatively fair). I wanna feel like I just did the impossible when I take them down. Music certainly plays its part in that.


i've been playing it like non stop

had to actually pace myself cos i had stuff to code for tomorrow and wasn't getting to it

i ended up being super efficient with my coding and getting it done super fast, seems like being away from dks3 acts as a good incentive to be productive

As a kid I would mute water levels in Sonic as the drowning theme was stressful as hell and made me make mistakes and drown more.

These days though I'm all over that stuff and especially with bosses the more stressful things are the better(as long as its still relatively fair). I wanna feel like I just did the impossible when I take them down. Music certainly plays its part in that.
yeah, that feeling of all the odds stacked against you and you still are victorious

so goooooooooood


second lord DONE

pretty fun boss fight, a bit of luck involved in getting the easier attack patterns so it took like a dozen tries but in the end it wasn't the toughest

seems to follow the pattern of the bosses in dks3 that is pretty varied in attacks (magic, melee and range, lots of chip dmg and then big oneshotting attacks) and has multiple forms and is generally huge. i like it, i think i've enjoyed all the boss fights in the game. even the ones that aren't great are at least not irritating and there's been a bunch of gimmicky boss fights but whatever, i like the gimmicks in this one

that being said i'm liking the general structure of the game less and less as it goes on. you had (big spoilers) freaking a
nor londo to do a lot of cool lore stuff with and yeah the boss has some cool lore implications but then you kill him and find the empty gwynevere couch and that's it?

it's hard to imagine but i feel dks3 is the most story light of all the souls games, there's barely any npcs when you're out exploring and when you're back in the "nexus" people never have anything new to say. in demons and dks2 you went back to the nexus/majula and talk to everyone and you often got a new line out of someone at least. here it's nothing

i think i may have screwed myself by
not taking the 5 free levels from the pilgrim guy
and missed a bunch of story because of that but that's still to blame for the game since it's not necessarily the most obvious of things and the cutoff for doing it is pretty early

basically if they had that and the world was interconnected like in 1 (the interconnected stuff feels like the game was a bit rushed and they patched it up however they could) this would arguably be the best souls game. it's so damn polished, i just want a little bit more. it just lacks some of the magic of 1

edit: also idk how someone beat this game in 28 hours, i'm at 40 and just 2/4 lords beaten lol

Somehow I get the feeling you're missing out on the other quest lines on top of the one you mentioned.

My SL 50 character is doing well I just beat a terrible gimmicky optional boss but before that I beat
which was a fun fight and it took me to a super dark place where I got invaded and somehow managed to survive despite sucking at PVP when I'm in my own world (getting invaded is more nerve wracking for me than invading others despite having host advantage :p).

You mean the scripted, NPC invader? :v
Man, if my gpu is really dead I'm screwed, I wont be able to afford one in the foreseeable future. Missing out on the next TW3 expansion would kill me.
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