Olli Olli, get over the loss of your bike by skateboarding
an subject myself to a different kind of rage?
Olli Olli, get over the loss of your bike by skateboarding
Archi's Steam FarmCard Idling sure has been acting up for me lately. What's the new program to use since idlemaster is off the market?
Archi's Steam Farm
idlemaster is not off the market. It still works for card idling. I used it just recently.Card Idling sure has been acting up for me lately. What's the new program to use since idlemaster is off the market?
idlemaster is not off the market. It still works for card idling. I used it just recently.
idlemaster is not off the market. It still works for card idling. I used it just recently.
stayed for
Are any of you guys on Miitomo? I rather have people from in here who I kind of know, on my friendlist. Let me know.
I played Melty Blood for:
stayed for
Get Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code on Steam April 19th
Also get into that OST goodness
Are there any good match 3 games on Steam or elsewhere on PC?
Are any of you guys on Miitomo? I rather have people from in here who I kind of know, on my friendlist. Let me know.
might and magic clash of heroeshuniepop
puzzle quest
RiP killer instinct, pokken, SF5, Guilty Gear Xrd and Smash.
The one true fighting game queen has come.
Are there any good match 3 games on Steam or elsewhere on PC?
Are there any good match 3 games on Steam or elsewhere on PC?
Faeria is having a giveaway, if you supported it be sure to give it to two of your buddies this weekend. Pretty interesting map-strategy TCG.
The significant other got it gifted to him, and he was able to share it with me via his Steam account. We both got 20 booster packs for free so that was pretty cool.
rip prob getting a B+ or so in CS, if I get lucky
Sooo CS isn't happening!
What major do I go for :V
Is this a serious question? April Fools should be over for most people?
Treasures of Montezuma 4 hasn't been mentioned yet.
RiP killer instinct, pokken, SF5, Guilty Gear Xrd and Smash.
The one true fighting game queen has come.
Are there any good match 3 games on Steam or elsewhere on PC?
Ohhhh,I played Melty Blood for:
stayed for
Get Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code on Steam April 19th
Also get into that OST goodness
Positive or negative?Ohhhh,
Major depression
The one thing I don't like about Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code is that it's almost too good.
And Nvidia's recent drivers fucked up the framerates for a lot of people. Had to roll my shit back.
Are there any good match 3 games on Steam or elsewhere on PC?
I played Melty Blood for:
stayed for
Get Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code on Steam April 19th
Also get into that OST goodness
And Nvidia's recent drivers fucked up the framerates for a lot of people. Had to roll my shit back.
You think amd have better drivers ? They have to change crimson into nightmare drivers.
SatsukiSo which character has your favorite basketball game? Is it Satsuki or satsuki?
rip prob getting a B+ or so in CS, if I get lucky
Sooo CS isn't happening!
What major do I go for :V
rip prob getting a B+ or so in CS, if I get lucky
Sooo CS isn't happening!
What major do I go for :V
I'm really tempted to buy the Steam controller, but I should know better than to buy 1st gen hardware from a company with no hardware cred.
I'm really tempted to buy the Steam controller, but I should know better than to buy 1st gen hardware from a company with no hardware cred.
in the best April fools prank ever, my bike got stolen yesterday
i need a game suggestion to cheer myself up, here's my list: [HERE]
From a build quality perspective it's really solid. I just think it's really rough on the software side. It seems to be capable of doing anything it's just difficult to get it to behave. When people say it's the true PC gamer's controller they are totally right. You could tweak settings on it for hours in a single game and still feel like you make more adjustments to get it right.I'm really tempted to buy the Steam controller, but I should know better than to buy 1st gen hardware from a company with no hardware cred.
The one thing I don't like about Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code is that it's almost too good.
I don't understand why they are wearing what they are wearing.
You think amd have better drivers ? They have to change crimson into nightmare drivers.
I installed the latest nvidia driver and havent had any problems, but I only played 2d stuff since so I probably wouldnt have noticed if there were any problems :/
Positive.Positive or negative?
It's also amazing.Carnival Phantasm is a parody show.
tfw Dark Souls 3 still over a week away.
If you can't get out, then how did you get in, you silly beast?