STEAM | April 2016 - HL3 releasing today. Left 4 Dead 3 and Persona 5 this summer

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Happy birthday, zkylon~


i love you

*edit* awkward

uh, go buy Assault Android Cactus


There was a huge list of games in the giveaway with a 24 hour throttle at the time. Dude was redeeming one game a day so the person giving away the game would get a giveaway receipt every day for 21 days straight. He got called out for being greedy by the raffler and all he said was "See you 2morrow."

Damn, hardcore. Can't lie though, I laughed at the See you 2morrow. line.


thanks lovely people

except that one fellow that couldn't even write senpai right

for shame

Guys should I start playing Dota 2 again?

It's been quite a while, and I was never particularly good in the first place.


play mobass

any mobass

and be annoying to people that don't get you

it's our legacy


I was looking up The Binding of Isaac and saw there were 2 versions. Is The Binding of Isaac worth getting or should I go straight for The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth?


Rebirth is better in almost every way so get that one.

the original is still worth it though, it's cheap


Happy birthday Zky!
? How
KI runs fine and such.

Im with Jaw here
-W10 not needed
-You could mod it
-The ports on this UWP are trash. This technically isn't an issue with this store over GFWL, but obviously something bad is going on here.

This has potential to be better than GFWL, but I'd rather have obnoxious DRM and games that ran well.

Yeah, it doesn't get better. I don't know how far you made it but if you didn't make it to the jungle levels, then you don't know the half of it. There's some cool levels early on but IIRC they were remade in Contracts so it's really not worth putting up with the jank just for those.

It kept freezing and crashing and such.
Thanks, will play those eventually to stop Bernardo from asking a lot.


i'm picturing those are m&ms in a chocolate cake

cos thats kind of the birthday cake my grandma makes me ever since i was like 8


every day is a league giveaway cos it's free!

also i literally can't pay all my patreon pledges cos i overcharged my credit card so no giveaways or self gifts or nothing lol



although it's still beta and this is "VHQ" settings, are these idtech games running crappier and crappier or their graphics are getting better? The consoles ver is running at 1080/60 right? Any benchmarks for lower graphical settings?

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
every day is a league giveaway cos it's free!

also i literally can't pay all my patreon pledges cos i overcharged my credit card so no giveaways or self gifts or nothing lol

ah, the good ole "screw my credit" move. That makes you closer to an honorary American.
happy bday meee

call me winty cos i literally got a potato cake (literally a potato with a candle on it) to celebrate my potato foot (i hope someone will give me a real cake later lol)

one year closer to 30 and i still feel like 14

Happy birthday, Zky!

I hope you have a great bday and play something other than LoL :>


They are running at 60 and up to 1080p.

I'm just wondering what graphical settings there are, because I remember Wolfenstein don't have much other than that one screen space reflections option that affect performance, seeing that a 760 performs at barely above 30fps, I will likely need to run at sub hd to get consistent 60fps at very high, doesn't look like there's a performance thread on gaf for the beta tho.
happy bday meee

call me winty cos i literally got a potato cake (literally a potato with a candle on it) to celebrate my potato foot (i hope someone will give me a real cake later lol)

one year closer to 30 and i still feel like 14

Happy birthday!

Enter The Gungeon hasn't done it for me. So far it rests in the wasted purchase mental category.
Hopefully it clicks after some more playtime.

I'm not a fan of roguelike games, but I decided to give this a try anyway tempted by the impressions and the price on Nuuvem. So far I'm not really enoying it that much either, though I haven't even played for an hour yet.


There's a certain menu in Deathsmiles where you can disable the windows, I wanted to see the main menu wallpaper in its full glory so I go to that menu, press hide menu, and suddenly a huge Cave watermark appears right in the middle of it. Wtf. Cave, why?


ah, the good ole "screw my credit" move. That makes you closer to an honorary American.
i'm actually super broke cos i gave all my money to this friend of mine for complicated reasons and he's on vacations in japan so i'm going through my cards until he comes back lol

Happy birthday, Zky!

I hope you have a great bday and play something other than LoL :>

Happy birthday zkylon~!

Birthday is a special occasion, so you have to do special things as well, like playing Dota 2.

double gross


random but I just saw The Revenant and everyone was great in it except Leo

Hardy ate him for breakfast but then again he had the better character



edit: happy bday you argie shit


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Cant wait for a new humble weekly today



This is gonna be a good day I feel. I levelled up my Final Fantasy XIV character to lvl 12, and I want to reach lvl 15 before travelling. And I levelled up two more heroes to lvl 10 in Hearthstone, so I got 3 heroes left, and one more to lvl 20. And a kind gaffer gave me access to the Overwatch beta, which simply rocks! Oh, and should finish up Season 1 of Game of Thrones today as well. Sweet.

Now we just need some major price mistakes across the board and it'll be "the perfect day in a gamer's life."
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