STEAM | April 2016 - HL3 releasing today. Left 4 Dead 3 and Persona 5 this summer

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watched the consortium fig video, the game looks kinda rough, but the potential is pretty great

i'll probably back it for 20 when i have some money, hope it gets made

interesting how most of the money pledged is investment money, i would've thunk that'd be like a really small percentage


Umbrella Corps Releasing June 21st 2016 - New Customization Trailer


Would be nice if they announced cross play.
Oh my goodness, this is your first time with Crysis? You so lucky. It's one of my all-time favorite FPS. PerAthen mix of vast levels and campaign. It's actually one of the few old games I have installed just in case I feel like it.

Yes, the first time for Crysis. I got it in The Great Origin Disaster of 2012. I'm getting the stealth down and use some speed, but only used strength to stabilize sniping. I want to use strength for throwing dudes around and escaping through holes punched in building walls. It's turning out to be great fun. I think the more suit work I do the less I'll find myself low on ammo.


"Future Proof" has never been a thing

difference with console revision being that you can't play newer stuff

whereas here, you'll be able to, but better settle for 30fps and lower settings


Buying a 2500k/2600k back in the day netted you a future proofed CPU for a decade.


tried hitman
wouldn't boot 3x
fell through the floor 3m in
game crashed 5m in

edit: yeah, just playing this on ps3 over the summer, not dealing with ridiculous jank to play a 10 year old game that stumbles along drunkenly as is.


I gave up on Hitman Go. Just really not feeling it, despite really liking Lara Croft Go. I prefer the puzzles LCG and how it was just about completing the level over the way HG is handled.


Well, survived another PC rebuild. First time doing a cooler that didn't come with the processor, that was new and interesting. Really glad I decided to put it on before screwing the motherboard in. Had a scare when it didn't post but the nice little digital code on the mobo told me it was a memory problem and reseating the ram took care of it.

My Firestrike physics score was blown away compared to my old processor, but my graphics score actually went down 5-7fps with the same gpus! I was wondering what could have happened and realized the old score was on Windows 7. Freakin' Windows 10!

I love how Steam can just find all your installed games on your game drives. Nothing to redownload. And Onedrive actually restored all my saved games automatically.
Moral of the story:

If you're going to go to the trouble of having two accounts, entering raffles with said two accounts, using them to reply to yourself... don't burn yourself by doing something as fucking stupid as grossly abusing a giveaway, bringing attention to yourself.

It's like leaving porn in the VCR. Surely you youngins know what that is, right? .... Right?

"You can make as many accounts as you want, just don't get caught."




happy bday meee

call me winty cos i literally got a potato cake (literally a potato with a candle on it) to celebrate my potato foot (i hope someone will give me a real cake later lol)

one year closer to 30 and i still feel like 14




happy bday meee

call me winty cos i literally got a potato cake (literally a potato with a candle on it) to celebrate my potato foot (i hope someone will give me a real cake later lol)

one year closer to 30 and i still feel like 14


Was nice of winter demons to get you a cake.
Happy 14th birthday.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Happy birthday. Did you get a spider shaped cake? Face your fears!



happy bday meee

call me winty cos i literally got a potato cake (literally a potato with a candle on it) to celebrate my potato foot (i hope someone will give me a real cake later lol)

one year closer to 30 and i still feel like 14


happy birthday zkylon sempai



Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
For those interested: Enhanced Steam has been updated to version 8.4. This release includes the following changes:
  • Added inventory market support for various games such as H1Z1 and Battleblock Theater
  • Added ability to determine difference between JPY and CNY currency codes
  • Fixed an issue where search results would be duplicated or incorrect under certain circumstances
  • Fixed a bug where some market sections weren't being totaled correctly
  • Fixed a bug where "Open in Steam" would not work if Family settings were enabled
  • Fixed several bugs where user's country code wouldn't be properly detected
  • Fixed a bug where "Add to Wishlist" would sometimes not display properly when browsing discovery queue
This update is available for Google Chrome and should update itself automatically within the next 60 minutes.

Progress is being made on this Mozilla bug and I should be able to start preliminary porting soon after it's closed successfully.

As always, please let me know if you encounter any issues with this release.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
tbf I didn't like half life 2

or rather, it was okay, which is the equivalent of saying OoT is a 5/10 to some people in here.

Playing it for my first time in 2014 really didn't help.

That is not a strange sentiment from people playing HL2 in recent times. Definitely a product of its time.
happy bday meee

call me winty cos i literally got a potato cake (literally a potato with a candle on it) to celebrate my potato foot (i hope someone will give me a real cake later lol)

one year closer to 30 and i still feel like 14


we are the same age dummy


trilogy doesn't even come with hitman 1

sooo okay to skip...?
Or do I buy a ps2 copy :x

If you mean the original Hitman, then it's only on PC and is godawful. It has aged horribly and, while the novelty of it was cool back then, it was never a very good game. By all means, skip it.


Enter The Gungeon hasn't done it for me. So far it rests in the wasted purchase mental category.
Hopefully it clicks after some more playtime.


If you mean the original Hitman, then it's only on PC and is godawful. It has aged horribly and, while the novelty of it was cool back then, it was never a very good game. By all means, skip it.

I tried it and it just...hurt
Like I can play old games
I can play old games that age badly.

But...that game was something so far from that.

Astebreed seems like a good choice for tomorrow if I don't choose to do homework all day.


Guys should I start playing Dota 2 again?

It's been quite a while, and I was never particularly good in the first place.


I tried it and it just...hurt
Like I can play old games
I can play old games that age badly.

But...that game was something so far from that.

Yeah, it doesn't get better. I don't know how far you made it but if you didn't make it to the jungle levels, then you don't know the half of it. There's some cool levels early on but IIRC they were remade in Contracts so it's really not worth putting up with the jank just for those.
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