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STEAM | April 2017 - Fly me to the Moon

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Notice a lot of "how do I enjoy [x] game?" threads lately. Like if you're not enjoying a game, just stop? I don't understand why some people act like it's work.


irresponsible vagina leak
Notice a lot of "how do I enjoy [x] game?" threads lately. Like if you're not enjoying a game, just stop? I don't understand why some people act like it's work.

They feel forced to enjoy it cause everyone else does. Its stupid but I guess sometimes they want to fit in or understand why people like it.
Notice a lot of "how do I enjoy [x] game?" threads lately. Like if you're not enjoying a game, just stop? I don't understand why some people act like it's work.
it's that "how do I know when I'm satisfied" syndrome. People get conditioned to expect being carefully spoonfed a game's content, and think if they aren't enjoying a game, they think something must be wrong.
Notice a lot of "how do I enjoy [x] game?" threads lately. Like if you're not enjoying a game, just stop? I don't understand why some people act like it's work.

it bothers me more when its a currently discussed game. Why did the P5 one need its own thread? theres like 3 fucking active OTs for it.


I just noticed that after a recent patch I'm no longer able to select resolutions higher than 1080p for Atelier Sophie, whereas before even though I have a 1080p monitor I could select 4k in the launcher settings and then downsample the game. Does anyone know a way around this?
The update was supposed to have fixed the framerate issues when opening menus as well as the broken DLC, and I was going to check, but then I noticed this. I thought maybe I could mess around with the registry like you do for Nights of Azure to increase the resolution but I can't find it.
Did you check if your DSR (assuming you are on Nvidia) resolutions are still active? I think Creators update wiped mine recently, just as an example.


I really wish that the download speed throttling setting was there at all time in the download windows instead of just when you have an actual speed limit set.

Right now if you have a speed limit you can change it or disable it in like 2 clicks.

If you don't already have a speed limit set you have to go through the whole menu-->options-->downloads-->etc

It's a small thing but it's been bugging me for a while.


Did you check if your DSR (assuming you are on Nvidia) resolutions are still active? I think Creators update wiped mine recently, just as an example.
I did not; I did just recently update to the creators update, so maybe that's it. ....How do I do that? When it originally allowed me to play at 4k I never messed with the NVIDIA control panel...It just kind of allowed it. Which is why I held Sophie's port in high regard.


The writing is good, easily some of the best in any JRPG, but it's not PS:T good (nothing is).
Luckily, the battle system is pretty good too.

What would make TitS:SC (and FC for that matter) significantly more enjoyable to me would be a way to speed up or skip battle animations (like spells etc.).
I didnt necessarily mean it in terms of quality, more that the writing is enjoyable to read thru.
trails is a game everyone keeps praising on gaf but it bores me deeply. I start the game up, enter a town get a scene and after 1 hour of continuous dialogue Ive had enough. Next time I play, go to a dungeon for about 30 minutes with the so-so battle system then get a series of dialogue scenes for 30 minutes. Then go back to town for another 30 minutes of dialogue.

I should note that I play in Japanese so it slows down my reading. Reading all that text is like studying for a test. I wonder if playing the *evolution* versions would make the game more tolerable since it would be voiced.


it's that "how do I know when I'm satisfied" syndrome. People get conditioned to expect being carefully spoonfed a game's content, and think if they aren't enjoying a game, they think something must be wrong.

I don't think that's it. That frames things as a "gamers nowadays vs. us oldschool types" issue. I think it's more a case of people hearing so many folks talk up game X like it's the most amazing thing ever that when they sit down to play it and don't feel the same things, they assume the fault must be with them. And that's something can kind of understand, since there are some games that are "SteamGAF darlings", and I found myself wondering the same thing - am I playing this 'wrong'? Everyone said this was awesome, but I'm really just slogging through it, and it's not clicking at all. Is there something here that I'm missing? - before just tossing it on the "different tastes" pile, giving up and moving on.


irresponsible vagina leak
trails is a game everyone keeps praising on gaf but it bores me deeply. I start the game up, enter a town get a scene and after 1 hour of continuous dialogue Ive had enough. Next time I play, go to a dungeon for about 30 minutes with the so-so battle system then get a series of dialogue scenes for 30 minutes. Then go back to town for another 30 minutes of dialogue.

I should note that I play in Japanese so it slows down my reading. Reading all that text is like studying for a test. I wonder if playing the *evolution* versions would make the game more tolerable since it would be voiced.

I feel almost like that with Elder Scrolls and Fallout.


irresponsible vagina leak

This is pissing me off. People giving him shit for that trailer instead of reading the tweets that the game is in early stages.

This is pissing me off. People giving him shit for that trailer instead of reading the tweets that the game is in early stages.

Wow, account deleted.

You'd think after 5 games they would have a little thicker skin, but the teaser didn't look that bad, people are weird.

It didnt looked bad but Momodora IV was a great looking 2D game while what was shown of V looked like an average 3D game. Not the artstyle but simply the way everything moved.

I hope it wont be cancelled though.


irresponsible vagina leak
You'd think after 5 games they would have a little thicker skin, but the teaser didn't look that bad, people are weird.

The thing is that the other games didnt have much following until Momodora RUtM. There is a bigger following after that one and part of that new following might be part of the problem and him not having that kind of messages before it can be pretty hard for someone to take. Also the game was very early progress so the game has a long way to go and look different than that video. Maybe if the title of the video was more calling it a prototype or early progress people would have also reacted differently I suppose.


You'd think after 5 games they would have a little thicker skin, but the teaser didn't look that bad, people are weird.

you probably didn't mean it like that, but developers shouldn't have to have thick skin, randos on the internet shouldn't behave like fucking creeps

lost cause, ofc, but don't make it about the developer


tbf the tweet he quoted there wasn't *that* bad, it was just some dude saying it looks rough atm and wishing him luck

an unnecessary tweet maybe but that's about it


i'm liking killer is dead more than i thought i would but i actually liked lollipop chainsaw a lot so maybe that's not that surprising



This is pissing me off. People giving him shit for that trailer instead of reading the tweets that the game is in early stages.

Even the description under the trailer said very early gameplay of an in development game. People giving him shit for it are assholes.
I hope this doesn't mean the project gets canned and he leaves game making completely (I've read this post in the other thread and it has me worried).
11 hours? Whatever you think you know about the game's mechanics, I can guarantee you that you've only just started discovering things.

Also, it's virtually impossible not to "fuck up" a few character's classes unless you play with a guide and know exactly how the progressing works. Ultimately you can grind passed any difficulty, so you'll never be hopeless. Just grind on the right things, at the right time, in the right way, or you'll gimp yourself.

I don't know why the devs made the mechanics so goddamn opaque in this game. They give you almost no details on how anything works.

19 hours in now, currently sidequesting in Balterossa. Story-wise I'm at The Meeting in Nagapur. Even though I'm doing every sidequest I'm actually underleveled because I've gone out of my way to avoid unnecessary battles. It's kinda nice because now I can relax for a bit and not run away from enemies (I've gotten damn good at juking them out + de-aggroing with Timeshift when out of sight).


i'm liking killer is dead more than i thought i would but i actually liked lollipop chainsaw a lot so maybe that's not that surprising
I really like the doege counter in killer is dead
Mainly because i mentally yell out 'ATATATATA' whenever i mash attack to rapidly slash enemies
I experienced complete and utter heart break today:

I went to visit my family to celebrate my mom's birthday and they are currently in the process of cleaning the house. She had a small container full of loose cds that she wanted me to look through before she tossed them out. It was basically filled with all my pc games from childhood. Things like Painkiller, og Doom 3, and lo and behold, No One Lives Forever 2. But, only for it to be cd #1 :(

At least I found Mafia as a nice lil consolation prize. Its a damn shame it isnt up for digital purchase anywhere any more.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I experienced complete and utter heart break today:

I went to visit my family to celebrate my mom's birthday and they are currently in the process of cleaning the house. She had a small container full of loose cds that she wanted me to look through before she tossed them out. It was basically filled with all my pc games from childhood. Things like Painkiller, og Doom 3, and lo and behold, No One Lives Forever 2. But, only for it to be cd #1 :(

At least I found Mafia as a nice lil consolation prize. Its a damn shame it isnt up for digital purchase anywhere any more.

NOLF is forever doomed to be unobtainable.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller

This is pissing me off. People giving him shit for that trailer instead of reading the tweets that the game is in early stages.

That's sad to see. A lot of gamers simply don't understand how game development works, he maybe shouldn't of shown it off early you might say but being an indie developer is not that easy and most aren't in a position where they can't not show it off early. It's a twisted conundrum which makes indie game development harder than it should be with elements outside of pure game development.

People saying the early footage didn't look good or rough or something, well of course it does. This is early footage, early gameplay always will look rough but I think the idea was to give a brief awareness of the general direction the project was going rather than sending it off to be judged as if it was a finalized product.

Some will say then don't show a game too early, but indie developers kind of have to show off their games early. Indie devs don't have the marketing that bigger studios have and many have to even struggle for any sort of mainstream attention. You'll hear this over and over as an indie dev, it's tempting to not want to show your work until it's "perfect" but it's been shown time and time against that's a determent to getting your game out there as an indie, you should show your game early as possible to allow a greater period for people to learn about and hopefully get interested in your game, people get more excited about things before they release that they learn about than something they learn about that's "out now." It's just a psychological thing with shoppers and wanting something they can't have, but also it's very rare for a game to get much coverage after release, so you need to be open before release.

But then gamers are honestly full of judgement. And to make matters worse we live in the internet era and there's strange accessibility to game developers than many other fields out there. So people sometimes make things weirdly personal over social media or other things, and don't get me started on people either with malicious intent or going 'rage dramatic' over something. Then there's a lot of armchair game devs who think they know the answer that the developer so obviously doesn't get or simply don't know the first thing or very little about game development or any of the things about game development, and commence to attack you for being some lazydev, or to give them what they want rather than what you want to try to make, or accuse you of this or that or belittle the work you've put into something. Add to that 'drama' groups who will attack anything that doesn't fit into their vision of perfect or whatever, whether it be that your game gets attention with something more depraved like GamerGaters, anti-'SJW' peeps, call to arms for "this gameplay decision I don't like", technical peeps who won't accept less than perfect in their games, among others.

Game development is a tough cookie, making games in itself is hard and already requires you to make a lot of personal sacrifices and can honestly be very fatiguing, and often not even to great earnings or anything like that, so you kind of have to work off of passion. And that passion can be killed off by the recent rise of social incidents from some very vocal and sometimes hostile gamers who try to make these things very personal.

So sometimes it can be tempting just to say, "Fuck it." You either don't get attention but generally nice small community but it makes it hard to make a living off of it, or you get attention and gamers are on your side until you do something that upsets someone for some reason and suddenly they'll turn on you faster than a pack of wolves to try to tear you apart rather than be any sort of constructive unit about it. I know that's not everyone, but it can be tiring, extremely tiring, and then it can simply make it seem like the hard work simply may not be worth it. It's especially hard when you're indie and a sole worker or one of maybe 2-5 people who work on a project because it's a very personal thing and you have more work that cuts into your own personal life quite often, taking a lot of time from you that could be spent doing something else, it doesn't pay great for most and gamers will devalue your games, belittle you for mistakes to getting personally hostile with some groups, and often for little money in the end for so much of your time, effort, sacrifice, etc., and sometimes over things that are simply just silly like this, "IE an early game still years off looks rough, what a surprise!". It basically requires you to stay passionate, and if that passion dies it's very easy to just want to quit.


I just find it funny how gaffers jump on the "save the indie dev" train whenever such an 'incident' occurs. I absolutely agree that some people out there are just idiots and their social media privileges should be revoked - but to say the gaming community sucks, or that some developer should be given a pass is complete bs.

Specifically about the above case, yes the game is early dev, yes people may need some education on how game development works, and yes the game may turn out to be much better than the trailer shows - but, that doesn't mean people can't expect something better. If you are putting out a trailer, then you believe what you are showing is worth it, and since it's a global media platform - what you put online should ideally be good, so that it attracts positive criticism and reaction. If you knowingly put up incomplete builds, and are surprised at the negative commends then you can't handle game development.

Probably going to get hate for what I just said, but I honestly don't think someone like that deserves all the 'protection' you guys here give them.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I just find it funny how gaffers jump on the "save the indie dev" train whenever such an 'incident' occurs. I absolutely agree that some people out there are just idiots and their social media privileges should be revoked - but to say the gaming community sucks, or that some developer should be given a pass is complete bs.

Specifically about the above case, yes the game is early dev, yes people may need some education on how game development works, and yes the game may turn out to be much better than the trailer shows - but, that doesn't mean people can't expect something better. If you are putting out a trailer, then you believe what you are showing is worth it, and since it's a global media platform - what you put online should ideally be good, so that it attracts positive criticism and reaction. If you knowingly put up incomplete builds, and are surprised at the negative commends then you can't handle game development.

Probably going to get hate for what I just said, but I honestly don't think someone like that deserves all the 'protection' you guys here give them.

I'm an indie dev and talk to many indie devs, so I know some of the hardships of that, though I'm still in the window (and may always be in the window) of having a small audience and nothing that gets much mainstream attention.

There's a lot of good to the gaming community, I also say as someone who is involved in a number of communities and have been part of gaming forums and discussions for over 15 years now. Trust me, I know that. But I also know how rough it can be as an indie dev, and keep in mind in this case the developer has made four games before now, the fourth game was the first game that got any sort of mainstream attention so they're probably not used to being in the spotlight, but with this they honestly didn't really do anything. All they did was show off some early alpha footage of a game they're working on which is still at least a year or two away from release. There wasn't any drama, they didn't behave in any sort of way, they weren't even censoring opinions...

It's like, what you're saying is basically, "if you want to be a game developer, you need tough skin mate." Which may have some level of truth to it, but it's a ridiculous requirement, and it just adds to the stresses that already exist in game development and putting your game out there. You don't know how many devs don't want to show off ANYTHING because it's "not perfect." So many don't want people to see their games early because of this kind of judgement. And guess what happens to most (like, over 90%, not a made-up statistic either) of games that don't show off their game until the few months before release? They fail, usually pretty hard. Because that closes the window of discovery and coverage on your game, and then it releases, with a whimper rather than a bang, and often will get forgotten in a competitive market.

It's not just this, like... I could spend here writing paragraphs on this topic, but I can say that what your suggesting is something which is often discussed among indie developers, and the conclusion is what you're saying is actually for the worst for the project 9/10 times to hold off showing it. But then it's hard to show off something early. It basically kind of gets to a point there's not really a 'right' path, all paths lead to hardships kind of deal. Which will lead to a lot of talented devs to quit. I don't think anyone who has played his games will doubt his talent and heart-felt passion he puts into his games, which I think makes this sadder for those who like his games. He's very good at it, but the stress and the dealing with people part is obviously taking a toll on him.

Many game developers are not great with people. That's not me stereotyping, but many are introverts I think is fair to say. You have to literally lock yourself away for hours a day for years to be a game developer, which often happens more with people who are already somewhat introverted to begin with. Even more so if you're basically a lone developer. And you can be a really good game developer that makes really good games and fail completely at the social/marketing aspect of game development, but you can't afford proper marketing or afford help, so you have to do it all yourself. Which is true of a lot of game development as an indie, it becomes very personal, and it can get to a point it just doesn't seem worth it.

I'm not saying it's gamers fault, but I do think many gamers don't contribute to helping their own industry. I'm kind of speaking half as a small-time, no name dev here, but also half as someone who posts a lot on game forums, post Let's Play videos, and talks a lot with others about games as an enthusiast. I think it would benefit everyone if there was more understanding from both sides, and frankly gaming is in a weird position of growth that kind of grew up with the internet age, so developers of games are often much more 'exposed' if you will than someone who works on movies or books or whatever. Also there's no centralized 'game development' scene, developers are spread all over the world rather than all in LA or Hollywood or something, and there's not much community between developers, like a lot of isolated bubbles. I think that doesn't help a lot since then it makes it so many developers are kind of alone, which can make it hard to tell if you're doing the right thing because you have no reference or very little to work off but yourself and the community.


Stormy Grey
I just find it funny how gaffers jump on the "save the indie dev" train whenever such an 'incident' occurs. I absolutely agree that some people out there are just idiots and their social media privileges should be revoked - but to say the gaming community sucks, or that some developer should be given a pass is complete bs.

Specifically about the above case, yes the game is early dev, yes people may need some education on how game development works, and yes the game may turn out to be much better than the trailer shows - but, that doesn't mean people can't expect something better. If you are putting out a trailer, then you believe what you are showing is worth it, and since it's a global media platform - what you put online should ideally be good, so that it attracts positive criticism and reaction. If you knowingly put up incomplete builds, and are surprised at the negative commends then you can't handle game development.

Probably going to get hate for what I just said, but I honestly don't think someone like that deserves all the 'protection' you guys here give them.

I'd rather developers have the freedom to show off what they want when they feel like it over letting the internet be assholes to people and that be considered okay. Because it's not.


I don't know why the devs made the mechanics so goddamn opaque in this game. They give you almost no details on how anything works.

19 hours in now, currently sidequesting in Balterossa. Story-wise I'm at The Meeting in Nagapur. Even though I'm doing every sidequest I'm actually underleveled because I've gone out of my way to avoid unnecessary battles. It's kinda nice because now I can relax for a bit and not run away from enemies (I've gotten damn good at juking them out + de-aggroing with Timeshift when out of sight).

Avoiding early battles is really going to pay off though. There's one serious story fight (that everyone bitches about) that you'll have to survive. It's coming up, and it's a doozy. Once you get passed there it's smooth sailing.

In the interest of preventing potential suicidal tenancies in the future: there's a quest called "Wisdom's Echo". It holds the key to the most efficient stat grind. If you finish the quest, the opportunity goes away.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Also, Sylvio 2 got a new teaser trailer.

The original Sylvio was a game that got very little attention from the mainstream, but the few it did get attention from quite liked it. It was in PC Gamer's top 25 PC horror games of all time for example.

Sylvio wasn't so much a scary game as kind of a relaxing and intriguing horror game, you go between these different open-world levels in an abandoned amusement park and surrounding mountains, houses, and shops as you communicate with ghost, solve light puzzles, defeat strange 'shadows', and slowly put together the story of the abandoned amusement park. It was very unique actually and had a good story and some great atmosphere with a tinge of 80s supernatural horror into it (and synth soundtracks).

The sequel stars a more run-down and flooded amusement park, and as this teaser shows, some alternative realm seems to be a part of it.


Regarding wbacon, it would be possible to port dlcs for DR2 on Steam? I played all DR games, I'm playing DR4 and still I don't know how Frank and Chuck managed to solve the whole thing, since it was a dlc-only thing.
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