There are some weird people in the world. Total stranger. Adds me for whatever reason. Our very first contact and this is what I get to read.
Step away DiscoVeggie
There are some weird people in the world. Total stranger. Adds me for whatever reason. Our very first contact and this is what I get to read.
DerExperte. I think it's a super slick, good looking and sounding game, but I'm not good at it.Man, thanks to whoever posted about Absolute Drift recently. Decided to try it out. Such a marvel to play o/
A lot of Season Passes are pretty bad, let's be honest. In a best case scenario, you'll often get 10% of the game's content for half of the game's price--in no way a smart deal for players. Too often it feels like a complete afterthought where the developers desperately wrangle together some bottom-tier content for the sake of padding out the Season Pass, to meet their obligation of x, y, or z, rather than sitting down, clearly explaining what it is and what it will do, and aiming high from the outset to meet or exceed the value present in the base game.
Like, the Witcher 3 set a new bar by offering content-filled expansions that touched all aspects of the game while sacrificing nothing; quality, quantity, nor value were lost. I can only hope that developers make note of this and mimic it appropriately, because I really can't think of a 'Season Pass' done better.
Oh, this sounds really cool. A tabletop adventure come to life as a singleplayer RPG.
Thanks. You always find the most obscure stuff, MB.
the same reason people don't want timers, health items, inventory management or any semblance of risk/difficulty/tension in games like Dead Rising and just "want to kill lots of zombies hurr hurr"
they want content tourism and nothing else
ThanksFYI, The Warlock of Firetop Mountain is apparently going to be USD$19.99, according to the forums. In case anyone is wondering.
Would be amazing if a game indirectly rationalised it like that.
You should be a game designer.
More are coming, in that engineWhat a time to be alive, all of these old-school gamebooks coming to life and looking like how my 8 year-old imagination would never have dared to dream of them. I have a copy of this book from the early '80s in a box somewhere. Ian Livingstone and Steve Jackson! <3
Following the release of Warlock, we plan on expanding our reach in Allansia and will be adapting a number of classic Fighting Fantasy titles such as Deathtrap Dungeon, the trap-filled and monster-infested labyrinth of Fang where many heroes compete in the Trial of Champions, followed by Citadel of Chaos and City of Thieves
ModBot said:Instructions for ramoisdead:
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Instructions for participants:
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- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
Chariot --MB-50FB654EB9EFC128- Taken by Jadax. 2 entrants total.
There Came An Echo --MB-AE1675D0CCE08B97- Taken by Costa1774. 3 entrants total.
Skullgirls --MB-3381C6A472213F11- Taken by thesaucetastic. 5 entrants total.
Lethal League --MB-F7678A3518D9CD13- Taken by Platy. 4 entrants total.
Shadowrun Returns --MB-19D0868B125E8AD2- Taken by fuzzy123. 4 entrants total.
The Marvelous Miss Take --MB-D5A0C5578889C172- Taken by Delicious Waffles. 8 entrants total.
finally finished va11-hall-a
really cool game, playing a cyberpunk bartender is actually a really clever way to almost effortlessly do a shit ton of world building and it's really pays off, the game sets up a pretty large cast of characters that you slowly get to know and it's just really entertaining to see them interact with each other and learn more about them and the pretty entertaining anime cyberpunk world this all takes place in. characters range from hired assassins and hackers to loli robot prostitutes and uh, dogs.
i was surprised by how much i was enjoying it as someone that doesn't really like visual novels, and it just goes to show how the little bit of interaction that it's in there helps. fixing drinks is not a very demanding task, but there's a bit of freedom in how you do it, people will generally ask for, say, "sweet" drinks and you can choose to serve them an expensive drink to earn a bigger comission to have money to decorate your house, or you can just try and guess which drink would suit them. some drinks have optional alcohol so i figured i'd make up a rule for jill that her thing is always doing other ingredients / 2 rounded up + 1. sometimes people ask weird stuff you don't really know what they mean. you can also browse through blogs and news sites and set up the bar's jukebox and idk, none of this is very substancial but it all helps set up the time and place in a way that's involved enough that it grabbed me way more than if it was just reading
it's still a pretty standard visual novel but idk, it grabbed me, its version of the cyberpunk future is super cool and i just find the whole concept incredibly cool and clever.
also the sprite work is so damn good
Nice!Getting ready for that Nier Automata release on STEAM. Only thing I'm waiting for now are my fittings, back plate, and tubing.
that's a nice way to put it, yeahThere's a disturbing lack of shoutouts to the dogs in this write up, this won't do zky.
But yeah, I agree wholeheartedly with you. There's something very heartwarming about getting to know these people and helping them in some way or another (especially if you get the character specific endings, which are very sweet), while living in a totalitarian dystopia that complete lacks any hope of things ever getting better, and the future's outlook looking worse by the day. It's like finding shelter in a world where there's none; and the fact that the characters are very well written help a lot, they're not one dimensional notes that stick to their tropes for the entire playtime, I really enjoyed how their personalities where developed and how the "twists" where laid out during the game (although in the end, everything feels the same, since Jill doesn't really have any input in the real world). But yeah, it's hard to put what I think about it in words because it's a game that I really liked and moved me, and even 2 weeks after beating it, it's still dwelling in my mind and I'm having a hard time playing anything else.
I'm a MGS fan that played every title.
Zombies is going to be better than V.
What time is it? Tea Time?
Wrong! It's always Tea Time. But right now, it's time for Uzzy's awesome Cyberpunk Giveaway. So grab your trenchcoat, your mirroshades and your katana, and establish your neural link today!
For Deus Ex: HR sequels, is it wrong to want a Malik detective game instead of another Jensen aug-venture?
Although honestly, it'd be better if they just used Technobabylon's setting instead and put Max Lao in the main role.
...Technobabylon is so good, you guys.
She was just a pilot though, I don't think it would make for a very good detective game if the main character has no experience detecting. That being said, more Malik the better.
But Jensen was just a petty corporate enforcer, and look at everything he got to do.
Final Fantasy 6 is looking pretty good these days with the bilinear filter gone and sprite mods
Obviously the battle interface is still the mobile one, but it's a step in the right direction
Final Fantasy 6 is looking pretty good these days with the bilinear filter gone and sprite mods
Obviously the battle interface is still the mobile one, but it's a step in the right direction
Final Fantasy 6 is looking pretty good these days with the bilinear filter gone and sprite mods
Obviously the battle interface is still the mobile one, but it's a step in the right direction
wow, 1st 2 pics look great.. then i looked at the bottom of the 3rd pic and i gagged... again. Still pissed at squenix for butchering the game like that.
Final Fantasy 6 is looking pretty good these days with the bilinear filter gone and sprite mods
Obviously the battle interface is still the mobile one, but it's a step in the right direction
How do you do Sabin's moves with mobile controls?
Let's not forget Sabin suplexing himself:The two best parts of FF 6 are MARIAAAAAA and suplexing the ghost train.
Just checked out the reviews and early impressions of Deus Ex Mankind Divided and it looks like another MGS5 situation where the game is rushed out early. Will wait till it's $10 on Steam.
honestly even if the new sprites suck i think just slapping the old ones over the new background graphics looks pretty bad as wellFinal Fantasy 6 is looking pretty good these days with the bilinear filter gone and sprite mods
Obviously the battle interface is still the mobile one, but it's a step in the right direction
Just checked out the reviews and early impressions of Deus Ex Mankind Divided and it looks like another MGS5 situation where the game is rushed out early. Will wait till it's $10 on Steam.
Are today's PC's able to be quiet?
The last two PC's I bought were supposed to be quiet, but when I got them I was disappointed on how loud they were.
If I get a new desktop PC, what should I think of?
Or should I get a laptop since they are quieter? Budget is quite limited.
honestly even if the new sprites suck i think just slapping the old ones over the new background graphics looks pretty bad as well
it's a heck of an effort for the modders, but it's still such a painful way to play that game
square really blew it with ff6 lol
just play it on emulator
Just checked out the reviews and early impressions of Deus Ex Mankind Divided and it looks like another MGS5 situation where the game is rushed out early. Will wait till it's $10 on Steam.
Laptops are loud under load. Get a Fractal Design case.Are today's PC's able to be quiet?
The last two PC's I bought were supposed to be quiet, but when I got them I was disappointed on how loud they were.
If I get a new desktop PC, what should I think of?
Or should I get a laptop since they are quieter? Budget is quite limited.
hmm, yeah, i guess those details make it interesting at leastFor me personally, I know there is quite a bit of nostalgia that drives the experience of having the old sprites. While I agree that it's not the ultimate ideal solution to simply uprez the existing blocky sprites and put them in the game, I personally think it's an improvement.
The problem with playing the game on an emulator is that there isn't really a good solution for that either. The SNES version of the game has a horrible script translation, and the GBA version has sound issues. The PS1 release has a few cut scenes but otherwise is identical to the SNES version but with much worse loading times.
As I mentioned, the PC version has a lot going for it with the exception of the battle UI and character sprites. I think that eventually this could be the "definitive" version of the game.
ModBot said:Instructions for ramoisdead:
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Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 6 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.
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- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (ramoisdead, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
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- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.
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- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.
Chariot --MB-50FB654EB9EFC128- Taken by Jadax. 2 entrants total.
There Came An Echo --MB-AE1675D0CCE08B97- Taken by Costa1774. 3 entrants total.
Skullgirls --MB-3381C6A472213F11- Taken by thesaucetastic. 5 entrants total.
Lethal League --MB-F7678A3518D9CD13- Taken by Platy. 4 entrants total.
Shadowrun Returns --MB-19D0868B125E8AD2- Taken by fuzzy123. 4 entrants total.
The Marvelous Miss Take --MB-D5A0C5578889C172- Taken by Delicious Waffles. 8 entrants total.
You're good. It's the final release. Dev will he updating the game with new heroes post-launch thoughPlease dont be early access please dont be early access