So your saying it would be possible to play DOTA and Starcraft with just a controller ?
That motion controlled input seems pretty cool; emulating a Wii-mote shake for Dolphin seems like one of the obvious things to do with it, other than maybe steering in general. Dunno what else could potentially be good to use it for though.
suggestions for games worth trying with the steam controller:
-Wii Emulation: Wii emulation is already pretty terrific these days. You can run games in higher resolution, add texture fixes, even do things like use VR headsets. Obviously you can play with a real wiimote, but using a steam controller transforms a lot of wii experiences into something that feels more traditional. The right touchpad controls the wii pointer in games and can be mapped to control waggle too. Playing Mario Galaxy with a steam controller is nuts, especially when you map the button under the right touchpad to jump. Feels like a weird hybrid between Wii and gamecube controller in that instance.
That controller looks enormous. Like Duke enormous.
I kinda wonder if it would be better if ABXY were in one curved line along the outer perimeter of the right track pad? Could solve the "can't reach" problem by not having the player move their thumb much at all from the pad to hit a button. Sure the layout would take some getting used to but the whole thing requires rethinking to use anyway.
They solved that problem by putting 8 buttons within reach of your other fingers, without requiring the use of thumbs.
So you can have every finger under one button all the time? I'd like to see how it works.10 buttons total - 2 shoulder buttons, 2 grip buttons, 2 dual-stage triggers (4 buttons total), plus 2 buttons under each haptic touch pad.
contrast to the 6 buttons total the xbox one and PS4 pads have under your fingers at all times.
So you can have every finger under one button all the time? I'd like to see how it works.
Krejlooc, a question regarding the triggers. So, I set up one of it as 'analog pull - ADS', 'digital click - fire'. What if I want to fire from the hip? Would that work with that trigger, or I would have to use the other one?
You would need redundant mappings (I.e. A second "fire from the hip" button) or you could use a modified to change the behavior of the first stage of the dual stage trigger. So like, id you hold a shoulder button, then pressing the analog portion of the dual stage trigger doesnt activate your ads.
Has anyone confirmed if you can mix and match these with 360 controllers?
Can I plug up a Steam controller, and 3 wireless 360 controllers, and have no issues playing 4 players on an Xinput game?
When the overlay does work, getting out of it usually means the controller stops working all together for a second or two, and finally, the controller does not play well with other Xbox 360 controllers. Have not been able to get the Steam controller and a wired 360 controller both working at the same time, though it does work well with a PS4 game for those games that support it.
Has anyone confirmed if you can mix and match these with 360 controllers?
Can I plug up a Steam controller, and 3 wireless 360 controllers, and have no issues playing 4 players on an Xinput game?
I see. Regarding the gyro, do you know if you could you use modifiers with it too? And one question others been asking, is if the controller would charge batteries while wired. I know you have the old version, but maybe someone told you.
misogyny at its best 😏
Took a quick video of myself controlling my PC's bios with a steam controller
sorry it's so dark, it's storming outside atm. Also, warning: portrait video.
Krejlooc talked about it, it's in the link
Where this gets really cool is when you take this thing to a non-PC that isn't running steam: it still works. It's literally a keyboard and mouse. I've used my steam controller on a windows 98 PC - played System Shock 2 with it. I've used it on a playstation. I've used it on my mobile phone. I used it on my dreamcast. You can use it on anything that recognizes a keyboard or mouse, because it is a keyboard and mouse.
Wow. I didn't know that it worked so well.I don't get why Valve hasn't put this quote on the Steam Controller store page yet.
Because there's no way the controller could actually differentiate between rechargeable and disposable batteries so what do you think is going to happen when you plug it in but there are alkalines in the chamber? I'll give you a hint, it starts with f and ends with ire.How is recharging your batteries in the controller a terrible idea???
video of the steam controller working on an android phone:
I'm recording a video of it working on the dreamcast right now.
edit: you can hear the actuators fire in that video as I use the touchpad.
lol, I thought it was your dresser creaking
To those that have used the controller is it a suitable replacement for the xbox controller for PC? I need a new xbox controller but wondering whether I should just wait for this instead.
So, I get how the Steam Controller acts as an HID mouse when connected to a device other than a Steam-equipped PC. But how does the HID keyboard stuff work? There's no overlay to pop up on the screen, so how on earth would you use the controller as a keyboard?
There's this Wii U Pro controller that works with an adapter. Haven't tried, but worth looking into.
Great thread.
This is going to be my main controller and eventually, hopefully, my only controller. I will learn how to use it and consign my old habits to history. The ideas and concepts its trying to put forth will be worth the small amount of effort it will take.
I have it pre-ordered with Gamestop here in Ireland. Not sure if that means I have to wait till November. Anyone who's ordered outside of the US know if we get ours early as well?
This is how I feel.
I ready to move on from dual analog personally.
It feels like more of a replacement for the trackball than the dual analog stick. I couldn't really do accurate 180s on the thing. And you're not going to get any auto aim either. I'm sure there's a learning curve but I'm not getting rid of my 360 pad any time soon.I am really hoping this controller ushers in the death of dual analogue controllers. Absolutely cannot wait for my pre-order to come in. I think the first thing I'll do is figure out a great control scheme for Age of Empires II then go to town.
Looks like I might be getting a final version of the steam controller shortly, when it arrives i'll be sure to put it through the paces and write a detailed review
I can see games like The Phantom Pain greatly benefitting from this, since Steam Controller combines the best aspects of a gamepad with analog stick with mouse aiming...
The only way this wouldbecome infinitely better is configurable gyro-aiming.
The only way this wouldbecome infinitely better is configurable gyro-aiming.
Oh boy, well now my interested has just been piqued!I think it has gyro-aiming, like in splatoon.
Sorry, but Nintendo's +Control Pads are still the best pads bar none. DualShock's chaffe my thumbs more than I can count.It doesn't look comfortable to hold
DualShock's chaffe my thumbs more than I can count.
I meant everytime I used the D-pad. Sorry, I hate the pizza wedges.Uh, two?
I'm so sorry
I meant everytime I used the D-pad. Sorry, I hate the pizza wedges.
Also, it is just me, or is this the closest controller we'll get to emulatig the GameCube layout? (due to the squishy-shoulder button + digital clickl)
One thing I haven't seen. If I add a nom-steam game, like GTAV, will I be able to use the profiles already on the community for the same game?
Steam controller seems good! I just ran through the HL1 hazard course in it. Duckjumping p easy with those squeeze triggers
i'm interested in one if only for the possibility that the left pad will be a better d-pad than my 360 controller
other PC gamepads suck and i hate sony d-pads so right now i'm kinda stuck