Haha, oh well, maybe it's not for you then. If you're approaching these systems filled to the brim with prejudice, you're not going to have a good time with them, just saying.
Or maybe your soul is possessed by SATAN???! :O
(1) I am a daywalker, a ginger without a soul. Satan has nothing to possess.
(2) I was legitimately excited to get my 3DS... all the games that looked so great to me that I was willing to give them all a shot even though I really struggle to play games without achievements/trophies these days: Luigi's Mansion 2, NSMB2, DKCR3D, TLoZ:ALBW and I figured it would be a better solution to trying to satisfying what I would call a "NIntendo itch". Then I got the system and was left disappointed by Luigi's Mansion 2. I tried NSMB2 hoping that it would somehow capture the magic of the glory days of 2D Mario games (and having a weakness for high-score type games like Geometry Wars and The Club), but it was boring to me and just didn't live up to what I thought it could be (though it was infinitely better than NSMB on DS). Then I moved on to DKCR3D, having been a huge fan of the first DKC and putting enough time into DKC2... and I don't know if it was the halving of the framerate from the Wii game or the terrible circle pad, but playing that was an absolute nightmare. After that, ALBW showed up and was *fantastic*... but once I beat it, I was left wanting more and not in the way that trying 100% the game would provide. It was a great game and I'm glad I got to play it, but now I don't really have much left on the system. Nothing new has been released or announced that has my attention and the few games I have left that I picked up (like that game I forgot the name of with the Capcom and Namco characters and the new Shinobi) I haven't had any interest in playing... so essentially, I'm left with a piece of hardware that's just used for collecting old Zelda games that maybe I'll play someday if I'm on vacation or something and away from my PC/consoles. Had it not been a gift, I'd probably have tossed it on eBay by now.
What was the point of that wall of text? There's no "bias". I'm just not really into the core Nintendo offerings anymore and the lack of third party support outside of projects like Wonderful 101 and Bayonetta 2, kills any interest I have in Nintendo platforms. Right now I'm still waiting to see what, if any, Metroid game will be announced. The franchise has basically been dead since the Prime Trilogy finished (most people seem to hate Other M and want to give it the DMC2 treatment by pretending it doesn't exist). If Nintendo puts out a 2D Metroid on either platform and it hearkens back to the days of Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion... then they'll bring my interest back and I'll have something for the 3DS or they may have a stronger case for convincing me to grab a WiiU.
It's the same (but almost worse) with the X1. Inferior third party support, nothing first party to interest me outside of KI seasons 1 and 2 (and maybe the Platinum game depending on how it turns out). So the WiiU has that going for it at least.
All things considered, I would've liked if SF5 went for a colorful style like Xrd's. It's current style is OK, although when you think about, it makes it stand out from the other FGs available in Japan atm where their graphics are colorful and pop up like the Shining series' fighting game, Dengeki Bunko and Xrd to name a few.
I know, right? Oh well. If I grab a PS4 instead of a 980, I can put the extra toward Xrd, Bloodborne, and a fightstick.
Makes sense coming from someone with 2500 Steam games, who is almost buying as much new stuff as JaseC and has played Payday 50000hrs. Yep, you would definitely had so much more fun with this year's extensive PS4 library while waiting for that one game.
Well, to counter that, my game buying habits shifted when I started considering PC my main platform in Nov 2013 and started ignoring my PS3. I found myself grabbing games from Russia that I normally wouldn't buy because they looked interesting and I figured it would take a long time for them to go below the Putin prices in the NA store. Games like Sacred 3 and Risen 3. And if I took those 400+ hours of PAYDAY 2 and put them toward a smaller backlog on PS4? I'd feel a lot better about all the purchases I did make this year.
I'm surprised though... I really thought you were going to go with that was some sort of Yaiba loving, Uncharted 2 hating, blah blah blah, friend-o.
Published by EA. Signs point to no.
I know a lot of you liked Brothers and thought it was some amazing game (you must've played a different game than I did...), but I'm guessing if you want to play another game from the same team, you're going to have to get it on Origin unless EA turns around and follows the Ubisoft way of allowing Origin games on Steam in the timeframe prior to the game's release.
I like this. What's it from? Looks like old style muppets... a la The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth, or even Fragile Rock in a way?