Wow, he's seen some stuff in his life. Happy Birthday to your Grandfather!
Thanks my good man!
Stay warm, my friend. It's cold here too, almost 50 degrees F.
Birthday celebrations with older relatives are so great - cherish them. I lost my grandfather not too long ago, and I'll always remember the wonderful stories he used to tell me of how the world worked when he was younger. I hope he had a good birthday party!
What is this 50º F nonsense?

Around 10º C in here, but those are some wise words indeed my friend, I always cherish these moments. He tells the stories of worlds that no longer exist. 95 years is a great achievement if you ask me. The best part? He's a big fan of videogames, He loves to watch me play games when I take care of him. Just for kicks:
He loves:
Those older Assassin's Creed games.
What he likes in that game: Some cities reminds when he had to go to the city to grab some groceries and materials for his farm.
What he says I do wrong in the game: Riding a horse in the middle of the city. He says I should put it in this special place and only then I should go do my work at the town.
What he does not approve: Talking to a witch (a woman wearing only black, with a hood and some suspicious look, for him, it's always a witch). "Witches are evil" and I should not trust them. Since all the RPG's I played on my console have some of them looking like this, he does not approve any, lol.
He likes the Dirt series because I convinced them that some rally tracks where inspired where he used to believe ( I only say this because he believe and get all proud of his place). Any other racing game is "ok". Also loves Dark Souls, was not a fan of Skyrim unless I was by the fire cooking meals.
The best part is the advice he constantly gives me when doing quests or missions. Also, he does not like: Call of Duty games. Reason: "War is wrong, war do you no good, lot's of people getting killed".
Also, any horrible monster in any game? It's Lucifer, it's always Lucifer/Devil in disguise.