Btw, a slight thought and suggestion, maybe SteamGAF should think about making a small social group for those who like playing multiplayer games? There was something of an attempt last year with gaming night stuff, but I know it's kind of died out. I was just thinking about this because I think it'd be a great way to get some people to try otherwise great games that just are much better with people you come to know, or can socialize with as you play, or to fill in dead multiplayer games that are fun.
I'm tempted to try and make one, but I think I'd be better in this situation just joining one, I'd be willing too if the motion was made to make it happen. I already sort of host a large group I've come to know very well over the years, we have this big Skype group, they weren't all added at once but just slowly over time from something I used to do, and I am very grateful for it, the group is very kind of including people, getting four-packs and things for games and then giving them to people in the chat who want to play, I sometime make notions that certain games should be owned by everyone in the group and I and several others work to make sure everyone we play with owns it. It was just a thing that kind of grew over time, but has been a fantastic thing to have. Some great online friends made with it and it makes it so all those abstract multiplayer games and modes no one plays anymore is no concerned because we have enough people to fill it, and over time it's fun to sort of figure out how everyone plays and the sort of unique multiplayer experiences they bring to the table.
I was just thinking if somehow something like that could be formed from SteamGAF, it'd be pretty great. Just doing it would be probably pretty challenging.