With the rejection of some games, and the embracing of others what is the 'modern audience' and what does it want?


Gold Member
It’s Gen-Z.
They’re a messed up generation brought to you by Gen-X.

Dennis sums them up well on Always Sunny.

Simply regurgitating back to them exactly what they're saying to each other in their ridiculous echo chamber is all they want.


in terms of what it wants, that never changed.

in terms what is deemd acceptable and politically correct, that's what changed

the issue is that some people think you can change stuff like standards just with enough representation and wanting it hard enough..but that's not like anything works


Gold Member
it doesn't exist, there's just the audience, some will be RPG fans, some will be shooter fans, some will be kids and want Fortnite, some will be older and so on.

There is no magic thing that will pull in people from outside, and clearly, that wasn't getting genders confused and appealing to the latest hot topic political controversies.

The only thing developers can start doing is making good games again and trying to evolve and innovate again instead of splashing the same boring mush in front of us repeatedly.

There absolutely are Inventive people in gaming, but as you will see it's coming mostly from the indie/mod scene, and even then it's a dime a dozen. You fix issues by promoting the actual talent to the top, not the ones with the biggest victim complex
There are great creative minds and developers at major studios also! What I think you meant to say is they are all handcuff from creating great games do to corporate policies and executives who are number crunchers, political warriors, and shareholder prisoners.

Indies can have more creative control and take risks but general don’t have the budget to make bigger games.


Everything in the OP is correct and all the dinosaurs on Gaf (all the Gen Xers) better deal with it, because us oldies are already slowly being phased out.

The problem is thinking Woke needs to be part of it. It doesn't.
It's mainly a minority of the millenials that are Woke.
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Considering how the Western world is aging it’s incredibly shortsighted to target a group that is small and will o Ly get smaller - people in their 30s and older are much more numerous and have much more disposable income. Also, they don’t care about 80hrs games, their most precious commodity is time, not money.

That's a very good point!
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