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STEAM | February 2015 - Steam GOTY results still delayed

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Gamestop charged me for my Monster Hunter Nu3DS, I will enjoy playing it and Majora's mask around the 18th because gamestop doesn't ship until the release date >_>

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
Well, L4D3 in Q4 is a "maybe", depending on whether or not Valve announces it within the next few months. HL3 is +12 months at best, but even that's optimistic. One thing is for sure, though: this is the year Half-Life 3 surpasses Team Fortress 2 as Valve's longest-gestating project, and to make you feel old, next May is the point where it'll have been a whole decade since Valve announced Episode Three.
We're old farts, man.
Here's some quality journalism from Polygon
Yesterday Blow tweeted this RE: The Witness

A speedrun. By the developer of the game. That time doesn't mean a lot for a new player.

But to Polygon it means this


A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
The race to be first, clickbait and generally terrible lack of diversity has really killed the enthusiast press.
I just bought the Eidos Anthology despite knowing I will play nothing in it for weeks. STEAAAAAAAAAM

At least region locks have dulled my impulsiveness a bit. And hey, I actually finished Resident Evil and Life is Strange episode 1!
Classic Polygon.

Also, 6 hours is crazy long for a speed run of a puzzle game.

This is what the article should have been about. Because it's LONG. The actual article compares it to Blows time for Braid (38 minutes) but it's still shit.

Someone can make a thread for it if they want.
polygon game journalism...



To those who've played Unity, how are annoying are the nomad chests to unlock? I'm wondering if I should bother with them since, IIRC, they don't count towards 100% completion.

Extremely annoying, it starts rather fast but soon enough you'll be waiting for 48 hours for a single mission to complete. It's a shame they didn't patch that shit the same way they did with initiates.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
This is what the article should have been about. Because it's LONG. The actual article compares it to Blows time for Braid (38 minutes) but it's still shit.

Someone can make a thread for it if they want.

I posted it in the recent Witness thread. I think you'll like my take on presentation. ;)

Extremely annoying, it starts rather fast but soon enough you'll be waiting for 48 hours for a single mission to complete. It's a shame they didn't patch that shit the same way they did with initiates.


Edit: Is there a certain point in the campaign you have to reach before you can use the app as intended? The "Nomad Brotherhood" button is greyed out for me. I'm not far into the main mission line (part way through Sequence 5), so I figured I may as well do what I can while I'm playing the game.
Anyone from my friendlist who doesn't have the game by Monday goes off my friendlist.

You literally have no excuse.
Its still not free-$5. That's a legit reason bro. Lol nah I don't got the funds on my debit and I don't feel like going to the bank to deposit my money cause im mad lazy. Been keeping all my cash in 1 of my shoe boxes, got like 400~500 in there lmfao


guys, Crystal Story II is amazing: there is a zombie defense minigame, cards minigame, crafting, alchemy, pets that you can dress up and drop on head of your enemies, hacking chests minigame, hunts and I barely just started a game!
and let's not forget fishing! I haven't got to it yet tho
Installing a bunch of Freespace mods, looking forward to finally playing the series and I'm hoping it lives up to my memories of my dad playing it and thinking it was the coolest thing.


guys, Crystal Story II is amazing: there is a zombie defense minigame, cards minigame, crafting, alchemy, pets that you can dress up and drop on head of your enemies, hacking chests minigame, hunts and I barely just started a game!
and let's not forget finishing! I haven't got to it yet tho

I need to finish Lufia 2 first...
And before I resume Lufia 2, I need to finish Umineko.
So, not before march.

Real question: is it better than NepNep?


But is it relaxing? :p

I as about to strangle you couple of days back, but I cooled down already! (><)
Which part of flapping around and dying every second then waiting for level to load for ages and starting over you find relaxing exactly, mind if I ask?

About Suikoden 2, you really really want to play the first one before and then load its save file while starting Suikoden 2, trust me on this.
The first suikoden is only 10-15 hours long, 20 max, second one is 30-50 hours.

I need to finish Lufia 2 first...
And before I resume Lufia 2, I need to finish Umineko.
So, not before march.

Real question: is it better than NepNep?

nothing is better than Nep Nep!
not a real answer (><)

but Nep Nep is unique in its own special way, you not going to make me to choose, I can't!
I as about to strangle you couple of days back, but I cooled down already! (><)
Which part of flapping around and dying every second then waiting for level to load for ages and starting over you find relaxing exactly, mind if I ask?
Last Inua was relaxing to me, game was very easy except for those three horrible flying levels, I found it an enjoyable game, it took me less than three hours to complete and didn't require much concentration.
Sorry you didn't like it, I thought you might enjoy it (._.)


Last Inua was relaxing to me, game was very easy except for those three horrible flying levels, I found it an enjoyable game, it took me less than three hours to complete and didn't require much concentration.
Sorry you didn't like it, I thought you might enjoy it (._.)

I didn't find it relaxing,
sometimes I think I need to give zen lessons for you people, as it seems you have no idea what relaxation is!
But I was enjoying it until that damned "flying is hard" part.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
The Sniper Elite 3 season pass was just okay. The Kill Hitler mission was neat and the different options were quite cool. It was amusing too. The Save Churchill missions were more of a mixed bag. Part 1/2 felt really boring in that one reused an area from the main game (but at night!) and the other didn't reuse an area but might as well have with how familiar it felt. The final mission was a lot more unique and had a really nice sense of scale to it so that kind of made up for the first two. The gameplay is still pretty tight though and I enjoy creeping around with my silenced pistol and barely doing any sniping. If you liked the main game I think 9$ is a pretty decent price for the content you get. It took me around 4.5 hours and that included messing around with the free shooting range they added for a bit.


Euro zone :p

And I don't think steam allows credit cards from different countries?

create new steam account, use credit card from EU if you can, gift it to your TW account, activate since you are physically in the EU.

problem solved, plus you end up with a EU account you can use to bypass region lock. you can even use your TW cc on it

source: turned my steam account into US, can use SG cc on it, have another SG account for 26% discount (from exchange rate)

alternatively, use EU paypal (transfered from a TW paypal) in the EU store


Any way to avoid tax on amazon?

Euro zone :p

And I don't think steam allows credit cards from different countries?

I actually use my NA card I have that somehow allowed me to use Taiwan addy (don't ask me lol). Can buy TW games with it (that isn't blocked) tax free...
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