$2 or not I'm trying the demo of Mr. Robot before I bite. heh.
Volcynika said:I know this is a day late but I swear I didn't notice these at all!
I have two Killing Floor guest passes for whoever wants em.
BeeDog said:Could I perhaps get one please?
This happened to me yesterday. Eventually I got an email saying my card was declined. I remembered this exact thing happened to me during the Aquaria sale a few moths back... tried again and everything went smoothly.Spy said:Now I get this error when I try to purchase something.
There seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait a minute and try again or contact support for assistance.
Don't buy them then. But your sense of entitlement is ridiculous.Lostconfused said:Nothing is wrong with me, some of those games are garbage.
:lol :lol :loldanielijohnson said:I've played Mr. Robot and it's definitely worth $2 if you like old school platforming/puzzles.
Also, I just mentioned this in the Xbox Live thread, but NO ONE should be complaining about Steam deals here.
360 is doing a deal every day through New Year's and the deal of the day is an SD rental of Batman Returns for 80 MS Points instead of 160.
Tom Penny said:I hope torchlight gets better. I'm somehow not getting my $4.99 worth.
What sense of entitlement?speculawyer said:Don't buy them then. But your sense of entitlement is ridiculous.
danielijohnson said:I've played Mr. Robot and it's definitely worth $2 if you like old school platforming/puzzles.
Also, I just mentioned this in the Xbox Live thread, but NO ONE should be complaining about Steam deals here.
360 is doing a deal every day through New Year's and the deal of the day is an SD rental of Batman Returns for 80 MS Points instead of 160.
You were right about that, the payment just failed and I bought everything again with no problems.poweld said:This happened to me yesterday. Eventually I got an email saying my card was declined. I remembered this exact thing happened to me during the Aquaria sale a few moths back... tried again and everything went smoothly.
I think it took about 40 minutes for the charge to fail.
Jesus Christ.danielijohnson said:I've played Mr. Robot and it's definitely worth $2 if you like old school platforming/puzzles.
Also, I just mentioned this in the Xbox Live thread, but NO ONE should be complaining about Steam deals here.
360 is doing a deal every day through New Year's and the deal of the day is an SD rental of Batman Returns for 80 MS Points instead of 160.
randomlyrossy said:I've never gotten the Jade Empire hate, it's a frickin' BioWare RPG! I thoroughly enjoyed it when I played it on Xbox. As always a great story, I will say I can't recall to many of the characters from it so I guess that's a weakness but I liked the new more real time combat and the world was lovely to look at. The game looked amazing at the time, no idea how it'll hold up now but I doubt it looks bad by any stretch.
randomlyrossy said:I've never gotten the Jade Empire hate, it's a frickin' BioWare RPG!
You say that as though this is preferable to Steam.DryvBy2 said:Jade Empire is like $3 on Amazon. Retail. With the box...
DryvBy2 said:Jade Empire is like $3 on Amazon. Retail. With the box...
Today's deals kinda suck.
Tom Penny said:I hope torchlight gets better. I'm somehow not getting my $4.99 worth.
anddo0 said:Does Splinter Cell Chaos Theory support gamepads?
Peripherals: Windows-compatible mouse and keyboard only
Kulock said:I tried the Mr. Robot demo, but the first time playing I screwed up an NPC in the intro by just standing in front of them. Not a big deal, but what really bothered me was how annoying the demo spam was. There was one screen overlaying the main menu and a warning about the 60 minute timer, a constant starburst in the top-right corner, a button on the PDA to buy the game, another splash screen part of the way through, then when I tried to exit after my first Virus battle (oh boy, RPG battles in an isometric puzzle platformer), it shoved up a page with "HI I'M THE DEVELOPER'S DOG BUY THE GAME," no thanks, ok, you're still making me step through several pages of screenshots about features of the game before you're letting me exit even now, and what looked like an ad for a different game?
I'm sure none of these things will bother me in the full game release, other than the NPC glitch and slightly sluggish controls, but that was an irritating demo that doesn't deserve to be rewarded, I'm sorry.
And this might be your... opinion?epmode said:You say that as though this is preferable to Steam.
(it's not)
DryvBy2 said:And this might be your... opinion?
I prefer to have the retail packages if it's the same price.
I've read that it does and I wound up buying the game because of this. However, now that I'm looking for more concrete proof, I'm finding it difficult.anddo0 said:Picked up Jade Empire. I'll play it with my wired 360 controller.
Does Splinter Cell Chaos Theory support gamepads?
It's a fact, like everything else on the internet. You're wrong.DryvBy2 said:And this might be your... opinion?
DryvBy2 said:Jade Empire is like $3 on Amazon. Retail. With the box...
Today's deals kinda suck.
Hardly matters, as the PC version of Jade Empire is actually $40 on AmazonKerrinck said:Some of us do not live in the US.
noisome07 said:Just wondering.. where is it 3$ at Amazon?
Nishastra said:Hardly matters, as the PC version of Jade Empire is actually $40 on Amazon![]()
Have you had junk food today?bengraven said:Fuck.
Anyone want to gift me Jade Empire? haha
DryvBy2 said:Well, it was on there for PC a few days ago. But if you have a 360, its on there for $2.77 used.
I'm not talking about the merchants, and regardless, neither of those is $3.DryvBy2 said:http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000J165AO/?tag=neogaf0e-20
$9 used. $20 new.
I guess if we buy two copies, that would be $40. :/
Nishastra said:I'm not talking about the merchants, and regardless, neither of those is $3.
DryvBy2 said:Well, specify next time. I also didn't just say for PC, now did I? So, technically I am right since used it's $2.77 (+$3.99 shipping) on Amazon for Xbox.See how that works?
Gexecuter said:2 dollars.
DryvBy2 said:Well, specify next time. I also didn't just say for PC, now did I? So, technically I am right since used it's $2.77 on Amazon for Xbox.See how that works?
RedSwirl said:Holy crap. Mass Effect is the only BioWare game I've ever played and I'm on track to get almost all of them now because of these deals.
How's Jade Empire? I don't find generic European-style fantasy very interesting but this take on Asian fantasy is something I've kinda wanted to see RPGs do. How far does this game take it? Is it it's own fantasy world or does BioWare pull straight from Chinese mythology?