Steam Holiday Sale 2011 | Valve Has Run Out Of 3rd Party Coupons/Games (Dec 19-Jan 2)

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I've only gotten two achievements that have redeemed so far, and the second one just gave me Jurrasic Park, the full game. Not too shabby. I've heard there isn't much gameplay in this, but kinda wanted to try it anyway - was waiting for a cheap cheap sale sometime down the road. Not anymore! (That is unless someone wants to make me a good trade offer...hint..hint)

I can give you loads of coupons for it! ;_;


Has anyone at all played the Sherlock Holmes games?

Are they decent adventure games?

Someone said earlier in the thread to get them if you at all like adventure games. I get the feeling they're decent/good, not bad, not amazing. It probably helps if you like Sherlock Holmes.


Has anyone at all played the Sherlock Holmes games?

Are they decent adventure games?
I already had The Silver Earring on disc and bought the pack on Steam today. In The Silver Earring the characters are a bit lifeless but it was an ok adventure game.


BioShock Infinite is like playing some homeless guy's vivid imagination
So if I've never played a tower defense game before, is Defense Grid the best place to start?
I've only gotten two achievements that have redeemed so far, and the second one just gave me Jurrasic Park, the full game. Not too shabby. I've heard there isn't much gameplay in this, but kinda wanted to try it anyway - was waiting for a cheap cheap sale sometime down the road. Not anymore! (That is unless someone wants to make me a good trade offer...hint..hint)


Part of me is itching to just go ahead and redeem it myself right now (rather than hold it for potential trade) to get todays achievement and another gift.

I feel like I'm on Press Your Luck...No Whammies!


I've only done two objectives (join steam group and the easy one yesterday), but I've already won Monkey Island SE and Frozen Synapse.
Looks like I'm getting Rage, Payday, Defense Grid, and Swords and Soldiers (mainly for the achievement). I'm considering Jurassic Park but it depends on how realistic the jeep damage is. :)

I'm buying a Payday 4-pack when I get home and will post up the info around 6PM EST for anyone that is interested.


I won a copy of L4D GOTY edition for joining the steam community. I already own the 360 version of the original so not sure whether to redeem it or what. One one hand I guess the PC version might have mods or custom maps, but on the other hand I've played enough of L4D. L4D 2 would have been sweeter.

Thinking about picking up the Stalker games..


Still going through Chernobyl and it's such a great game. The atmosphere in that game is like no other. Great sound design and art.


Last time I checked, about a few months ago, the game was pretty dead. At this point it seems like the only reason to get MNC is for some possible item in Super MNC when it launches.

Thanks, I'll just be picking up Defense Grid today then. MNC looked cool but if no one is online seems like a waste.


-50% off Alien Breed 2: Assault

UGH. I had to check just to see that I already owned it.

Nobody would even want this for free.


Those asking about MNC just signup for the SMNC beta here you should get an invite within a few days and it is a steam code. SMNC probably got a bigger online community then the original by now.


listen to the mad man
7 redeemed so far:
33% off Valve
50% off Konami
5 pieces of coal

Didn't buy anything just for the achievements though, plan on playing everything I bought.


Sherlock Holmes The Awakened is great if you like Cthulhu Mythos. haven't played other ones.

Anyone doing Payday 4-pack?
I won a copy of L4D GOTY edition for joining the steam community. I already own the 360 version of the original so not sure whether to redeem it or what. One one hand I guess the PC version might have mods or custom maps, bur on the other hand I've played enough of L4D. L4D 2 would have been sweeter.

Do you have L4D2 on PC? If not keep L4D and download a lot of custom maps.

If you do have it on PC then well.... IDK lol.
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