Boss Doggie
all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Also if you've played the tutorial once, you don't need to play it again.
No. If you already own it, your only option is to gift or trade it. It'll stay in your inventory until you do one of those two things with it.
Anybody doing a Payday 4-pack ? Looking to join one.
Well I just won the first game. I was asking about it possibly adding maps or something to L4D2 for having it installed, but it looks like L4D2 already has ones maps probably? Maybe I should give it to someone or trade for something.
Steam is being really weird right now. I leave for work in the morning and leave Steam on to continue downloading Psychonauts. I get home and I am starring at a new full 5 gig download of Psychonauts plus a full TF2 download. WTF.
Trying my hardest not to buy Defence Grid.It´s hard when everyone recommends it here, but Tower Defence games have always just been time wasting games, and it seems wrong to buy such games when I have so many gamers that are actually interesting.
Trying my hardest not to buy Defence Grid.It´s hard when everyone recommends it here, but Tower Defence games have always just been time wasting games, and it seems wrong to buy such games when I have so many gamers that are actually interesting.
Trying my hardest not to buy Defence Grid.It´s hard when everyone recommends it here, but Tower Defence games have always just been time wasting games, and it seems wrong to buy such games when I have so many gamers that are actually interesting.
One more for payday!! Add me on steam please, same as gaf name.
Yes.If I wanted to gift x amount of people a game that doesn't have a 4 pack, do I have to go through the transaction process multiple times?
If I wanted to gift x amount of people a game that doesn't have a 4 pack, do I have to go through the transaction process multiple times?
You can do that but you still can only have one copy in the cart at a time, unfortunately.I'm pretty sure you can buy them all at once if you click "purchase as a gift" when you check out and they'll just be added to your "manage gifts and guest passes" tab. I'm nearly positive it worked out that way last year.
I wouldn't take the gamble personally (you never know) but to be fair, it is fairly likely to be an end-of-sale repeat seeing as it's been sitting at the top of Top Sellers for most of the day.Fuck why did I ask for Batman AC for Christmas? If I don't get it I'm going to wish I had bought it on sale. Maybe it'll be on the final recap day.
You can do that but you still can only have one copy in the cart at a time, unfortunately.
Yeah, it's pretty good! Seems like there's a lot to unlock with the progression stuff, too.PAYDAY The Heist is awesome
What did you do to get your buttons to show up as buttons? Mine are all (1) (2) etc.Make sure to use whatever the functionality was in motioninjoy that makes it think its a 360 controller.
Also a tiny patch looks like it just came out, seems to have solved the lighting issue.
This might be the wrong place to ask, but did anyone else make Diggle Nog in Dungeons of Dredmor and NOT get the achievement?
What did you do to get your buttons to show up as buttons? Mine are all (1) (2) etc.
I'm intrigued by Payday now. Anyone else willing to do a 4-pack?
Did you check in your profile? When I did it I didn't get a pop-up notification but I got the achievement.
oh come the bleep on Steam
I finally get 7 pieces of coal and decide to try my luck at crafting
I get a 50% off on the title The Wonderful End of the World coupon which would be nice if I DIDN'T ALREADY OWN THE GAME >_<
Yeah, I guess I won't craft.
I'll join one as well I guess. I didn't last long avoiding buying
Yeah, I guess I won't craft.
I scored Section 8: Prejudice on my first craft.