Anybody who wants to trade a coal for a coal to get the achievement, hit me up on Steam. Same username.
I'm gonna need a little more info because there's like almost 300 users with Htown included in the name.
Anybody who wants to trade a coal for a coal to get the achievement, hit me up on Steam. Same username.
What exactly did they change? Now the snowflakes don't disappear?
Really? Toki Tori was fun.
Those... those bastards...
Wanna trade a 25% off valve for a 25% off valve?
Added you. SteamID: FolyHuck
Speaking of which anyone want just the game? I'm trying to justify buying it if I can sell off the game since I already have it >_>.
How much content do you get for the initial price? I know there's a shit-ton of DLC, but how substantial is the base game?Rail Works is actually pretty enjoyable, I have had it for a year now after last year's deal. I play it on and off, it is actually really calming to play. Plus you are driving a MOTHERFUCKING TRAIN. It is definitely worth it at the price it is now.
The worst part is after you start playing it and you see all these cool looking trains as DLC you start to question your morals about buying them.
Anyone want to trade a 503 error for a 503 error?
I sent you a trading invite but you didn't respond. Might be the servers though. I'm doing it through the client but I'm a steam trading virgin myself too.Sounds good to me. Do I have to be logged into the Steam application itself to trade? I am logged in through the web. Also, how do you trade as I've never done it before.
Will it activate on Steam for U.S. users? If so, I'd give you $16 for just the game (It's $20 on GMG).
I got this email from Getgamesgo saying that Arkham Asylum would be free on the 26th....?[IMG][/QUOTE]
Only if you buy Arkham City.
[quote="Adnor, post: 33700268"][IMG]
Those... those bastards...
Amazon just matched Steams price for SR3. I whole $4 difference :/
Looks like I'm getting SR3 from GMG. I have $5 credit so that makes it $15. I don't care about SR3 dlc (from what I've seen). So, $15 feels a lot better than $23 from THQ.
When was the last time capcom actually participated in daily deals?
I really feel like playing DR2 off the record right now, and I doubt they'll go lower than 50% but...still.
Anybody who wants to trade a coal for a coal to get the achievement, hit me up on Steam. Same username.
Hey thanks for posting this, I was hoping for a cheap price on FM2012 somewhere. And it's Steamworks I think so it'll activate on Steam?
Football Manager 2009 CD Keys in this format: 1AB2CD3FGH456I7JK8LMNOP9Q
Football Manager 2010 CD Keys in this format: 1AB2CD3FGH456I7JK8LMNOP9Q
Football Manager 2011 CD Keys in this format: 1AB2C-D3FGH-456I7-JK8LM-NOP9Q
Hey thanks for posting this, I was hoping for a cheap price on FM2012 somewhere. And it's Steamworks I think so it'll activate on Steam?
I sent you an invite but you didn't respond. Might be the servers though. I'm doing it through the client but I'm a steam trading virgin myself too.
Only if you buy Arkham City.
Rail Works is actually pretty enjoyable, I have had it for a year now after last year's deal. I play it on and off, it is actually really calming to play. Plus you are driving a MOTHERFUCKING TRAIN. It is definitely worth it at the price it is now.
The worst part is after you start playing it and you see all these cool looking trains as DLC you start to question your morals about buying them.
It is just like the Wii version except it has the Wind fortress extra that one did not.How is this Steam version of Cave Story+?
I never played the game, so is this a good buy? Is this one just like the Wii version then?
MostHmm the Super Indie Bundle is tempting me for Gemini Rue and Cave Story + alone but i don't want the rest that bad... anything else worthwhile in there?
I had to rewind bonus wind bonus 2 I think it was so many times and making the frost hang about for longer (assuming thats their change) won't make that one
When was the last time capcom actually participated in daily deals?
I really feel like playing DR2 off the record right now, and I doubt they'll go lower than 50% but...still.
The Summer Sale I believe had DMC and RE5 on for 10 dollars, We have another 9 days of sales I can definitely see some Capcom Games on Sale.It almost seems like they quit after that one game (DMC 3?) got listed at 75 percent off (9.99), was selling like hotcakes, #1 on the chart... and then Capcom forced Valve to go back to 50 percent off as the DD. It then fell out of the top 10, and Capcom forever abandoned the DD. I guess they took the wrong lesson from that.
Are you certain you are on a snow map when doing it? As it only works on those and its random when maps are snowy. Also player order is random, make sure you're not killing yourself.Greed Corp achievement broken? I did it two times now...
How much content do you get for the initial price? I know there's a shit-ton of DLC, but how substantial is the base game?
My GAFFers, please, help me with these specs, I'm amateur when it comes to specs!
I want to pick up Alien VS Predator
My Laptop:
2.3 GHz Intel Core i5
4GB 1333 MHz DDr3
Intel HD 3000
Can I run AVP? I'm on a MacBook Pro but I'll be using bootcamp.
Quick help guys, thanks!
Wait, Rage is $14.99 in the US Store? £14.99 here... screwed again
with a bit of tweaking, you should be able to run it at 1280x720.
I am, but inventories have to be back up to do that stuff. There is someone else I was talking to about it who had 2 copies. I may just deal with them later today rather than with a new group.Also, anyone up for EYE 4 pack??