I just crafted my coal and ended up with F1 2011. Is anybody interested?
that's nice
if you want to give it! consider this thread
I just crafted my coal and ended up with F1 2011. Is anybody interested?
I just crafted my coal and ended up with F1 2011. Is anybody interested?
I don't know about being awesome, that might be a little extreme, I've only played fifteen minutes of it, but it's surprised me. I remember hearing it's a clunky Deus Ex type game, and maybe it becomes that, but the intial impression is much more of a shooter, the shooting feels pretty good for a source game too.
I just crafted my coal and ended up with F1 2011. Is anybody interested?
Is Rage only $15 on the American store? Is anyone able to gift it to me? I am able to Paypal funds straight away.
What about Cave Story and From Dust? Only 2 I am interested in from today's sale.
I'll just ask here since I didn't get a response in the OT.
Can anyone help with this problem I'm having? The last time I played the game it was working fine but now when I try to open it it shows this error message.
I've tried reinstalling the game and setting it to launch in windowed mode but it still appears. Any help would be appreciated.
Is Frozen Synapse worth playing for single-player only? It looks compelling, but I don't play on-line often.
So is the inventory down for anyone else?
So is the inventory down for anyone else?
Is Frozen Synapse worth playing for single-player only? It looks compelling, but I don't play on-line often.
If Cities XL was $9.99, I could bite. But $19.99 still seems too much for me.
anyone know where the savegame folder is Fateoftheword? I use %appdata%\Roaming\fotw\save (paste into navigation bar) but get an error
Copy and paste this "%appdata%\Roaming\fotw" and add a save folder.anyone know where the savegame folder is Fateoftheword? I use %appdata%\Roaming\fotw (paste into navigation bar) but get an error
anyone know where the savegame folder is Fateoftheword? I use %appdata%\Roaming\fotw\save (paste into navigation bar) but get an error
I'm hoping asassasassasasin's creed 2 gets a daily deal. 10 quid is pretty nice, but I'd be much happier if it was only a fiver.
In Vista/7 it's on C/Users/(your user)/AppData (hidden folder)/Roaming/fotw.anyone know where the savegame folder is Fateoftheword? I use %appdata%\Roaming\fotw\save (paste into navigation bar) but get an error
I have the same opinion on basically every game. And didnt buy FS for the MP. You'll play multiplayer, everyone does. Its chess on crack.
I don't really know what that means. I've googled 'dome-headed' in relation to the game and only get that same page, so I don't know how to check which maps can have the reindeers in them.Reindeer randomly spawn on any maps that also spawn the dome-headed creatures.
Has anyone got the Reindeer achievement in EYE? The link on the first page says this:
I don't really know what that means. I've googled 'dome-headed' in relation to the game and only get that same page, so I don't know how to check which maps can have the reindeers in them.
Anyone know?
I think the first level they appear is Forgotten Center, like the 4th or 5th level of the game.
You can quickload there by opening the console and typing 'map cc_forgotten'
Oh look, what do we have here...
Science or someone wants to trade them?
SCIENCE.Oh look, what do we have here...
Science or someone wants to trade them?
Just go for it.
Or at least, do so when it works. I just tried to craft my 7 coal and then the 503 errors started again. The suspense is killing me!
If you get a somewhat decent game, I'll also do it.
Is the inventory system borked for anyone else?