Anyone have expereince with tages? Installed Risen and I can't get past this screen at all and I'm not getting any errors about the server not being up or anything.
Risen is an older game, did you get / google the newer drivers?
Anyone have expereince with tages? Installed Risen and I can't get past this screen at all and I'm not getting any errors about the server not being up or anything.
Risen is an older game, did you get / google the newer drivers?
It's only the single Indie game that invented the fucking Indie game revolution. OF COURSE it's worth it. It's so above average it's GOD.Also, is Cave Story worth playing? Looks kind of neat, but I have a pretty big backlog and don't have time for games that are merely average or above average.
Anyone have expereince with tages? Installed Risen and I can't get past this screen at all and I'm not getting any errors about the server not being up or anything.
Anyone have expereince with tages? Installed Risen and I can't get past this screen at all and I'm not getting any errors about the server not being up or anything.
Risen is an older game, did you get / google the newer drivers?
Yeah I uninstalled the drivers it came with and installed the ones from here
Did you get it from Amazon?
There was an issue about Tates game activation like 2 weeks ago on CAG.
I got it from as a gift from steam. Yeah I remember the problems CAGs were having and I still can't find the solution.
Flooding the community with coupons would only have worked if deals weren't typically ridiculous like 50-80% off during sales where most people, hardcore or otherwise, just pick up a large collection during relevant sales periods. Anyone who watches the topsellers lists during the regular days of the year will probably notice that it barely changes unless a new release or a big enough sale warrants it.They should really put up an option on the last day that let you craft a game from your coupons. Make the required amount high enough so that they don't bleed money but at least let people get rid off them.
Only hardcore users are actively trying to get the achievements and these users know that all of the titles are currently cheaper in the sale than what the coupons will offer past january 2nd. I really don't think these will have a trade value as people that didn't take part in the contest aren't likely to even trade for them at all and the market will be flooded with coupons.
So there I am, playing through EYE and I finally get the gift achievement. I log out and check my inventory.... 50% off EYE Divine Cybermancy
Thanks Gabe
They should really put up an option on the last day that let you craft a game from your coupons. Make the required amount high enough so that they don't bleed money but at least let people get rid off them.
Only hardcore users are actively trying to get the achievements and these users know that all of the titles are currently cheaper in the sale than what the coupons will offer past january 2nd. I really don't think these will have a trade value as people that didn't take part in the contest aren't likely to even trade for them at all and the market will be flooded with coupons.
Yeah, this may well be one of those experiments that Valve runs, so they can say "Hmm, do these useless coupons actually get traded and used by other people during non-event-sale times, resulting in higher overall sales?" And then they can do it again if it works, or trash it if it doesn't.
I really really hope they trash it...
I had a couple TF2 idlers sitting around so i took an hour of my day and (trade/inventory/group join) on all of em.
If you got Batman you would think otherwise.I think coal would be less of a burn if you needed fewer (like 3 pieces) to craft something. 7 is too much.
People are using TF2 itself to idle, not external programs. People who do that are being rewarded by Valve, not punished.
I'd imagine that most publishers will avoid putting their games for sale during that period. This whole coupon thing is terrible. I would almost rather get nothing when crafting than another useless coupon.Keep in mind that these should stack with any deals that pop up From January-March...the coupons could be valuable at that point.
I really really hope they trash it...
Keep in mind that these should stack with any deals that pop up From January-March...the coupons could be valuable at that point.
If you got Batman you would think otherwise.
A lot better than they had winning off 7-14 coal in the end contest.What are the chances these guys get something worthwhile?
Steam newbie
Can anyone help me with the trading thing? I have no idea what's going on
Steam newbie
Can anyone help me with the trading thing? I have no idea what's going on
Open a chat with someone in your friends list then click on the 2 arrows pointing at each other.
Steam newbie
Can anyone help me with the trading thing? I have no idea what's going on
2 questions I'm hoping someone can answer:
1. I have a coupon for Civilization IV. However, it says it has 2 items, both Civilization IV. Only difference is one of them has the "circle R" registered symbol next to it and the other doesn't.
2. How much value do you guys think the Civ IV coupon is, plus a 33% off Saints Row 3 coupon? I'm hoping to grab Mass Effect 1 and 2.
I just sinned and bought Cave Story+ outside of Daily Deal.
I just sinned and bought Cave Story+ outside of Daily Deal.
I just sinned and bought Cave Story+ outside of Daily Deal.
A lot better than they had winning off 7-14 coal in the end contest.
Humble Bundle would have given you 12 games for the same price plus a bunch of soundtracks for the games too.I just sinned and bought Cave Story+ outside of Daily Deal.
Sure, it doesn't make it less of a burn when 99% of the time you get a 10% off Activision coupon
I admit it's easy to say this when I'm not Valve and there are people out there exploiting the system by means of indie bundles and whatnot, but still.
That said, I mean, we get free shit out of playing stuff, so whatever...
If you a fan of twinstick shooters. I implore, no i demand you guys pick this up.
Watch TotalBiscuits 13 minute WTF is video. If your not convinced by the end of it, then i can't help you.
Did i mention the game is 75% off at $2.49?
Game supports the 360 pad and multiplayer is a blast. Fuck Super Stardust HD and Geometry Wars when this game exists.
Yea... about that...Does Steam do this sort of thing often?
I remember them doing some thing for Portal 2 where people could play to bump the release date earlier..
Kinda fun.. I just wish I had a computer that would run most gamesI'll definitely be checking out Steam more in the future.
I had never even heard of this game until you posted. I'll admit though, that video was pretty awesome.