Isn't it still cheaper on Amazon?
No, but people should be getting the 4 pack really. Makes the game $2.5 per copy.
Isn't it still cheaper on Amazon?
Isn't it still cheaper on Amazon?
Not even close, Valve is the champ on that one
Nope. It was 3$ yesterday with all the DLC on Amazon. The full pack on Steam is 12$ (all DLC) right now
Fuuuuck I really hope they put Dungeon Defenders on sale...![]()
It's not bad per se, the meta achievement thing could've definitely been done better or handled differently (coupons being shitty or unstackable during the sale for the most part)... do you have most of the games that typically go on sale? For alot of games that were on sale under 10$ the last few days they are plenty good and worth the sale price. I haven't bought much but it's mostly because I blew most of my money building a backlog during the summer, so everything on sale I kinda already have is all.Is it just me but this has been a shitty Steam winter sale so far?
Prob just me.
25% off bitComposer spoil me Gabe
I think the sales are great..I think its just other places like Amazon are getting on board the big digital sales race and now there's more competition..before no one had sales like lots do.
Once again, check it out and lemme know
Going to pull the trigger on Skyrim in about 10 minutes, please tell me if it's cheaper for digital download elsewhere. I read something about Amazon UK having it for cheaper, but I'm looking at Amazon US and don't see that deal.
Isn't it still cheaper on Amazon?
I was never intersted in it, hear it had an achievement so i was curious. Then i saw that size. If it were really good i would've give it a spin.CrimeCraft is 10 GB? Jeez ....
PS. why can't I still d/l Civ 5 from Amazon?!
I've been finding something pretty much every day. Today's Hard Reset for me, finally bit on Rage yesterday, Arkham City before that, and there's a decent amount of non-daily deals I'll scoop up by the end of the sale too. I'm curious though, what are a handful of things you'd want to see that'd make it a good sale?
We had Arkham City for 50% off, that was a pretty big one, and stuff like Skyrim for 33% off today is pretty good too. I do think it's unrealistic to want $5 sales on $50/60 new releases from the 2nd half of this year myself, so I'm not expecting anything like that.
My fellow GAFfers!
1- What's extra on Plants VS Zombies since it's the GOTY edition?
2- I want Bastion on sale!
Merry Christmas GAF-bro's.
If you can, please answer, thanks!
Except that Amazon Risen doesn't activate on Steam.Yeah Amazon has been pretty amazing. 2$ Dungeon Defenders and Renegade Ops + DLC and 5$ Risen.
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Rage, Arkbird and Skyrim have been good deals but then you have shameful stuff like Saints Row for $33 when THQ's own website is offering it + the DLC for almost 10 bucks cheaper.
Rage, Arkbird and Skyrim have been good deals but then you have shameful stuff like Saints Row for $33 when THQ's own website is offering it + the DLC for almost 10 bucks cheaper.
1 It was a free update I believe, not anything special I think.
2 But it was on sale about a week or two before these sales. But I think it will be since it has an Christmas achievement.
Are the CoH expansions worth it for the multiplayer? As in, do they add nations or gameplay modes?
Does anyone have a couple hundred crowns in the spiral knights? I still havent gotten that dumb achievement and I'm about to kill myself. Bleh.
If anyone needs a UK GAFfer to help out with any of the daily deals today, then feel free to add me.
Steam ID - CazzBside
I'll be around for the next few hours or so.
Does anyone want a free copy of Frozen Synapse?
I don't expect Steam to have 100% the best deals anywhere ever. That's just how it goes.
pretty sure I do. Same name on steam?
If anyone needs a UK GAFfer to help out with any of the daily deals today, then feel free to add me.
Steam ID - CazzBside
I'll be around for the next few hours or so.
According to the achievement Wiki, Renegade Ops' achievement requires the Coldstrike DLC, is that correct?
Horrible decision if so, locking the achievement out unless you purchase DLC.