Finished the Jamestown achievement and got Trials 2: Second Edition. How is it?
Won the Witcher Enhanced Edition but already have it. Anybody have games they are willing to trade for it?
more like 11gb
lolwut, I downloaded it for 5gb and the in-game update of 500mb.
Shows as a 10 GB download on the actual downloading screen. No idea if accurate though.
lol that fucking sucks. It was Mass Effect 2, and the sales over. Ugh.
Edit: So there's literally NO way to gift this now at all?
Just crafted a 50% off Dungeons franchise coupon. I want to delete it.
Just got the Hard Reset cheevo.
-10% Valve. Really Gabe? REALLY?
I feel like people actually mean "there are no games I want" when they say a sale is horrible, so I wish they would just say that.
I own a lot of the games that have been on sale but there have still been some good ones.
75% off Hard Reset and 50% off Arkham City, for instance.
Also I just did the And Yet It Moves achievement and got:
At least I don't already own it. I might keep it.
I wouldn't mind having that if you're giving it away.
The sale prices have been pretty weak so far. Steam has been thoroughly beaten on prices by Amazon in many significant instances.
I can't post a thread about this (being a junior member and all), so I'll just leave this here.
Merry Christmas?
Hard Reset gave me 75% off Napoleon: Total War.
Then I went and did the Renegade Ops achievement and it gave me a copy of Devil May Cry 3.
Metacritic on that looks pretty low, was that because the game itself was bad, or because Capcom was doing crappy ports at the time? And how does it run on today's hardware?
I can't post a thread about this (being a junior member and all), so I'll just leave this here.
Merry Christmas?
Metacritic on that looks pretty low, was that because the game itself was bad, or because Capcom was doing crappy ports at the time? And how does it run on today's hardware?
Skyrim isn't 5$, this sale sucks!
Fake and old as hell. There's been a post just today on this. smh
I got 3 coals to trade to somebody who have a full game to trade back.
Anybody got an offer?
Can I turn items / coupons in my inventory that I don't want into coal?
What does "crafting" mean? Can I turn items / coupons in my inventory that I don't want into coal?
The other way around.
Used my first 7 coal and received a copy of Trine 2. Does the game you get depend on what you have on the wishlist?
It just seems like too much of a coincidence that I got the one game I actually wanted. Maybe it's just me having some serious luck.
I think if they got rid of the coupons all together people would like the sale more. Even if the chance to win a game was still the same. The coupons are just so pointless it's really annoying when you get one.
Damn, I really suck at Crimecraft, can't get to 200. But the game itself sucks as bad as me, so we're even I guess.