I picked the Argon Peacekeeper. There seemed to be a lot more ships in the immediate vicinity.
Dunno how much you've figured out already, so some general tips for everyone: Find a civilian or a transport ship, autopilot your way to them (click on them and a context menu should pop up). You'll see an X pop up near where your reticule is when you're almost in range. That's your targeting computer, calculating how far and in what direction you need to lead. The X will change shape when you're in range. Shoot with right click but fire slowly, especially on civilian ships. They are quite fragile and might blow up the moment your first volley reaches them. Deplete their shields (blue bar) and then damage their hull (green bar) shot for shot until they hail you and bail. If your victim doesn't bail, don't kill them. Just hail them (press c) and any authorities they may have alerted and apologize. Then terrorize someone else.