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STEAM | July 2014-3 – Let Off Some STEAM Bennett

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Yeah, that's what i figured. I think i'll badger him into Trine 1 coop instead now that that's a thing. Thanks!

If you enjoyed Portal 2 CO-OP you might want to give Ibb and Obb a try, I played it on the PS3 and it was a pretty fun co-op puzzle experience.. I'ts 2D and its puzzles are clever in the portal 2 sense where once you do it you are like "ah-ha" then have to succeed in getting the mechanics down. It also requires both players to do different things.. The two pack is still on sale I believe if you have any interest.
Thanks for all the well wishes everyone. It's time for a repost!

The games are:
Witcher 3
Divinity: Original Sin
Bioshock Infinite
Dead Rising 3
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Bad Rats

Choose wisely for I have another twist. I have an avatar for the "Winner" of Bad Rats to wear proudly for one week. GLHF!

Everyone is free to enter. If you already own the game you win, feel free to give it away here. +1 to your modbot lootstash. You should all enter for the grand prize.

ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 6 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (phoenix296, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 24 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.


Mystery Game #3 -- MB-B0F744CEFE11B547 - Taken by Indignate. 33 entrants total.
Mystery Game #2 -- MB-A8790DD02D76D40B - Taken by SSPssp. 46 entrants total.
Mystery Game #1 -- MB-EEC3610A6EEF9907 - Taken by adaen. 26 entrants total.
Mystery Game #6 -- MB-8A9147987C89DEDB - Taken by Chairmanchuck. 38 entrants total.
Mystery Game #5 -- MB-397AB214A7C23A97 - Taken by DJSebolski. 66 entrants total.
Mystery Game #4 -- MB-9852D0C5A2A7CCC5 - Taken by Stuggernaut. 28 entrants total.

yeah, I also feel like it's my fault more and more "veterans" are leaving :( well in case anyone felt offended (or annoyed) by anything I ever posted - I'm deeply sorry :( I guess it'll be best if I just go back to only posting giveaways when I have something worthwhile to share with you guys

New people come into threads all the time... hell, that's what the mods of GAF really want -- they don't like it when main threads in the gaming forum end up being isolated communities where newcomers don't feel welcome and are afraid to get involved because... well, they're new.

I honestly just recently stopped reading and posting on another forum in a thread in which I was a "regular". And while it was true that I was annoyed by some of the newer posters, it was more that a lot of the people I considered friends had slowed down their posts for a variety of reasons. It just wasn't the same anymore, especially without the people I enjoyed posting all the time. Did some of the newer people I didn't like annoy me? Sure... but that's why forums have an ignore function.

New blood is not a bad thing. There just needs to be a balance struck between old and new where the old use some patience and see where things go and the new learn the ropes of what does and doesn't fly. Some learn quicker than others. Some see that people don't like them and try harder to be liked. Some just do what they want, regardless. Some people are grumpy about everything (yeah, that's me)... there's a large variety of people and personalities in here and there's no real reason anyone should be afraid to post their thoughts or opinions.

TL;DR (cause Frost tends to ramble): There's room for everyone. Regular/established posters should make judicious use of their ignore lists where they cannot find the patience to tolerate or get to know new members. Remember, we were all new once. New members should just be themselves and post when they have something to say. Just try not to drive the thread away from Steam related conversations.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Oh there it is, thanks.

I'm surprised that Ace Combat is still excluded from family sharing though. I would have figured that with the steamworks transition they would have also flipped that switch.

Baby steps. ;)
If you enjoyed Portal 2 CO-OP you might want to give Ibb and Obb a try, I played it on the PS3 and it was a pretty fun co-op puzzle experience.. I'ts 2D and its puzzles are clever in the portal 2 sense where once you do it you are like "ah-ha" then have to succeed in getting the mechanics down. It also requires both players to do different things.. The two pack is still on sale I believe if you have any interest.

my brother is like one of 4 steam users that doesn't have portal 2 or portal 1, for that matter. He's also the type that breaks puzzles and doesn't really have a lot of patience for actually solving them the right way. So i dunno about getting him into that game.

I'll give him credit, though, the way we broke like half of the LCGOL's puzzle rooms was pretty fucking hilarious.

here's some quick impressions from about an hour of playing Planet Explorers (which, for this type of game, is nothing really). Planet Explorers is a game much like Terraria, Starbound, or Starforge, where you are dropped on some open world planet and you have to explore, dig and build shit. The idea of these games fascinates me but the lack of objectives usually in them always puts me off, and this is where I hope Planet Explorers will be better.

For one, there is a story mode. I dont know how long it will be or how involved, but for now, it feels like your typical rpg, only instead of them giving youa shovel or a sword to complete your objectives, they give you the blueprints for those things, and you need to craft them yourself before you can complete your objective. Early quests are pretty much tutorial stuff, as the lady you are helping is basically giving you all the basic tools you will need (shovel, pickaxe, weapon etc) while you fetch stuff for her to make medicine for herself and whatnot (get 10 wood and 5 animal fat to build a campfire), much like you would in any mmo.

Crafting interface seems simple enough to use, like I said you get blueprints for stuff and then can build them whenever you want on the fly (for now). From my short time with it I already had a dagger I started with, a axe, a sword and shield, a pickaxe, a shovel, a bed that I found in a box, a torch, an assortment of healing items and a shitload of plants that I harvested. And dirt, because you cant play these games without collecting a bunch of dirt.

The game is in alpha (I thought it was in beta actually) and sometimes it feels very much like a game in alpha. Collision detection is wonky, you right click on stuff to gather or loot but most of the time it wont register, you need to keep clicking, you left click to attack (theres actually some nice combat animations I was surprised) but because the collision detection is wonky it doesnt feel very satisfying, most of the time youre not sure youre hiting something, the world looks great but it seems to be barely populated for now (for example, I had an escort quest where the guy says "protect me from animals because im a doctor!"... we went to the location we had to go, which wasnt exactly close, got what we needed, went back, saw 1 lizard which never even attacked us :p), stuff like that. Nothing seems outright broken, just lacks a ton of polish. But it shows a ton of promise dont get me wrong. If they can clean this stuff up it will easily be my favorite of these type of games.

I love how colorful it looks, the world looks great, there seems to be a variety of weird monsters (even tho I barely saw any, the ones I saw looked good, including a giant...rhino...thing just walking around), and if the idea of a rpg / mmo (mmo in the gameplay sense I mean) with terraria style crafting and building is something that sounds appealing to you, give this a shot or at least keep an eye on it while it progresses.


Like I said I only played about an hour to get a sense of it, I didnt build houses or dug my way into oblivion, or made jetpacks and hanggliders and shit you see on screenshots. Besides the story mode there was an adventure mod, which just seemed to dump you on the planet and said "now go do shit I dunno!", and a multiplayer mode which I didnt try.

Nice write-up. Would you recommend it since it's on sale? I've been on the fence for a few days.
Thanks for all the well wishes everyone. It's time for a repost!

The games are:
Witcher 3
Divinity: Original Sin
Bioshock Infinite
Dead Rising 3
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Bad Rats

Choose wisely for I have another twist. I have an avatar for the "Winner" of Bad Rats to wear proudly for one week. GLHF!

Everyone is free to enter. If you already own the game you win, feel free to give it away here. +1 to your modbot lootstash. You should all enter for the grand prize.

You told me to enter last night. If you still want me to, I will... seems silly, but I want to be nice to the generous birthday boy.

Now the trick will be... figuring out which one is NOT bad rats.


my brother is like one of 4 steam users that doesn't have portal 2 or portal 1, for that matter. He's also the type that breaks puzzles and doesn't really have a lot of patience for actually solving them the right way. So i dunno about getting him into that game.

I'll give him credit, though, the way we broke like half of the LCGOL's puzzle rooms was pretty fucking hilarious.

I can be that way too and it truly was awesome how LCGoL let you solve so many situations with what you might just say is skill rather than having only one way possible to solve the room or whatever. I like that!


And after a forever of workarounds and tricks I finally got Doom 3: BFG Edition up and running and played through DOOM (the original) for the first time.

Have to admit i never played Doom 1 myself. Did you like it even though it must have felt dated as "hell"? :D

Guess I should finally get Doom 3 myself (hate to admit, but I never owned a legal copy of Doom 3 because my parents didn't allow me to buy it back then), maybe even the BFG Edition however people really seem to hate the changes they introduced with this version.
Thanks for all the well wishes everyone. It's time for a repost!

The games are:
Witcher 3
Divinity: Original Sin
Bioshock Infinite
Dead Rising 3
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Bad Rats

Choose wisely for I have another twist. I have an avatar for the "Winner" of Bad Rats to wear proudly for one week. GLHF!

Everyone is free to enter. If you already own the game you win, feel free to give it away here. +1 to your modbot lootstash. You should all enter for the grand prize.

gahdamn, thanks for the opportunity.

edit: oh hey, it's your birthday? happy bday then!


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Waiiiiiiiit. I am in for 5$, too. Can you buy two copies, please?

[Down Arrow] You edited the list JaseC :/ There's no huge sensation anymore, ha.

Ah, yeah, I had to. GAF posts are limited to 25,000 characters and while I did factor in the extra characters that would be contributed by the [s] tag, I forgot to account for the "Taken by ..." notations, so eventually ModBot brushed up against said limit and could no longer apply edits to my post.
Have to admit i never played Doom 1 myself. Did you like it even though it must have felt dated as "hell"? :D

Guess I should finally get Doom 3 myself (hate to admit, but I never owned a legal copy of Doom 3 because my parents didn't allow me to buy it back then), maybe even the BFG Edition however people really seem to hate the changes they introduced with this version.

the only real major issues that the BFG edition has anymore is that it isn't compatible with most (all?) of the mods for Doom 3. The lighting differences have been fixed and it's a fantastic value with Doom 3, Resurrection of Evil, a bonus campaign exclusive to BFG, and Doom I & II, all with controller support and widescreen support without needing to get your hands messy with mods and ini files.

Basically, it call comes down to mods vs controller support.
It's pretty good overall, and if you enjoyed AC, it's worth playing. Whether a game is fun/disappointing/Etc. may be subjective, but it's really hard to say that either AO or AC is terrible while praising the other as being amazing.

The story for AO actually manages to be engaging and has some emotional/surprising parts, something I found lacking in the previous games. It isn't realyl noteworthy when it comes to video game/comic book stories overall, but it's a considerable step up from AA and AC's stories.

my big problem with the story was around the actual 'reveal'. I'm hoping they change it up for Knight
and they kind of have to...
, but rehashing the same story focus 3 times started to get a bit lame.


I burst my mobile data cap surfing GAF :/

I know that feel. Anyway, you're just the man I'm looking for. You're at Steam level 52, how often do you get boosters? I'm at 40 and wondering whether it's worth time getting to 50. If not, I'm just going to start selling all cards now to get ready for the next sale.


Have to admit i never played Doom 1 myself. Did you like it even though it must have felt dated as "hell"? :D

Guess I should finally get Doom 3 myself (hate to admit, but I never owned a legal copy of Doom 3 because my parents didn't allow me to buy it back then), maybe even the BFG Edition however people really seem to hate the changes they introduced with this version.

The funny thing is, Doom doesn't feel as dated as Doom 3 does. Doom was a lot of fun because of the speed you're always moving at, and the enemy types being different enough to make you change up how you attack. The weapons are still very cool even if all of them are staples to every FPS now.

I played about a half hour of Doom 3 BFG, and I don't entirely mind the changes that were made. For a "graphical upgrade", though, it doesn't look too hot. But it still plays well, which is what I enjoyed it for. The inclusion of the flashlight not being a useable item and a on/off switch now is a good thing, though it does defeat the purpose compared to what it was like in the original version, having to switch back and forth. It all depends on your play style. I chose BFG because it came with the first two games, so that I could play through all three.


Humble plug in digital bundle
TIER 1: 1$
  • Ethan Meteor Hunter
  • Finding Teddy
  • Mechanic Escape
TIER 2: 6$
  • Legends of Persia
  • Kill The Bad Guy
  • Freaking Meatbags (EA)
  • Project Temporality
TIER 3: 10$
  • WRC 4 FIA World Rally Championship


Me and some other gaf members have been having a blast the last couple days with custom L4D2 campaigns. Our new one will be probably today in a custom Lord of the Rings themed Survival map on Helms Deep. I saw besides us four humans 4 npc playing with us along side.
Since I am not knowledgeable in this part; how can a match be set up to play with 8 humans alongside? Is only the server admin able to do that?
I believe it would be immensely joyful to play with 8 Gaf members at once, so if anybody knows how to set up such a game or is a server admin just hit me here/pm/steam chat.
We plan on starting the match at 22:30 CET (16:30 EST / 13:30 PST). If a 8-player match can be arranged, there'll be place for four more players.
Would be ace if someone could help. I plan on dribbling some webms later for hype.

im down for some L4D2 Veggie.

I burst my mobile data cap surfing GAF :/

I did the same thing during summer sale while I was at work.
Thanks for all the well wishes everyone. It's time for a repost!

The games are:
Witcher 3
Divinity: Original Sin
Bioshock Infinite
Dead Rising 3
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Bad Rats

Choose wisely for I have another twist. I have an avatar for the "Winner" of Bad Rats to wear proudly for one week. GLHF!

Everyone is free to enter. If you already own the game you win, feel free to give it away here. +1 to your modbot lootstash. You should all enter for the grand prize.

This brings to mind a question regarding the modbot rules and etiquette. I know that people aren't supposed to sell or trade their keys, so if they enter and win, they have to redeem or be outcast, which makes total sense...

But what about these multi-game mystery giveaways? Would trading WITHIN the giveaway winners be a problem?

Let's say, theoretically, I won Bioshock Infinite, which I already have, and some other dude wins Divinity:OS, both from your same giveaway. If they want Bioshock Infinite more than Divinity: OS (lol), should/can we trade? Is that disrespectful at all?


Got an extra. All three have cards, by the way.
ModBot said:
Instructions for chronomac:
Press the quote button to the left of this PM, select the quoted text, copy, and paste in the thread. You can remove these lines from the version you paste.

Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 3 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (chronomac, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible
- This giveaway is a raffle. The winners will be selected by random draw 3 hours after the draw was created. Any games not claimed after that point will be given away first come first serve.

Finding Teddy -- MB-1D3E0999887C27A6 - Taken by Gravelord_Nito. 8 entrants total.
Ethan Meteor Hunter -- MB-57302B0967D524AC - Taken by sheaaaa. 3 entrants total.
Mechanic Escape -- MB-142ACBCCF769C9B5 - Taken by Hugstable. 3 entrants total.



For who asked way earlier.
Only the free Agarest war DLC is worth it.
Nothing else adds to the game. Better off getting a trainer than the DLC if you need help.


Have to admit i never played Doom 1 myself. Did you like it even though it must have felt dated as "hell"? :D

Guess I should finally get Doom 3 myself (hate to admit, but I never owned a legal copy of Doom 3 because my parents didn't allow me to buy it back then), maybe even the BFG Edition however people really seem to hate the changes they introduced with this version.

Oh comedian over here! (I like puns!)

And I am quite a Doom heretic myself. Only played Shareware copies of 1 and 2 (Edit: I should say I finally played through them all the day each of them came out on XBLA, but that was a good decade or more after only playing the demos) and played about three minutes of 3 on Xbox, which is so horribly slow to play, too sloppy and muddy. I did however manage to kill a friendly NPC by way of flashlight and meleeing while turning. The best part of my heresy is that 2012ish I played through and beat 3BFG and liked it quite a bit! Headphones were key, in regards to the atmosphere (but that is more about 3 in general).
This brings to mind a question regarding the modbot rules and etiquette. I know that people aren't supposed to sell or trade their keys, so if they enter and win, they have to redeem or be outcast, which makes total sense...

But what about these multi-game mystery giveaways? Would trading WITHIN the giveaway winners be a problem?

Let's say, theoretically, I won Bioshock Infinite, which I already have, and some other dude wins Divinity:OS, both from your same giveaway. If they want Bioshock Infinite more than Divinity: OS (lol), should/can we trade? Is that disrespectful at all?

Since the question of ethics is being brought up and it's my give away I'll just say I honestly don't care what the winners do with the games as long as they don't sell them for profit. You can do whatever the hell you want with them otherwise.


This brings to mind a question regarding the modbot rules and etiquette. I know that people aren't supposed to sell or trade their keys, so if they enter and win, they have to redeem or be outcast, which makes total sense...

But what about these multi-game mystery giveaways? Would trading WITHIN the giveaway winners be a problem?

Let's say, theoretically, I won Bioshock Infinite, which I already have, and some other dude wins Divinity:OS, both from your same giveaway. If they want Bioshock Infinite more than Divinity: OS (lol), should/can we trade? Is that disrespectful at all?

I believe phoenix gave permission to someone to trade his game for bad rats since he has everything except bad rats.

I think you should ask for permission if you want to do so.


Humble plug in digital bundle
TIER 1: 1$
  • Ethan Meteor Hunter
  • Finding Teddy
  • Mechanic Escape
TIER 2: 6$
  • Legends of Persia
  • Kill The Bad Guy
  • Freaking Meatbags (EA)
  • Project Temporality
TIER 3: 10$
  • WRC 4 FIA World Rally Championship

It's the Humble "This should be a $2 Groupees" Bundle.

I burst my mobile data cap surfing GAF :/

Yeah, I did that once too, but just turn off images/gifs/avatars and it's fine.


Story of my life. What's your cap?

i couldn't cope with a limit

my cap is around 5GB I think... so I was pretty surprised. It couldn't be anything because based on the Data Usage tracker... it all came from Chrome.

I know that feel. Anyway, you're just the man I'm looking for. You're at Steam level 52, how often do you get boosters? I'm at 40 and wondering whether it's worth time getting to 50. If not, I'm just going to start selling all cards now to get ready for the next sale.

hmm I get them roughly about once every 2 weeks? thereabout I think... (I just hit Lv52 from the Summer sale.. so I'm not 100% certain)
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