An early access game from a big publisher just doesn't sit with me right =/
Don't worry. Nothing major will change.An early access game from a big publisher just doesn't sit with me right =/
Let us know what you think of lego in its current state. Debating whether to pick it up now or not.Oh wow... I've managed to rack up 52 hours in The Witcher 3: the Wild Hunt. This game has done for me what few others have ever done. It's given me a sense of wonder and has managed to draw me completely into its world. The only other two games to do so were Zelda OOT and my first exposure to the Elder Scrolls series (Morrowind- still the best ES game I've played).
And LEGO Worlds just dropped in EA. Bought that straight away for the whole family to try. Hope it is decently fun and easy to get into. Gonna give a whirl before my sons and wife try it.
An early access game from a big publisher just doesn't sit with me right =/
Bloodborne and Uncharted will never come sadly ;_;With Type-0 coming to PC and the 'rumours' of P5 and Tales of Zesty also coming to PC... I guess I really don't need a PS4 yet.
Bloodborne and Uncharted will never come sadly ;_;
Bloodborne and Uncharted will never come sadly ;_;
With Type-0 coming to PC and the 'rumours' of P5 and Tales of Zesty also coming to PC... I guess I really don't need a PS4 yet.
With Type-0 coming to PC and the 'rumours' of P5 and Tales of Zesty also coming to PC... I guess I really don't need a PS4 yet.
I know about ToZ, but P5? Tell me about it.
With Type-0 coming to PC and the 'rumours' of P5 and Tales of Zesty also coming to PC... I guess I really don't need a PS4 yet.
Yass. If this graph ic accurate then there is no need to upgrade as of yet.
come to think of it ... was there EVER a Sony game (that wasn't made by SOE, naturally) that made its way over to PC?
no big loss.
Not sure. But definitely nothing of their major franchises. Out of the big three only MS is not too concerned with keeping stuff fully exclusive forever.come to think of it ... was there EVER a Sony game (that wasn't made by SOE, naturally) that made its way over to PC?
no big loss.
MS is really going the extra mile with those Cortana notifications.
no big loss.
I know about ToZ, but P5? Tell me about it.
That's what I tried to tell people.
It's such a weird situation when the PC gets a AAA exclusive sequel to a multi-platform game.
Don't worry... when it doesn't do enough on PC, they'll port it to x1 and ps4, just like every other game that's had the PC version remastered for the "current" gen (Tomb Raider, Sleeping Dogs, DmC, Shadow Warrior, etc.).
It will get a PS4/XB1 GOTY edition like all the other recent PC RPGs (Wasteland, D:OS)
Those crafty studios are just using us a cheap QA before they release on platforms that matter.
Bloodborne is duckin amazing though. Best game of 2015 so far.
do i start up witcher 3 now or do i wait in hope that the 1.05 patch drops to continue getting xp?
2K publishing them who have a fuckton more money
Which makes me wonder why 2K would release Enemy Within on consoles a year later.Everyone does realize XCOM bombed on consoles right?
That's what I tried to tell people.
Not that I wanted to buy one but 980Tis are ~750 in Germany right now. Nice markup.
More like wishful thinking. Would line up with sega wanting to do more digital and PC stuff. But seems Atlus branch isn't fully under sega since they can still kinda do whatever they want it seems. Though a big title on PC would be the way to start things.
Mostly rumour mongering based on VC.
That's why I put quotes on it, nothing official at all.
I'd sure love for it to be right though.
Same with ToZ.
I have to say this is one of the lazier insult names I have ever seen. It makes "M$" look like a work of Shakespeare by comparison.
I'm still on the #NoVITAnobuy initiative. SquareEnixcan go choke on it.
You're dead to me.
With Type-0 coming to PC and the 'rumours' of P5 and Tales of Zesty also coming to PC... I guess I really don't need a PS4 yet.
no big loss.
Speak for yourself!
Being two of my favorite series, I'll have to get a PS4 at some point.
Not sure. But definitely nothing of their major franchises. Out of the big three only MS is not too concerned with keeping stuff fully exclusive forever.
It's good but I still don't think you're missing out too much if you've played the other souls games. Then again though if you've played the others you might as well play them all.
That's like saying "well, if you've played Dark Souls 1 & 2, there's no reason to play Demon's Souls." Which is 100% absolute bullshit.
That's like saying "well, if you've played Dark Souls 1 & 2, there's no reason to play Demon's Souls." Which is 100% absolute bullshit.
That's like saying "well, if you've played Dark Souls 1 & 2, there's no reason to play Demon's Souls." Which is 100% absolute bullshit.
I don't know if anyone posted this but Grow Home's $4.79, if you don't mind using Uplay.
if you don't mind using Uplay.
do i start up witcher 3 now or do i wait in hope that the 1.05 patch drops to continue getting xp?
Are you adamant about doing ever single thing there is to do in the game in one playthrough? Are you only ever going to play it once, even if you are? Do you absolutely have to max out your characters ability tree?
If the answer to any of those is even a tentative no, I'd say go ahead and start playing. I don't think the XP thing is a big deal, and the game is very deliberately designed for replayability. They're also talking about maybe getting the XP you lose out on back when the patch comes. Maybe.
Why Early Access?
LEGO Worlds will be a fully open-world, creativity-driven game so we want to ensure that we provide it with the utmost care and attention as we expand on our ideas. So much of this game will be about building and sharing and by sharing our plans with the community, we hope to incorporate their feedback and build an experience together that fans of LEGO and this genre of video games can enjoy.
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
The current plan for LEGO Worlds is to be in Early Access through 2015 at which point we hope to have our full list of features in place. Well evaluate a release candidate in early 2016, but we wont consider the game complete and ready for release until we believe our community feels we have delivered a great game.
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
We plan to add the following features through a series of regular updates:
- Like/Dislike system for tailoring World Generation
- Procedurally Generated Underground Cave Networks
- LEGO ID integration to allow for sharing and uploading of in-game builds
- Additional Biomes
- Painting Themes
- Pre-Generated Towns/Villages/Settlements relevant to the Biome
- Updated AI Behaviors to provide organic feeling to free-roaming creatures and characters
- Red Brick Extras
- Full liquid behaviors
- Additional Minifigure Characters and Creatures
- Additional Vehicles and Pre-Built Models
- Additional Weapons
- Cut/Copy/Paste chunks of landscape
- Underwater Gameplay (including Vehicles, Creatures and additional sea life)
- Character Customizer
- Online Multiplayer
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
The Early Access build currently features:
- Procedurally Generated Worlds
- Terrforming and Building tools
- Discoveries and Unlocks
- Rideable Creatures and Vehicles
- Day/Night Cycle
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
Yes, the game will be available at a reduced price during Early Access
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
Well be actively monitoring the Community Hub here on STEAM and look forward to feedback and suggestions for the game. We'll also be offering people a chance to experience the Development of a LEGO title for the first time, and several members of the team will be providing some interesting dev diaries over the coming months.
I'm on #NoVITAnoBuy... why am I dead to you :/
and I thought we were on the same page on the PS4 :/
Are you adamant about doing ever single thing there is to do in the game in one playthrough? Are you only ever going to play it once, even if you are? Do you absolutely have to max out your characters ability tree?
If the answer to any of those is even a tentative no, I'd say go ahead and start playing. I don't think the XP thing is a big deal, and the game is very deliberately designed for replayability. They're also talking about maybe getting the XP you lose out on back when the patch comes. Maybe.
Guns n Zombies
Kraven Manor
Montague's Mount
The Moon Sliver
The Path
The Samaritan Paradox
i'd rather have my cake topped with strawberries than without if it meant waiting a bit more.
Haven't they been posting yearly losses for the last few years?